Aug. 27, 2024

What Is Up in the #Cosmos?

The podcast featured Kathleen Flanagan as the host, discussing the journey of awakening and spiritual growth with guest Zak Lioutas. They talked about overcoming fear, releasing negative emotions, and raising vibrational frequency during challenging times like Mercury retrograde and the blue moon. The importance of making decisions, aligning with Spirit, and choosing the right path for personal growth and spiritual fulfillment was emphasized. Zak shared her personal experiences and insights on navigating life's challenges with faith and resilience. The conversation highlighted the significance of self-discovery, surrendering to Spirit, and staying connected to one's true purpose. The podcast aimed to inspire and empower listeners to live their highest vision with love and joy.

- In this episode, Kathleen discusses the current energies in the cosmos and how they are impacting our lives.

**Main Topics Discussed:**
- Overcoming fear and resistance during Mercury retrograde.
- Releasing dense energy and emotional healing.
- Raising vibrational frequency to navigate through turbulent times.
- Making decisions and aligning with Spirit for a smoother journey.
- Choosing the right path at the fork in the road.

**Key Takeaways:**
- Embrace fear as a catalyst for growth and transformation.
- Surrender to Spirit and trust the guidance provided.
- Raise your vibration to gain clarity and understanding.
- Make decisions from a place of alignment and surrender.
- Seek support and guidance from trusted individuals on your journey.

- Zak Lioutas, a spiritual coach and mentor, shares her insights and experiences on navigating through challenging times and aligning with Spirit.

**Additional Information:**
- Connect with Zak on Instagram at @spiritualhustler and visit her website at B F U
- Zak is hosting a retreat from September 20th to the 22nd in Ontario.
- Kathleen Flanagan offers tools and guidance to help individuals realize their true potential and live a life of purpose and abundance.

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: Hello everyone and welcome to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV network. The purpose of the show is to help you realize that you are not alone, that you are in control of your life.

KATHLEEN: It doesn't matter where you came from or what the circumstances are. We've all experienced pain, suffering, hurt. Abandonment, loneliness, and hopelessness. This show is here to help you turn those dark moments around and create a whole new you.

KATHLEEN: Despite your success, have you felt lonely, angry, frustrated, or even suicidal? Do you long to be supported, recognized, and supported for who you are, not just the awards and accolades on your walls? You don't want to be known, identified, or remembered in a way that feels fraudulent because you achieve things out of obligation and not passion.

KATHLEEN: Do you find yourself sitting quietly at lunch listening to what lights you up, only to feel shame, fear, frustration, and resentment? Your inner turmoil and limiting beliefs surface, making you feel not good enough and afraid to doing something different. You've read the books, attended the seminars, and practiced new concepts and principles. Yet you still feel yourself in the same rut.

KATHLEEN: The lies you tell yourself perpetuate a cycle of disappointment. You say you'll change, but your self-limiting beliefs keep running the show, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. As a certified coach, I empower you to become your authentic self. My Soul Journey program aligns you with your true self and guides you to find your soul vision, helping you discover your purpose in life.

KATHLEEN: I provide tools to step into your true magnificence and remember who you are. If you are interested in learning more, contact me at bravetv at Check out, an aromatherapy based body care line offering alternative healing remedies using natural and organic ingredients.

KATHLEEN: Use the coupon code BRAVETV for a 40% discount. The products are guaranteed and if something isn't working, we can reformulate it specifically for you. Visit, which is a CBD company that includes essential oils in every blend with either broad spectrum or an isolate.

KATHLEEN: Every product is tested and the lab results are available on the website. Use the coupon code BRAVETV for a 20% discount. Each week, we start the show with a sound of tuning forks, bringing in love, excuse me, happiness and balance to set the tone for the show and bring out the best in both myself and my guest. Let's begin.

KATHLEEN: Zak Lioutas is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment. With a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine, Zak serves as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for transformation. As a spiritual alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the frequency of God's divine presence within themselves.

KATHLEEN: With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight, Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential. Overcome obstacles, and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their Creator. Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's frequency.

KATHLEEN: Now she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and loving a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment. Welcome, Zach.

ZAK: Hello. Thank you for having me.

KATHLEEN: You're welcome. So good to see your bright, shiny face.

ZAK: I know, and I didn't think my camera was going to work again today. I got on. Early and I was like no way are you kidding me and I don't know what magic happened but here we are.

KATHLEEN: I'm live we're live and the wind's blowing through your hair like you're outside so I assume you have a fan on yes.

ZAK: Yes I do so.

KATHLEEN: I decided we were going to talk about what is going on in the cosmos because it's been a very tumultuous August. And everybody I know has not survived or barely survived the battle. They all have scars in one form or another from this month.

KATHLEEN: So I thought, well, I know what I've been through, hell and back. I know that most people have felt that way as well, but August, that's something that normally happens in August. So I figured we're just going to let you open up with this because you've had some pretty profound insights as well about this month. So I thought, let's just open it up. With you sharing.

ZAK: Awesome. Well, thank you, August. I actually had a great August. And a lot of people that I spoke to was like, this month was so hard, hell broke out of me. And I'm just like, it just is going to happen. It's going to happen. It's Mercury retrograde, we had a full moon. And it really is where you are on your spiritual journey. Because we're being guided to let go or should I say surrender the lower vibrational frequencies.

ZAK: The lies that we've been telling ourselves for so long and it's so easy to hold on to the lie because we're programmed to lie everything is okay stay positive things will change suppress all your emotions so no one knows what you're going through well the beautiful thing is I got to play with Mercury retrograde for the last seven years and to really harness Hermes and to harness all the other beings I played with during Mercury retrograde and I must say that this retrograde was probably one of my happiest retrogrades ever even though I'm not going to say I didn't slip and slide but the slipping and sliding was far from in between it was more happiness and joy so I've had people say Zak things are coming up I can't stop crying why am I crying so much and I say stop asking the why just surrender to it just say thank you for leaving my body thank you for leaving my soul thank you for leaving me And thank you for guiding me and teaching me so much of my own life that I've grown through.

ZAK: We always want to know the why. Why do I feel like this? Why is this? Why is that? Sometimes that's great, but you don't always need to know. I went through so much in my life playing with Mercury in the last seven years. I remember I used to be driving and I'd be like bawling. And I'm like, just go away from me.

ZAK: I don't want you anymore. And I didn't ask why is it coming up? It's coming up because it wants to leave your body. It's coming up. Because the memories that are so imprinted in your soul says, I'm done with this. I don't want this anymore.

ZAK: So the more that we just surrender, even surrendering our minds, surrendering our soul, even surrendering parts of our body, why don't I say parts of our body? We hold on to so much emotional cloggage in our organs, in our cells, in our bones. So if you have knee problems, it could be stability problems. You have back problems. It could be support problems. If you have heart.

ZAK: Problems it could be heartbreak problems you have throat problems it's not speaking up or standing your truth so it really seems like my whole body is breaking down it's not it's telling you to release let go let go let go and the thing that you should like ask what the question is what else should I let go of what else should I surrender what else do how else am I going to grow and evolve throughout this four-week journey we're going into post-Mercury retrograde right now this is what I go creating your blueprint for the next three months.

ZAK: Mercury for the last three weeks has been showing us things that we've been going through, has been showing us what has been coming up for us, has been showing us our emotions, has also been showing us snippets of individuals or maybe your own journey. So now it's like, do you want this? Work on it. If you don't want it, let it go. Surrender.

ZAK: If it's not meant to be, surrender to it. If it's meant to be, it will be there for you. So right now I would suggest everyone write their blueprint. What is it that you want to work on until the next Mercury retrograde shows up? And there's a new moon coming up soon. So it's a perfect time to create this blueprint. It's a perfect time.

ZAK: To light that green and white candle and to really surrender and understand that the cosmos isn't here to create havoc and chaos in your life well it is because that's what awaits you but it's also here to create order so it's up to you if you want order if you want to live in chaos but the opposite from chaos is order and in order we find internal peace that.

KATHLEEN: Was a mouthful I know how I roll. I know how you roll. I agree with what you were saying because I know that during the blue moon that we had, I think that was the time when I got hit the hardest with it, where I was just so much energy was weighed on me at that moment.

KATHLEEN: Like my whole life blew up. And I told everyone there was an explosion in the universe, and it just was filtering down to the earth because I felt, and I didn't have a lot on my plate. But it was so many people's problems.

KATHLEEN: All of a sudden, the environmental industry blew up and I didn't even know how to deal with it because I'm just doing my little la-la, happy-go-lucky kind of place and everything's going smooth. And I'm thinking, wow, this is really nice sailing. And I was really enjoying the ride.

KATHLEEN: And then this blew up. And as one of my coaches said, he said, well, maybe God decided to come along to see. How would you handle a tsunami? How well are you doing right now? Because, you know, as long as everything's smooth sailing, how are, everything's easy peasy. But once a tsunami hits or something upsets the boat a little bit, how are you handling it?

KATHLEEN: Well, I handled it. I mean, I didn't know what was going on at first. I just felt flattened, like I couldn't move. And it was just do one thing, you know, one thing. That's all you have to do just to start moving the energy. And I remember having a conversation with you telling me that it's like all this heavy, dense energy coming out that needs to leave.

KATHLEEN: And I'm thinking, well, I didn't know I had that much, but I think I was receiving so many other people's stuff because I was, as you said, I was problem solving for people because they weren't my problems, but I was helping other people. And most of them, there was only one problem out of all of them that we had to deal with.

KATHLEEN: But I just remember that I just started moving through that. Because everything was moving. And then I made decisions to decide I was going to start calling people and let them know what I'm doing and getting into enrolling them into my program. And my body decided on Saturday, because I made the commitment on Saturday, I was going to call and my body just decided, oh, I don't think so, sweetheart.

KATHLEEN: Oh, no, we're sick. We are not doing well today. And I was just like, you're fine. Everything's fine. I did it anyways. Because I knew exactly what was happening was that this, the ego was trying to stop me because this was to me was my movement forward.

KATHLEEN: As you were saying that blueprint that if I didn't do it, then what's going to be another three months before I decide I'm going to do it. And it was like, no, it's time to do it now. If I want something to change, it's got to start within. And I think what that did, and if people understand this is. Just moving through something that is very terrifying for you and making phone calls is terrifying.

KATHLEEN: Getting on a stage is easy where that terrifies most people. So, it's relative folks and just moving into that second place, because then everything started to open up where, I'm going to be doing summits and I found places where I can meet event planners to get on stages or do summits or whatever.

KATHLEEN: And it was like the door just like open because I said, I'm doing this. Here I am. I'm done being small because it's more smallness and I didn't want to be small. I wanted to live up to my full potential. And I think that was a big factor for Mercury retrograde because retrogrades don't usually affect me, but this one, it hit me pretty hard.

ZAK: Yeah. It was a physical memory that was trying to hold you back. That's exactly what it is. And we don't realize that it took me many years to understand that. It's as we move forward and we want to get uncomfortable with ourself, our body goes through this paralyzation of I can't do it because it's that physical childhood memory that shows up.

ZAK: But when you overcome that and be like, no, I can do this because I'm meant to do this and I'm here to create and you push that send button like you did. It's like now what you're doing is dissolving that dense energy that you've been holding on to. Right. Because then it gets then it gets stuck in our mind and it manipulates our mind. So. You did a great job and I was happy I was there with you throughout the journey.

KATHLEEN: All right. Well, we're going to go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the journey of an awakening Spirit this is Kathleen Flanagan your host and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV network and I have Zak Lioutas in the room with us so we will continue up where we left off at the break so.

ZAK: Yes we were talking before the break about how our body has remembrance of our emotions and our trauma and our hurt and even though we thought or even though we think we've let it go in our mind it's the memory that our body that holds us in that same position year in and year out and that's why working out is good that's why going into hot saunas is good even if you're doing cold dunks is good drinking a lot of water is extremely important our body is made up of 70 of water so these are ways that we could release emotions as well and I remember when I was doing colon hydrotherapy and as a colon hydrotherapist I had so many people bawling on the table because As I was releasing substance from their bowels, that was attached to so many emotions.

ZAK: And they're sitting there, they're exactly, I don't know why I'm crying. I said, well, because we're getting rid of the fecal matter, which is stagnant matter in your body, but it also has an emotion that comes with it. The things that I heard when I was in colon hydrotherapy blew my mind in that room. And I always say to myself, I wish I wrote these things down because I had so much.

ZAK: People so many people going through anger or so many people going through guilt or hate hate was a big one too they held so much hate in their digestive system and that is between your root and your solar plexus and it's in the sacral so in between that whole area so when we start letting go and we start surrendering we start trusting we start becoming you're going to have releases and it's going to be a physical release it's going to be an emotional release going to be a spiritual release and this is what was going on during Mercury retrograde and the blue moon.

ZAK: And like I said, we're coming into a new moon right now. So this is all for our greater good. I know some people say, oh, it's Mercury's fault. No, no, no. Mercury didn't make you do it, sweetie. Mercury's just telling you to get rid of the gun. Mercury's not telling you to hold on to the gun. So I always say people blame Mercury retrograde like they blame the world on their problems, right?

ZAK: So stop blaming my buddy Hermes and start taking responsibility for your actions and reactions because Hermes is there. To show you a fun time. He's a comedian. Hermes is there to guide you through a process. Hermes is actually a brilliant being that really guides you into your light. I could hear him saying, thanks for that because it's true.

ZAK: I used to always say, oh, Mercury retrograde. And he'd be like, stop blaming me for the choices that you've made in the past that are sitting in your body in the present moment. And that's what it is. Stop blaming others. Look in the mirror. And like Michael Jackson said, it all starts with the man in the mirror.

ZAK: So you can't say things are going to change and wait for your spouse to change or wait for your kids to change or wait for your boss to change. No, you need to change your situation. And that's exactly what it's all about when it comes to Mercury retrograde and especially the blue moon. The blue moon energies was around for like five to seven days. It was crazy. I know my clients were going crazy.

ZAK: I'm just like, I'm trying so hard not to laugh because I've been there. I'm like, let me just guide them through this process. I'm not laughing at them. I'm laughing with them because I know once you overcome this, you're going to be like, oh, that was like debilitating to my soul. Yes, it was. But imagine how long you've been holding onto that.

ZAK: So that's what this whole, this whole game is all about when it comes to our body, energetic frequency and physical matter that we're holding onto.

KATHLEEN: Well, I know that when I was in Cabo San Lucas in June, And I had done this Genesis frequency session and I was losing my mind. I mean, it was like I was emotionally, I was, it was like whatever they hit, he went into first cause is what he did. And I didn't understand, I know what that is, but I didn't understand what had happened prior, you know, before I was able to reach him.

KATHLEEN: And I talked to this one woman who is absolutely amazing. I mean, her credentials are just unbelievable. I have never heard of half the things she did, but I knew exactly what she did because of how she was and how the titles of whatever it was she did. And I remember saying, I don't know what's going on.

KATHLEEN: And the one thing she said to me is you're not supposed to know, because if you were supposed to know the words would be there. This is an emotional release for you and you need to be in the emotion. And it was, it was so intense that I was losing my mind.

KATHLEEN: Body was shaking because whatever Brian had done in that session to release this first cause, which is the original thought that I was emerged into existence with, whatever that was, was so powerful that when I finally let it go, it was unbelievable. But I had to go through the emotional healing because you don't release your anger. You don't release frustration or overwhelm or anything.

KATHLEEN: Unless you go through the emotional healing. You can heal up here. You can say I'm healed here, but you don't heal until that emotion has left your body because that emotion is so intense. I mean, I watched every, as my anger subsided was because I had more and more understanding of whatever that was the original thought of the anger, what triggered it, what happened to me that caused anger.

KATHLEEN: And as I... And it was always tsunamis to me. They were just the ugly crying. You can't stop crying. And it's like, and then, oh God, here comes another. You know, it was just like pounding and it sucked, but it was so life changing. And so I've never hated crying like that again.

KATHLEEN: I still don't like it, but I allow it to come in because it is one of the most healing places you can ever go because. It transforms you for the rest of your life. So when you're saying that, and when you said, when we talked about what was happening with me and that weight that was on me, it makes sense because I knew my Spirit knew I was going to be making these phone calls in a couple of weeks.

KATHLEEN: And even though I didn't have any issue or attitude around the calls, my body had an issue about it, and I think I was being pre-warned. Without knowing it because sometimes we don't know. We're just going on about our business.

ZAK: Yeah. So that old memory that's coming up of don't do it. It's scary.

KATHLEEN: Oh yeah. I was terrified. And my coach was so when I called him after I had done it, I said, I didn't call just one. I called five people, three of which were so happy that I called and they were looking for me and they want to get in touch with me and they have questions.

KATHLEEN: And the other two I left messages for. And then I sent an email. Drip out to all of them. But I was so stunned when I heard, oh my God, I was looking for your last name or, oh my God, I do have so many questions for you. There's so much in your book and I have to reread it. And I'm just sitting here going, what?

KATHLEEN: That was not what I expected. Because in my own mind, the monster was, they're going to beat me up. Why are you calling? What do you want? I'm not giving you any money. And I'm like, I wasn't even asking for money. You know what I mean?

ZAK: Totally. Totally.

KATHLEEN: But the whole point was, is that I went through it and I had a script, not that I really followed the script, because, you know, as soon as you get on the phone, you know that it's going to unravel the way it needs to unravel and you're going to be present. You're not going to read a script like a robot. But I needed the script so I could feel safe, you know.

ZAK: Totally. I get it.

KATHLEEN: It was it was so freeing. And when I contacted my coach about it. He was like, oh my God, you just opened the door, Kath. Everything's coming your way now. Because he said, I knew you were really fighting this. He allowed me to be where I was, but he knew there was a lot of resistance. And because I had told him, this will be my biggest fear to walk through.

KATHLEEN: I told everybody, this is my biggest fear. If I can get through this, I know I'm smooth sailing. Doesn't mean it's going to be smooth waters, but it's still going to be smooth sailing because the worst of my fears are over.

KATHLEEN: That was a big one for me. And things are just slowly kind of, it's still Mercury retrograde. So I'm being in the calm right now, knowing that things are going to start changing within the next week or two.

ZAK: Yeah. I always think this, like if life was so smooth, do you think it would be exciting? It wouldn't. It just wouldn't. This is what Spirit's saying, like sometimes we need to go through those dark moments to recognize a deeper sense of ourself. We can't find a deeper sense of it in ourself when we're in this goo-goo-ga-ga land of la-la.

ZAK: Like, you don't see that because it's like, oh, it feels so good. Oh, this is so orgasmic. Oh, this is so much. And then all of a sudden you fall down a hill. And you're just like, whoa, what was that all about? And that's where the real lesson is.

ZAK: That's why when people say, Zak, I'm going through depression, I'm going through anxiety, I'm like, great, great. That's a great place to be now that you identified that. Now let's move out of that. What do you want your life to look like? The thing is, is that people don't even know what they want in their life.

ZAK: And if you don't know what will you want in your life, you will always have fear of moving forward. I even said this today when I was doing a live. I said, you have that fear because you don't know where you're going. But if you have a point that you want to reach, it's just like a pilot.

ZAK: Probably just doesn't get in a plane and say, well, let's see where the wind blows us today. And then also it's like, oh, we're going to Cancun. Oh, wrong. Sorry. We're going to Mexico. Sorry, Cancun isn't Mexico. We're going to Jamaica all of a sudden, right? It's like, no, you have to have that point of reference where you're going to go.

ZAK: And in between that journey, you're going to learn about yourself. And you're going to make it to that point of reference that you've made. But having a smooth sailing to get there is not fun because you have to fall because you're going to have to redirect yourself. Maybe God's saying, you know what?

ZAK: This was great, but I want to give you more. And it might take a little longer to get there, but there's going to be more journey, more of a revealing of who you are. It could be financial success. It could be finding a loved one. It could be connecting with old friends. It could be whatever it is. But I'm going to bring you into this point right now.

ZAK: So yes, fear will show up, but I would say you can't serve two masters. So pick fear or pick faith, right? So when you're looking at this, and this is, and this is something that I had to learn about faith because I was like, I know you're with me, God, but why am I so scared shitless?

ZAK: Like, why do I feel like this? And it's like, cause you can't serve two masters. So stay in the lane of faith. Yes. You're going to go through emotion of fear because it's something new. But as long as you know where you're going, it's going to be scary. And if it wasn't scary, your dream's not big enough, period.

KATHLEEN: That's exactly right. That is totally right on the money. And the thing is, is the airplanes, they're course correcting the whole way through. They don't sail on a straight line. They are course correcting the entire trip. They are always weaving off. And so are we. And that's the whole point is where our goal is.

KATHLEEN: It isn't a straight uphill climb like we always want it. To think it's the worst squiggly line and you backtrack, you think, and you go back and forth so many different times that you're wondering if you're ever going to get there. But the thing is, is you are going to get there. This is all part of your design. It's all part of your journey.

KATHLEEN: It's all part of what you wanted to grow and learn and evolve. And when you can come to peace with that, that this was the perfect life that you created for yourself. And, I got that finally got to that point of knowing that this was the. Best life I could have created for myself because anything else I wouldn't be where I am today.

KATHLEEN: I wouldn't have what I'm feeling at this moment. And yes, it sucked to do life some days, like most of it. I didn't want to be here, but I came in and said, you know, I should have some fun here. I mean, I chose to come here for a reason. So why don't I find out what that reason is? And once I got rid of all the garbage, because we have so much garbage piled on top of us.

KATHLEEN: You start lifting up the garbage. You start seeing, oh my God, it can be fun here. Life is fun. Oh, I'm meeting nice people. Why? Because I'm turning into a nice person. Likes attract likes. If you're emoting icky shit, guess what? That's what you're going to get.

KATHLEEN: I discovered that very strongly when I decided I wanted to learn how to be happier and know what that meant and show my face I was happy too. And I was surprised by doing that, how much people changed or came to me and responded just because I was making an effort to be happier. We're going to go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV network, and we have Zak Lioutas in the room. And we were talking about airplanes and life. And we're going to turn this back over to Zak because I just learned something new about her on the commercial break. So all yours, sweetheart.

ZAK: Yeah. So I like using airplanes as an example of how we have to have a destination and we fly to that destination. And the pilot before. So as a former flight attendant, I'll just say this. When we have our discussion before we even get on the airplane.

ZAK: The pilot will say this is the weather this is the route this is what we're going to fly over there's high tailwinds or headwinds we might encounter some turbulence so we have a plan there's a road plan between point a and point b so point a is where you are today point b is where you want to go to or you could call that point z but it's not point z because you're always going to continue going from that point on so the thing is is that when you have this road map so this I want to talk to you about even creating your blueprint right after Mercury retrograde so as you're creating this blueprint look at the different routes that you need to take to get you to that point b phase and in the airline industry when we start taking off and we're flying you might hear the pilot say we've encountered some unexpected turbulence and we're going to raise the plane another 10 000 feet or 5 000 feet why because when you raise think about your vibrational frequency eagle goes up higher it releases its predators when you raise your vibrational frequency what are you doing you're letting go of the rubbish that you've been holding on to the mind thoughts of manipulation the patterns the beliefs that lack the limitation so the plane goes up about two to three thousand feet up to ten thousand feet I don't know I'm not a pilot I was just a flight it well I don't say I was just a flight there was a flight attendant so we had to go up and what happens that you need to strap your seatbelt on Just so there isn't any accidents along the way.

ZAK: So what do I say that? The seatbelt is more of a reflection. So in that place of raising your vibration, in a place of the plane going up, you are strapped on so that you won't get hurt. But you're also strapping on in order for you to see things differently. To say, am I going on the right path here? Do I have to navigate differently?

ZAK: A pilot might say, we're just going to go to the right or to the left a few degrees. So we could avoid more clouds and turbulence too. So that's why there's never a clear path, even as a pilot, they're always navigating that plane up, down, sideways, whatever it is.

ZAK: And just like in life, when we're raising our vibrational frequency, we're going beyond all the rubbish that we've been holding onto coming into that light, getting more clarity. We keep on moving. When we come down, we could hit turbulence. We could hit anger. We could hear fear. We could hit frustration. We could even have other people's judgments towards us.

ZAK: We could go back into the old patterns. We could go back into people pleasing. How do you get out of that? Raise your vibration. You're getting, you're really, what you're doing is that you're avoiding the turbulence that is sitting on a lower vibrational frequency for you.

ZAK: So every time you find yourself as you're going from point A to point B, if you have to take that reflective time, strap on your seatbelt and raise your vibration. Because as you're raising your vibration, what are you getting? You're getting clarity, you're getting knowingness, you're getting an upgraded blueprint, which is your roadmap, you're getting understanding of who you are becoming.

ZAK: Yes, you're going to lose people along the way. That's the gas, that's the steam that's moving you forward, you got to go right, you got to go left, you got to navigate yourself. So look at life as I want to I love how there was an author that I always reading, I can't remember her name, but she always says, you know, life is a game.

ZAK: It's just how you play it. But I like traveling. So life is like a road trip or an airplane trip or a destination you're going to. It's just how you're going to pack up. It's going to be what you let go and what you choose to carry on within those turbulent times.

ZAK: Because you could really get stuck in that turbulence if you allow other people to dictate you. So raise your vibration. And just find that smooth sailing and come down again, raise your vibration. It's really easy to come down because that's our comfort zone. That's where we are most comfortable. That's what we know most of. If change was easy, the whole world would change.

ZAK: But it's not. Change, you go through debilitating emotional, physical, spiritual suffering and pain. You lose people in your life. And those weren't the people that were going to be there to support you. So if you're going through turbulent times in that change. Raise your vibration and continue going.

ZAK: Stay focused on where you want to land in point B. So use your roadmap or use your flight plan. That's what they called it, the flight plan, to get you to that point B, safe and sound, fully at peace with yourself, knowing that there is more for you when you raise up your vibration and when you land at your destination.

KATHLEEN: And also when you're raising your vibration, you're going into a higher dimensional frequency at the same time because that's what part of raising the vibration is, is you're getting out of this lower dense vibration and you're going higher. So as we, as the planet ascends going into the fourth and fifth dimensions, what does that do?

KATHLEEN: We navigate through our emotions in there because it is not a logical place. It is not linear. There is nothing. About the 3D world that's in the fourth and fifth dimensions. It's a totally different vibrational frequency. And if we're ascending into that, that's what's happening, folks, is that we are ascending and you're coming along for the ride.

KATHLEEN: So either you're going to get on board and do it and find people who can help navigate you there, or you're just going to be one of those crazy people that are just, God knows what's going to happen to those people, because they're...

KATHLEEN: Fighting and resisting, I mean, you look at what's going on in the political arena alone is enough to show you, I don't want this anymore in my life. I don't like where we're going. I don't like what I see. I don't like the division and the polarity that we are experiencing. But this, again, is all by design. And we all came here at this point in time to experience this. And my experience is.

KATHLEEN: I don't have to participate in that. I'm going to create a different reality, a different world, a different vibrational frequency. So I will be the way shower of this is how you get out. This is like Moses parting the Red Sea.

KATHLEEN: They were up to their eyeballs in water before that sea parted and they thought they were going to die. But it was that faith that kept them going. Moses knew without a shadow of a doubt that that sea would part. He knew. Not the people behind him.

KATHLEEN: They're just all the crazy people like what we've got on our planet now. But if you know and you believe in who you are and you have a faith, whatever that system of faith for you is, that's going to keep that boat fairly steady in these very turbulent times that we are in.

KATHLEEN: So even though it's crazy out there, it's not crazy inside of here. It's not crazy up here. This is where an opportunity is arising for me. This is my opportunity to show people, there's a different way, but you're going to have to go through the gunk, but you don't have to.

KATHLEEN: To do it alone because there's enough of us out there right now that have been through these what what do I want to call them I'm not it's not challenges it's something else we've been through the rain of fire and we've been cleansed and purified we still have a way to go but we we're there we have the basic foundations to get you there and lead you and that's what I mean, that's part of what this whole show is about is to bring people on to say, you know, look at all the different walks of life that have been on here.

KATHLEEN: It doesn't matter if you had money. You came from poverty. You're a millionaire. You were a millionaire. Everybody still says the same thing.

KATHLEEN: I was a mess.

KATHLEEN: I'm a mess.

ZAK: Yeah. I always say you can't, again, you can't serve two masters, but this time we're serving the Spirit and the flesh. So either you're going to be with the flesh, which is. Being governed by politicians that don't have your greater interest in life? Or are you going to be governed by the Spirit, which is there to upraise your vibrational frequency?

ZAK: See, if you're governed by humanity, which is your government, you're going to lower your vibrational frequency because they want to dumb you down. That's the thing. When you are being governed by the Spirit, you're raising your vibrational frequency because they want you to be in that place of light. They want you to realize that we are one. We are one humanity.

ZAK: We are one people. Regardless of how much melanin you have in your skin, it doesn't matter. It really does not matter. God's creatures all have the same red blood regardless of who gets cut. But when you get in that place of the flesh, when you get in place being governed by man, man wants to bring separation. Man wants to bring fighting, battles. God will have his own battles.

ZAK: With our own inner demons is what I call it. And this is why Mercury retrograde was here for the last three weeks is order for us so we could fight our own battles and really raise that vibrational frequency. So you have a choice of who you want to be governed by, by man or by Spirit. And I would say the Spirit is God. You could call it universe.

ZAK: You could call it grace. You could call it whatever you want to call it. I'll call it God. As you can see, I got my team behind me, but that's what it is. Like you can't serve two masters, which is fear and faith. And you can't be governed by two people. You're either going to be governed by the flesh or you're going to be governed by the Spirit.

ZAK: So there's choices that man has to make. And it's going to be very uncomfortable. It's going to be uncomfortable when you get into the Spirit because the flesh is going to think you're crazy. Oh, there goes another whack job. Oh, there goes one other one flying off the cuckoo's nest. But then you sit here and you look at the ones that are governed by humanity and you're just like, what is going on?

ZAK: And like. You have to question dumb. I'm sorry. I just had to say it. You have to question dumb or intelligence, I should say, because it's almost like you're giving your power away. It's almost like you're giving your brain away. It's giving your intelligence. You're giving away common sense and it doesn't, nothing makes sense when you're governed by the flesh.

ZAK: I don't want to get into it because I know spirits like talk about it. I'm just like, we don't have enough time for that. But when you're governed by the flesh, know that your life will be harder. By then by being governed by the Spirit. By the time you get to that point of your Spirit from flesh to Spirit, yes, it's going to be difficult because you're becoming a new.

ZAK: But once you get into that Spirit and people start talking to you like I do, I'm just like, okay, I didn't even hear that. That just sounds so dumb to me. But anyways, that's just them. And you just accept people for who they are, because the Spirit says we are one humanity.

ZAK: And when Spirit says we are one humanity, it's almost like You look at them and you're like, I just want to open up your eyes, but I could only guide your eyes to open. It's how you decide to open up your eyes. It's what path you decide to go on. It's who you decide to be governed by. It's what master you decide to choose from. It doesn't have to do anything. Kathleen and I have been through our journey.

ZAK: She's written three books on it. I speak about it, right? And that's the thing is that we've all gone through a journey. And we're just telling people to jump on this journey with us because the flesh is going to mess you up while the Spirit's going to awaken this beauty inside of you. And it's got goosebumps all over my body saying that.

KATHLEEN: I love that. And we're going to go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV network. And we don't have a whole lot of time left. You know, it just goes by so fast when I have Zak on the phone, on the show.

KATHLEEN: But the one thing that I think that you said that was just so powerful was we really do have to make those decisions. And... The one thing that I know that it really did suck to be me as I was in my journey of awakening, but my life is not the same.

KATHLEEN: There's nothing that you could even identify remotely of my old life since I went through that journey, that there's nothing but good coming towards me because I moved through all of the anger.

KATHLEEN: I mean, I still have anger. Don't get me wrong. We're always going to be going layer and layer and layer down, but... For the most part, so much of my anger is gone. So much of my frustration is gone. I'm a lot more tolerant.

KATHLEEN: Some days, not so much when it's on the highway and there's crazy road rage people out there, but on a whole, I'm getting better with that too. I'm in this other place. And, I think that's the most powerful state of being is when you are in.

KATHLEEN: You're enlightened, higher vibrational. I'm in alignment with me. I'm in alignment with my mission, my purpose, who I am, why I'm here. And I think that's one of the biggest things that people don't look at or see about themselves is that they are out of alignment.

KATHLEEN: Or they say, I'm in alignment, but I get out of alignment. But if you're really in alignment and you really do understand the alignment process, which I have an amazing process to take people through and how to stay in that alignment, and it becomes... Your entire life, not I'm in alignment with my family and out of alignment with my business.

KATHLEEN: It's not that anymore. This alignment is all encompassing. And that's what people do is we've also segmented. I'm this person at my family in this place, when I'm at work or at church or when I'm with this friend or that friend, we're always putting on a different mask.

KATHLEEN: And it's time to take all those masks off and come back into alignment, which then, as far as I'm concerned, when you're in alignment, you're connected with God, with Spirit, whatever you want to call it, because that's your true north.

KATHLEEN: And if you're in your true north, all you know how to do is who's driving the bus now? Spirit's guiding you.

KATHLEEN: You're making decisions, but Spirit's guiding you. You're in that surrendered place. Life becomes easier. It doesn't mean that stuff's not going to happen because it does, but it's how you're reacting to it is because you're in a different place. Your priorities change. Yeah. It's not people are out to get me anymore.

ZAK: I keep on hearing the word fork on the road, and I just keep on hearing Spirit Reaping that. It's always like having that fork on the road. You have a path to choose of what you want to take.

ZAK: Both paths could take you to your next point, but one's going to take longer and show you a different journey, probably with more difficulty, and one's going to be a little more ease and more love and more understanding, but it's still going to have that difficulty.

ZAK: But it's just how far you've come on your growth that you're going to choose that path that you're going to go down. So whenever there's a fork on the road and you have those two roads that you could take, you really have to go within yourself.

ZAK: And say which path do I want to take this is this is the pros and cons of this path this is the pros and cons of this path of course leaving some room for flow to happen because when you're in alignment you still go through the ups and downs it's not like oh hippity huda like it's rainbows and unicorns it's really not it's just that you are more in a line with where you want to go but you will find some obstacles along the way that you're going to have to problem solve And the more that you get into this game, problem solving becomes so much easier because you'll get into moving your body.

ZAK: You'll get into stretching your body, releasing that stagnant energy that's sitting, that dense energy that's sitting in your body. And when we allow for that reflection time to happen, when there's that fork on the road, that's when we have that place of growth to go. I'm just going to take this path down there. It's not because it feels easier. It's because it feels like I'm more in alignment with this path.

ZAK: This path doesn't feel right for me it just doesn't give me that full body shiver this one gives me that full body shiver and I always teach people about emotion because emotion is a full body knowingness right it's not just your mind it's not just your heart I always say the heart's a liar so you have to really be aligned with your mind your body and your emotions because it's your emotions that's going to really navigate you to where you want to go and if you have unresolved trauma and you have unresolved emotions coming up then you're probably going to take the harder path because you still continue to have to learn about those emotions about how to heal through that trauma so so you have that choice and that's why it's always beautiful when you have someone guiding you through that journey because they've been there they know what the energy feels like they could take you down I call it a shortcut that's not really a shortcut it'll just be shorter to get you to where you want to go with the lessons that you have to learn because now you got someone like how you say I got my coach Right?

ZAK: So it's always having that someone that you could call and be like, I have this, I have this choice, I could go down this path or this path, what feels good to you? Okay, let's talk about this. How does this feel? How does that feel? What's going on in your mind? What's going on in your heart? What's going on in your emotions? What's going on in your body?

ZAK: Right? If I'm feeling bloated, and if I'm feeling constipated, I know that I shouldn't be going down that path. But if I'm feeling fluid, and I'm feeling light, and I'm feeling happy, then you know what, that path feels good to me.

ZAK: So we really always have to take that reflective step back to recognize where we want to go it's like what I said that flight plan right we're always navigating the flight plan we're always navigating it imagine a pilot yes he does put it on autopilot but he's still there you know minding the autopilot it's not that it's gonna autopilot having God in front of you that's what I look at an autopilot and then he's navigating you but sometimes you're like okay like I'm afraid of this path like God, how are you going to guide me through this one?

ZAK: Then you're guiding yourself because sometimes you feel like, you know, he's not around right now. And I've been down that path where I've called Kathy and I'm like, listen, I don't like the way my homeboy is treating me up there. Like, are you getting anything for me? Like, help me on this one, sister. Help me on this one.

ZAK: Because it's like, let's see where you can take yourself on this journey. Right? It's like, how many times did I call you, Kathy? And I'm like, Kathleen, seriously, I'm getting really pissed off at this. I can't hear the way I used to hear. And I had this conversation with Spirit the other day. I pulled up my pendulum and I'm like, I heard, are you serious?

ZAK: I'm like, well, you guys want to play and I'm going to play with the pendulum. And they're just like, well, you know how you feel about the pendulum. I'm like, I'll pray on the pendulum. Right. I'll pray on the pendulum. And then as I'm asking the pendulum question, I'm hearing all these things in my ear. And it's like, would you just grow up, child? You're still a little kid.

ZAK: Right. And it's just like, and when you hear that, I hear go have fun. Go have fun. Go do you. Go have fun. Go explore. Because it's in that having fun that life becomes easier. It's in that having fun when you get into more alignment. It's in that having fun when you meet people. It's in that having fun is when you start to attract life.

KATHLEEN: That's exactly right. And we only have two minutes left. So how can people get a hold of you, Zak?

ZAK: Go on forever. I just want to talk forever when I'm with you. Oh, my God. You can find me on Instagram at spiritual hustler. That's spiritual. Spiritual H S T L R. You can also find me on my website, B F U That's bold, fierce, unstoppable I also have a retreat coming up September 20th to the 22nd here in Ontario.

ZAK: We have a lakefront property that we're going to go through water, fire ceremonies, cacao ceremonies. We're shaking the body up. We're connecting to Spirit guides. So we're doing a lot of things. So meet me at B F U or spiritual hustler H S T L R on Instagram.

KATHLEEN: Well, I want to thank you so much, Zak, for being on the show. It just goes by way too fast when you come on. We just have way too much fun and so much information comes in. So thank you again for being on the show and I'll see you the next time.

ZAK: Thank you, everyone.

KATHLEEN: Well, I want to thank everyone for joining us today. And if you found any value, I would appreciate it if you would like and subscribe to the channel. And you can also take a link and give it to friends and family if you think it might help them during the show. And if you're struggling with anything that we talked about today, feel free to reach out to me.

KATHLEEN: At Brave TV at Kathleen M. Flanagan, or you can even reach out to Zak and her contact information is going to be in the show notes. I'm sure she would be more than happy to have a conversation with you as well. And you would be in amazing hands with Zach. My books, Dancing Souls, The Call, The Dark Night of the Soul, and Awakened are available on and the site. Be sure to visit.

KATHLEEN: Awakening Spirit and grandma's natural remedies and enter Brave TV for the coupon codes and if you want to go and visit for the list of services and products that i'm offering and i also have that three minute de-stress meditation that is absolutely free to you and that concludes our show for the day and i will see you next Tuesday at 4 p. m eastern standard time and from my heart to yours i hope you have a fabulous week.

Zak Lioutas Profile Photo

Zak Lioutas

Spiritual Teacher

Zak Lioutas, is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment.

With a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine, Zak serves as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for transformation.

As a Spiritual Alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the Frequency of God's divine presence within themselves.

With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight, Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential, overcome obstacles, and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their Creator.

Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's Frequency.

Now, she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.