April 30, 2024

The Healing Power of Sacred Geometry

The podcast featured speakers Kathleen Flanagan and Gabrielle Pimstone discussing Gabrielle's journey of becoming an awakening spirit, transitioning from conventional psychology to energy healing and sacred geometry. They emphasized the importance of opening up to spiritual gifts, releasing energetic patterns from past experiences, and taking accountability for personal transformation. The conversation highlighted the significance of incorporating simple energy practices into daily life to achieve profound change and improve overall well-being. The speakers shared personal experiences and advice on mastering energy and connecting with one's inner guidance. The discussion emphasized the power of intention, self-awareness, and positivity in shaping one's reality. Overall, the podcast provided insights into spiritual growth, healing, and personal development, encouraging listeners to embrace change and pursue their dreams.

Kathleen Flanagan and Gabrielle Pimstone
Exploring the journey of becoming an awakening spirit and the transformative power of sacred geometry in healing.

- Gabrielle's journey of awakening, from conventional psychology to energy healing and sacred geometry.
- The concept of sacred geometry and its enigmatic nature.
- The process of using sacred geometry tools for healing and energy work.
- How energy healing and sacred geometry can facilitate deep healing and transformation.
- Addressing limiting beliefs, fears, and emotional wounds through energy work.
- Case studies showcasing the impact of healing from the inception point, including experiences in the womb.
- Overcoming barriers to personal growth and transformation.
- Practical tips for incorporating energy work into daily life for self-healing and alignment.

- It's never too late to make profound changes in life and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.
- Simple practices like using sacred geometry tools and setting intentions can help in mastering energy and promoting well-being.
- Healing from past traumas, limiting beliefs, and emotional wounds can lead to profound shifts in one's life and consciousness.
- Incorporating energy work into daily routines can enhance self-awareness, emotional balance, and overall well-being.

- Gabrielle Pimstone: Energy master and practitioner, specializing in sacred geometry and energy healing.

The episode delves into the transformative power of sacred geometry in healing and personal growth, highlighting the importance of energy work, self-awareness, and overcoming internal barriers to achieve a more aligned and fulfilling life. Gabrielle's insights and practical tips offer a roadmap for listeners to embark on their own journey of awakening and self-discovery.



Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



KATHLEEN: Hello everyone and welcome to the journey of an awakening spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we are streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network. The purpose of the show is to help you realize that you are not alone. You are in control of your life. It does not matter what your lot in life is or where you came from. We have all felt pain, suffering, hurt, abandonment, loneliness, hopelessness, et cetera.

KATHLEEN: This show helps you to take those dark moments and turn them around to create a whole new you. We were taught to be a certain way, act a certain way and conform to society. Being socialized is not bad, but it can put a constraint on us.

KATHLEEN: The guests I bring on the show are telling you their story of where they came from, the obstacles they overcame and where they are today. They are sharing the tools they use to create, recreate themselves and their life.

KATHLEEN: Some of the guests are still in their process, beginning a new process, comfortable in their process or even reinventing themselves. They are giving you tools that they use to gain insight into themselves to take control of their life and become the person they are today on podcast dot Kathleen and flanagan.com is a list of the guests that have been on the show with their contact information.

KATHLEEN: I am aware that you may resonate with one or several of them. My desire is that this becomes a community where you have access to the people you wish to align with and utilize the tools that they have as well as the tools being offered on Kathleen M Flanagan. Com.

KATHLEEN: I am a certified coach who can help you reach your dreams. I help you learn how to rely on and believe in your unlimited potential and power. I already know that you've experienced flashes of intuitive knowledge and be and big thinking that has you wondering just how far could I fly?

KATHLEEN: If only I'm here to help you stir up that innate knowing and self trust already instilled deep in your soul. I help you to forge forward with the old you and would rather, when you would rather give up and turn back, I start the show every week with sound therapy. This sets the tone for both myself and my guests and I bring in love, happiness and balance. Let's begin.

KATHLEEN: Gabrielle Pimstone is an energy coach who is dedicated to assisting those on the cusp of change. But in need of that crucial nudge forward, she shares her journey of resilience and reinvention, highlighting how her love of psychology and spirituality finally converge to reignite her passion and purpose and profound and provide profound healings.

KATHLEEN: She offers inspiration and practical tips to individuals to break free from stagnation and fear. Her central message is that it's never too late, make meaningful change, make, make meaningful life change. Welcome, Gabrielle.

GABRIELLE: Thank you so much, Kathleen. It's great to be here.

KATHLEEN: So tell our audience your journey of becoming an awakening spirit.

GABRIELLE: Well, my journey started when I was really young at about eight years old. My father was diagnosed with cancer when I was five and he was ill for many, many years. And I started asking the usual questions around life wise. Why did this happen to my dad? Why me and I started questioning the meaning of life really young.

GABRIELLE: And at age eight, I had my first really vivid dream that woke me up in the middle of the night and I started documenting it. I got up out of bed, sat on my window sill and it was a terrifying dream for a young child. But I wrote it down and I tried to make sense of it and I kind of started getting into dream analysis from a young age.

GABRIELLE: And then after my dad died, I asked my mom if I could go and see a medium and she said, absolutely not. And I put spirituality on the back burner. But I was very, very, still, very interested in the concept of the human psyche. What makes us tick? Why are we here? I was asking all those questions came time to go to university. It was a no brainer.

GABRIELLE: I decided to study psychology and then embarked on a 27 year career in organizational psychology, which was by and large, really fulfilling, except the last few years started to become really trying. I started seeing the dark underbelly of organizational life and it started to drain me. And I found in 2020 during the pandemic found myself in a real slump.

GABRIELLE: I was in a senior leadership role in a bank, very depressed, hugely anxious. I'd lost my essence. I wasn't sleeping. My thyroid had flared up and I woke up on a Sunday morning and I had this really giant pit in my stomach, took myself out for a walk, put on a podcast. And that podcast actually changed my life. The woman was talking about living with anxiety and constantly waiting for the other shoe to fall.

GABRIELLE: And there was something in her story that resonated so deeply with mine, Kathleen that I decided then and there that I needed to pivot, I needed to reskill, I needed to find a different way forward. And shortly after that I started studying energy, took me 18 months. I'm a level three energy master. And then everything changed from there.

KATHLEEN: Ok? Is that when you got into sacred geometry?

GABRIELLE: When I got into sacred geometry. And to be honest with you, I signed up for the program not knowing what sacred geometry was. I wasn't even interested in becoming an energy healer.

GABRIELLE: I wanted to change my life and I knew that I needed a different modality and I knew that I needed to delve deeper into spirituality. And I just, it was really a selfish decision, wanting to change my life. And then in the process, I discovered sacred geometry and I fell in love with it.

KATHLEEN: So tell, tell our audience a little bit more about sacred geometry because I mean, it's a big thing. It always has been. But I think there's this enigma around it as well. And since you studied it and you went from, conventional psychology to energy healing, that was a big shift. So I'm sure there's a lot of things going on inside your head as you're having very unique experiences at the same time.

GABRIELLE: Yes. So initially there was skepticism, then there was terror, I was really fearful about entering the world of, energy and, working with at a different, with different realms. And then eventually I kind of got through all of that and I leaned into it. So sacred geometry is a difficult one to understand if you haven't worked with it.

GABRIELLE: But the best way that I can describe it is really simply if you look at the at nature all throughout nature, there are these perfect geometric shapes they found in nature. They're found in the human body. They are patterns of energy that constellation into a structure. For example, our DNA is a perfect spiral. Our cells are spherical in nature.

GABRIELLE: Look at the patterns on shells in nature, look into the middle of a flower, petal, a snow flake, all of these are divine energetic patterns and each of them houses a particular energetic frequency. So Galileo referred to sacred geometry as the alphabet that was used by God to design the universe. So it's everywhere and it's not by it's not random.

GABRIELLE: Each one of these has divine proportions and ratios and they, as I said, they house specific frequency and the intention is that they can be used to heal different things. So a particular energetic frequency can heal a particular human issue. So, there are simple sacred geometries that can be used by anyone, triangles or pyramids spheres, those kinds of things.

GABRIELLE: But then I work with more advanced sacred geometry. So these are patterns that are complex. So they're more than a pyramid, there might be multiple geometries in a particular formation. So for example, the Sri Antra has got pyramid spheres and all sorts of other things. So I use those. And what happens is when you bring them in, you either put yourself in the geometry or you put it into you and expand it.

GABRIELLE: But it depends on what your intention is. But once the geometry is in your energetic field as healers, we always channeling divine energy. What the sacred geometry does is it acts as an adapter and when the energy comes in from divine sources, the geometry which has got divine intelligence, does its thing with it and works with it and does the healing.

GABRIELLE: And that means a number of things for you as a healing. It means that you can hold more potent energy. But you can also you don't get as tired because this really high vibrational pattern is taking the hit instead of you and doing the work. So it kind of works as an adapter and that's what makes it so powerful.


KATHLEEN: I do sound.

KATHLEEN: So we're gonna go down this road for a moment because you're saying a lot of things that I do that I use sound therapy. So I do tuning forks, Tibetan bells. I use the crystals. I use essential oils in the whole thing.

KATHLEEN: And I take in a lot of energy and I work with the angels but it's more integrated into me now because they taught me how to do this. And so I did it and, but I have physical tools. You're just using your mind for these symbols. Is that correct?

GABRIELLE: Yes, it's all done in the mind. So when you build them, you can build them in the mind. But when you start out, you typically actually trace the structure because they're complex, you learn what the structure is about.

GABRIELLE: You trace it, you feel into the energy and then you expand the structure. So that's how we work. But it's all in the mind. It's not like a symbol, it's not a tuning fork, it's energetic, right?

KATHLEEN: So do you, so when you're doing this, do you actually put your hands on the person's body or are you above in their energetic field?

GABRIELLE: Laying on the letter, the letter?

KATHLEEN: I mean, I'm just asking because with sound, a lot of times I'm working on the energetic field, I'm not necessarily putting the forks or anything on them. Now, occasionally I'm told the first time they asked me to do this with somebody on the sound, I put the Tibetan bells and they kind of went up their chakras and then I clanged them and I mean, it wasn't like a nice soft, it was bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

KATHLEEN: And I'm like, whoa, this is like intense. But what I was doing was I was disrupting a brain pattern for somebody who had bipolar. She was bipolar and she said that she could feel like all this change because then I took one of my wands that was like a laser beam and I sat there and started like rewiring her brain. And of course, I'm sitting here going, what am I doing here?

KATHLEEN: So I'm just out of the way, right? I'm just doing what I'm being told, instructed, whatever spirit does. And I'm sitting here, your brain going, what am I doing here? And, I'm thinking it doesn't matter what you're doing, just get the conscious mind back out because, we do that.

KATHLEEN: And then when we got done, I was talking to her and she was telling me what putting those bells, the bowls on her did. And then she said, when I was rewiring her brain, she said, what were you doing to my brain? Because it felt like you were like rewiring or doing something. She's describing exactly what I had done.

GABRIELLE: Interesting.

KATHLEEN: I know. So, unfortunately, we're gonna have to take a quick commercial break and we're gonna come back and get some more information on what you do as well.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back, everyone to the journey of an awakening spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host. And we are streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network and I have Gabrielle Pimstone in the room with us today and we ended the last segment with just what I was experiencing through sound when I had somebody on not knowing what I was doing, just trusting spirit.

KATHLEEN: And I believe that you have a very similar experience when you're working with sacred geometry tools as well. Is that you just need to be out of the way and allow the energy to flow through you. Is that correct?

GABRIELLE: That's absolutely correct. I mean, I think what you're describing is essential to effective healing. You've actually got to almost stand back and allow and trust in the higher powers to almost do the healing for you. You can do that in a number of ways. I always set an intention at the beginning of my healings. I set a Call on my team of angels.

GABRIELLE: I Call on my clients team of angels. And then depending on what I'm working on, I Call on specific arc angels. So that's one way to do it. And it's really important that you get your mind out of the way and you just lean into it. The sacred geometry also does that. So for example, I use the Metatron cube a lot now that intricate holding the vibration of archangel Metatron.

GABRIELLE: And so it's that very powerful frequencies. And when you learn to work with them, you learn to feel into the frequency and you start to embody it. So everything you're doing is infused with the frequency of the geometry that you're using. But you know, I'm wondering whether it might be useful for your listeners to hear what a typical session might look like.

KATHLEEN: That would be great.

GABRIELLE: Ok. So it's a mix for me because I come from a background of psychology, I do go through a process of dialogue of inquiry. And the first part of the process is really excavating and understanding where the person is in their life, where they wanna be and kind of what's getting in the way of that.

GABRIELLE: And so we do some inquiry and then we really hone in on the one thing that's tripping them up the most that then becomes the intention for the healing. And typically, I don't do one session. I actually have coaching clients. So I work over a minimum six sessions. But even if you come for a once off session, the process is the same.

GABRIELLE: So once we've identified what the issue that's tripping you up the most, that's the intention, we go into a space and we set a heartfelt intention, we do some breathing and I do geometric breathing actually. So specific, numbers of counting breathing in, breathing out.

GABRIELLE: And if you multiply that specific specific amount of times it actually opens up healing portals. So I do that, I get them into a a state of relaxation, but I'm also opening a healing portal at the same time. Then by the way, none of my clients are actually physically with me. I work with clients all over the world. Ok.

KATHLEEN: Ok. I know you can do that even on sound. But yeah. Oh thank you for sharing that.

GABRIELLE: That yeah. And by the way, even if they are based in Sydney, which is where I live, I prefer them not to come to me because I'm working on them and I'll talk to you in a moment about what that looks like. And you can feel if I'm like hovering above your third eye, the person can feel it.

GABRIELLE: I want them to actually just have a transcendent experience and not be mindful of me, my presence. So it's all done remotely. So once we've set the intention, we then go into the energy healing, which typically takes anything between 20 I usually say 40 minutes. But actually yesterday I did one that went on close to 50 minutes.

GABRIELLE: So, I don't know how long it is but a person goes, they just lie still and then I do my work and I always start. So how do I work on them? If they're remote? I've got a sacred geometry that I use, that I put around them. And that allows me to transport their energetic body right in front of me. So I'm working on them as if they were standing in front of me.

GABRIELLE: And I always start by just scanning the chakras picking up where I feel there's a block because I'm searching for energy blocks. How do I know where there's a block? Me physically, my hand and sometimes my arm heats up very discernibly over when I'm hovering over a particular chakra. And I know that that's where I need to go back and do the work.

GABRIELLE: Then I use a lot of my intuition. So I'm clearing, I know where the blocks kind of are, but I'm looking for the inception point, the root of the block. And very often that is somewhere in childhood, sometimes it's in utero, sometimes it's passed down from generation to generation and sometimes it's even karmic.

GABRIELLE: So depending on, what I'm picking up, I'll either build sacred geometry, use sacred geometry that allows me to go into their timeline, their childhood.

GABRIELLE: And even in utero, and I use sacred geometry to clear their timeline and to remove the blocks that are related to this particular issue that we're working on. So that's one example and it might be when I was scanning, I picked up a block in their heart chakra.

GABRIELLE: And when I'm doing the timeline healing, I'm reading the energy and I'm sensing in and I'm picking up where that block came from. The event, the inception point, the time in their life where that block germinated. And that's what I'm going to clear if it's a karmic issue. I've got sacred geometry to go into the karmic grid. I go in there and I clear the issue at a karmic level.

GABRIELLE: I've got to be very careful. I'm always asking questions is this person ready and only clear what is in the highest good of all to be cleared because I don't want to be messing with that. Right. And so once I've done my thing, I've cleared, what's, and then I've used the sacred geo specific sacred geometries for specific issues.

GABRIELLE: I then remove the sacred geometry. I bring the person back and we do a thorough debrief. They talk about what they experienced in the session and that ranges from totally transcended experiences to I didn't really feel much which is fine, doesn't mean the healing didn't happen.

GABRIELLE: And then I debrief what I worked on and similar to you, what you often pick up is a similarity between where they physically, they might have felt sensations, what they saw and the things that I was doing. And then I always leave them with the practical to do.

KATHLEEN: I know when I've done some sound sessions when I was first starting out, I would not know what was going on because this wasn't for me, it was for them. Now I'm receiving a healing as well as I'm sure you're receiving a healing when you're working on a client because that's just how the energy flows and so whatever I was receiving, but I wouldn't necessarily know what I was doing.

KATHLEEN: But I always knew where they hid everything and they don't like when you can find their hiding places because people are so good at hiding their stuff and when somebody can find it, it's like it's a love hate kind of thing because it's like they've gotten so used to it. and they identify with it, but then they also want it to go away too.

KATHLEEN: So they, it's just a really strange dynamic that goes on that I've experienced. But I've had people say, well, what did you feel? Because it's like, well, what did you experience?

KATHLEEN: And sometimes they're like, they're so disconnected from their body that they don't know and then spirit will download this because whatever the message is is they need to get it or I wouldn't have received that message and then what they choose to do with it afterwards is up to them.

KATHLEEN: Sometimes they work with it. Sometimes they don't, I can't control that, but they are now aware of it and there's gonna be a shift is gonna change one way or another because you cannot have that kind of an energetic healing like what you do because that's life altering.

GABRIELLE: It is life altering.

KATHLEEN: Yeah. Going into your past, going into karmic things, going into generational. That is, that's life changing.

GABRIELLE: It is life changing. And I'm always, always putting the caveat at various times in the in the healing. I'm always asking is this in the highest good for this person to know? Or I'm only sharing what's in the highest good because you're right, it is a life altering and I don't want to bombard people.

GABRIELLE: So that's why I prefer working in a coaching context because then it's what I'm doing is I'm building the person's capacity to handle more information, to process more information. And I'm working to expand their energetic capacity so that they can house more information both cognitively but also energetically.

GABRIELLE: So that's the beauty of working in a coaching environment where you're building people up and you're not flooding them in one session. And you gotta be really careful when somebody comes for a once off because they may not be ready to know. And that's always an important distinction that I make. I don't just share everything I'm led by where my client is at and their readiness.

KATHLEEN: And what I do with my, when my healings is I will I take on an immense amount of energy that doesn't mean they're taking on what I receive because my intention is the same thing. They will only take and receive what they are capable of receiving because I don't need to blow out their chakras or anything else.

KATHLEEN: If they took on what I was receiving, they would blow out, and that's the thing is that it's always about protecting the client on the table.

KATHLEEN: Yeah. And I only give them what spirit says. So I think the way you structure, how you handle it with six sessions, I think that's a beautiful way of doing it because you get to watch the increase of their vibrational energy and then they can take on more. So you're just expanding a little bit more on what you're doing and there and to them, it's very gentle and subtle. But you see in the bigger picture.

GABRIELLE: Wow, that's exactly right. And I've got sacred geometry that I use for healing, but I've also got sacred geometry that I use for activation and activation is different to healing. Healing is about removing, releasing a deeply held block, activation is around really activating at a cellular and DNA level.

GABRIELLE: The latent gifts, the latent potential, the latent capacity that the person has, and we can set the intention for anything like I'm working with two clients at the moment to activate their spiritual gifts.

GABRIELLE: But for other people, they wanna activate their capacity to manifest or so it's all there within us. And so what I'm doing is I'm activating and that you do over a period of time. I wouldn't do that necessarily in a once off session.

KATHLEEN: No, I totally agree with that. When I was called out to Chicago in 2008, I had a whole bunch of people and I was watching certain things I was doing and I was actually activating like their true essence, you know, like there was a different pattern for the rainbows.

KATHLEEN: Then I can't remember what the first one was anymore at this point. It's in my book, I'm sure. But I would notice because I'm like, what are you doing? And they'll be like, well, you're activating them and you're getting there, you're structuring them and you're creating an energetic field so they can contact their higher selves.

KATHLEEN: And we think that we should see our spirit guides like us. Well, that's not how they see us, they see us energetically. So I have to get them to understand this is your energy pattern, this is their energy pattern and this is how you see and talk to each other through energy, not through physical eyes or bodies or anything else.

KATHLEEN: And, that was like to me when that was happening, I was like, wow, where did that come from? You know, because I was this and I'm going, yeah, I'm talking like, I've known it my whole life. Right. I'm like, oh, yeah.

KATHLEEN: Sometimes when you get into this work, you're sitting there like, as a student because you're still a student but you talk with authority because they're just telling you and you just know it, but your brain is going, I didn't know that.

GABRIELLE: I didn't know that. Where did that come from? There are different ways you can download depending on which spiritual senses are activated. I've always been a clairvoyant, not clairvoyant Clairaudience, which is you hear, but what's really strengthened over the last few years is my sense of my, I don't know what Clair it is but that you just know. Yeah, you get that. So that's sometimes it's clairvoyant.

GABRIELLE: You see things. So there are different spiritual senses that we tap into to download information and actually having your spiritual senses activated is like turning on an internal GPS system that we've all got. It's lying dormant and when they're activated and you tuned into your intuition or whatever it really does help you make the right decisions, move through life in the right way, right?

KATHLEEN: And you know, people don't realize that they can do this all the on their own. They don't need us so to speak because they're the ones that are really doing the healing work we're just facilitating for them. But it's about paying attention and understanding who you are.

KATHLEEN: You know, when you get that little nudge, are you listening or are you, and it's about trusting that. Now I've always been able to see hear and feel everything and then my mother told me I couldn't see. And so I shut that part down but I could still hear and I could still feel I can see now again because it, but it was a lifetime.

KATHLEEN: It felt like it took, it felt like a lifetime. It wasn't, it was probably 20 years, maybe before I could get my vision back.

KATHLEEN: But the whole point was is that we're susceptible to things and we're susceptible to not trusting or we have envision, you know, imaginary playmates and we're told that that's imaginary when it really wasn't, we were really playing with spirits and things like that and just coming back and remembering. We're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back, everyone to the journey of an awakening spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network and we have Gabrielle Pimstone in the room with us and we are talking about sacred geometry. When we left for commercial break. We were just talking about how we kind of shut down how my mother told me I couldn't see.

KATHLEEN: And I said, ok, you're right. And I couldn't see. And then I turned around and decided I wanted to see and brought it back. The one thing that I do want people to understand with that is when we shut down, we shut everything down. It's not just, I can't see. I shut everything else down, which went into manifestation, which went into creating the various things that I wanted to do.

KATHLEEN: Part of it is limiting beliefs that I had part of it that my heart was shut down. Because when you want to manifest, you have to have your heart open for that. And I had to learn how to receive because I did not know how to receive.

KATHLEEN: So as we open, as we start bringing back and remembering who we are, and we start opening up our heart or saying I want to see or I want this in my life, that means there's gonna be change. And as we open that up, a lot of other things start changing. And sometimes we use tools. Sometimes it's just our thoughts. It can be a wide variety of things. But I want Gabrielle to talk a little bit more on her perspective of this.

KATHLEEN: And what she did when she started because she had to activate herself when she went from psychology to energy healing. There was a big transition for her. And what did that entail for you?

GABRIELLE: Well, it entailed a lot of fear. You know, that was my barrier.

GABRIELLE: I mean, as I said earlier in the show, after my father passed away, when I was about 10 years old, I asked my mom if I could go to a medium and she said no, but that wasn't what shut me down because actually my mom was a very open, is a very open minded person and, has never shut me down or tried to program me in any way. It was my own fear.

GABRIELLE: And I was terrified of getting into all of this, of opening up to my spiritual gifts. Because I thought, gosh, what is that going to unleash? But in actual fact, what I've learned and this is what I said to you in the break that we all, if you open up your spiritual gifts, your intuition, whatever spiritual senses are ready to be opened, it becomes like an internal GPS system.

GABRIELLE: Because when you're so in Tune and you're able to download the right information, Tune into your higher self, you're actually able to make the right decisions and that moves you in the right direction in life.

GABRIELLE: So it's not something to be feared, it's something to be embraced. But having said that I took more than a lot of convincing to get over my fear. I actually worked with one of my mentors to release three sessions with a very skilled energy master to release this fear and this block.

GABRIELLE: And what was really interesting is I discovered the fear was not so much about opening up to my spiritual gifts because they were actually already there. It was about opening up to my potential because what and this was linked to my father's death when my father died. He was in his late forties. He was at the cusp of his career.

GABRIELLE: He was offered a world class job. He was a professor of medicine in Toronto. He was, I mean, I'm not gonna go into all the details, but he was a world renowned endocrinologist and he died. He had everything at his fingertips. So there was something about my limiting belief was if I unleash my potential, I'm gonna pay the ultimate price. So that was a, isn't that an interesting? So I was scared?

GABRIELLE: Yeah, it wasn't that scared of the.

KATHLEEN: Stuff that was an eye opener and life changing event for you to realize that one. That's a core.

GABRIELLE: Core belief that colored my life. So that is actually that was the root of the energetic block. That's why it's really important to get to the root of the block, not just to work on the superficial, you know what's presenting because what's presenting is very often not the the inception point.

GABRIELLE: The route. And so that when she worked at that level on me, and that's how I work on my clients. I was able to release that. So that was an interesting process.

KATHLEEN: Very much. I got to the root, I thought one of my root beliefs was I was not worthy, but there was that one love because I thought I worked through this one. But my root core belief was I was unlovable and I was born that way. And I actually had an energy healing session in February that took me back to when I was in the womb.

KATHLEEN: And I remember I was like, oh, this is such a cool little place to be in the room. And I was like, is this little kid, right? As this baby? I'm like, this is a cool place. Why do I want to come out of this nasty little world? You know, and then all of a sudden this belief, I watched this thought come across my eyes and I was unlovable because it was like something my mother was feeling. It wasn't about that.

KATHLEEN: She didn't love me. It was a feeling that she had and I interpreted as being unlovable. Well, my mother didn't love me anyway. And I've come to accept that one. I had to learn that at the time of her death. But, it was like I had to face that and, and when I realized that that was a her problem and not a me problem. And when I got through that everything shifted.

KATHLEEN: I mean, everything shifted it. I had done a lot of work but when you get to the core and you have to get to the core, nothing will change because we stack so much on top of a limiting belief. I mean, we talk about the onion layer. Yeah. And it's like, boy, when does this onion ever end? Well, then I came to the point that there's something more than an onion.

GABRIELLE: What is it?

KATHLEEN: More than, because I blow up the box and then there's like more, I mean, it was just one of those that you just go deeper and deeper and deeper. And I think that's the main thing and that's hard work. That's the really hard work to do that. But that is the most rewarding work because once you hit that core, your whole life changes in an instant, it really does change.

GABRIELLE: And that's why I'm looking whatever happens to us. And you've described something that happened in the womb. And I'll give you an example of one of my clients where I also worked on that in a moment. But when something happens, it doesn't matter when it happened, there's an energetic frequency that's left from that event. So you can try and process what's going on in therapy, which is what I've done for so many years.

GABRIELLE: But actually, if the energetic roots still in you, that's when you release that thing. That's what I'm always looking to release you. Release that things change very, very, very quickly. But I'd love to share another example if you don't mind of a piece of work I did on a client of mine also from the inception point was in the womb. It was a really interesting case study because they were not a planned pregnancy.

GABRIELLE: They have two older siblings. Their parents weren't planning to have a third child, but they were conceived.

GABRIELLE: And when they were born, they were loved. No question about that. But they had this pattern in their life and this is energy blocks. You always get these patterns. They had this pattern in their life and relationships, even from a young child being very clingy, being very needy, in need of constant validation and attention hurting very quickly.

GABRIELLE: And that when they came to see me, that was the thing they wanted to change. And we found out that the root occurred in utero because even though they were loved as when they were born, their mother had a serious shock. When she fell pregnant, she had to really, she didn't want the pregnancy.

GABRIELLE: Initially, she had to go through a process of coming to terms with the fact that she was carrying a third child. So it's really interesting how the energy from that experience. From that those months were stored in this baby in utero. And when they were born, even though they were born into a loving family, that is the trauma and the wound that they carry throughout their life.

KATHLEEN: Because it's all energy. Our thoughts are energy and we don't in the womb, as young children, all we do is we pick up energetic feelings, we feel emotionally, everything is there. We don't have any cognitive brain power yet because we're just sponges. And so we interpret based on whatever it is that's in our thinking.

KATHLEEN: I mean, I don't know when you're a fetus. How does that do what it does? I don't know other than it's an energy. And if we're spiritual beings, we're going to take that based on something maybe from another lifetime that we took on and we want to heal that this lifetime. So we took that energetic pattern on to learn it, to release it and to move on.

KATHLEEN: And we have to look at, we have to be patient with ourselves that we are, we are a process. We are not 7-Eleven and we're not a microwave that's going to what we are a process. There is an evolutionary process and being gentle with ourselves and loving helps that along the way because even though I may have hated my life my whole life and thought I would never have created this life.

KATHLEEN: Three or four weeks ago, I realized I created the best life that I could have ever created for myself to be where I am today. And when you can say that to yourself, that is a very powerful, powerful, powerful place of being because then you know that you took total responsibility.

KATHLEEN: So even though I'm in the womb and a fetus, having a great time in the womb thinking, wow, life is really great. And my mother has, I don't know, how am I gonna, because my dad was in the service and she's like, worried about money and I take it, you don't love me. She can't control that only I can control that.

KATHLEEN: And I think that's where we come from. And I think that's the work you're trying to help people too is take personal responsibility. You know, we can help facilitate you to get to that because, getting to that core is not easy. It can be a lifetime.

KATHLEEN: But if you facilitate somebody to do that, oh my God, I would hire you in a heartbeat because those are huge stumbling blocks because we repeat over and over and over. And how many years do you waste repeating over and over and over again before you say, ok, I'm having, a groundhog moment.

KATHLEEN: There's a lot of truth in that movie.

GABRIELLE: There's a lot of truth in that movie. And so also remember that even though I work kind of with energy, I've also got a 27 year background in human transformation. And I've built my own transformation model that is exactly designed to overcome what you're talking about. So and very simply it moves people from, I know I've got a problem to, I own the problem.

GABRIELLE: Yeah. To and then it's that moving people from, I know it to I own it. Getting people to take accountability is a big one. And often you wake up to the groundhog day, which was in my case when things are so bad that you can't take it anymore.

GABRIELLE: And that's the catalyst. Yeah. So for me, it was like, all right, like I can't live with this anxiety anymore. It's debilitating me and I've got to take action. So that that's often we need that nudge, which is part of my model to get us off those starting blocks. And what that means in real terms is moving from the head to the heart. So owning this is my life. I'm the only one that can change it, right?

KATHLEEN: Well, we're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the journey of an awakening spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we have Gabrielle Pimstone in the room with us. And unfortunately, we are in the last segments which I know goes way too fast. So what is one piece of advice you would offer our audience to help them move in a different direction, to achieve their dreams or become a better person?

GABRIELLE: Well, I'm drawing from my own life experience here, Kathleen, I was 15 when I had this awakening and my piece of advice is more inspirational that it's actually really and truly never too late to make profound change in your life. And if I can do it, anyone can, because the fear I had was so enormous. I had to break through so many barriers to get there. But it's been well worth, well worth the journey.

KATHLEEN: Well, how can people get a hold of you?

GABRIELLE: Well, they can contact me in various ways via my website, which is generative growth.com dot A U. You'll see how I work, what I do set up a half an hour Call with me. But alternatively, just connect with me on Instagram because I'm really becoming quite active there. I respond very quickly to DM. So it's Gabrielle Dot Pimstone on Instagram. That'd be a great way to connect with me.

KATHLEEN: Ok. Well, that's perfect. And we have about five minutes. Is there anything else you want to share with people? Because this went by too fast and it's just I love Kindred spirits and having somebody that were so similar and even though I'm doing sound and you're doing sacred geometry, it's still the same thing.

KATHLEEN: It's all energy. Everything we do is energetic and it doesn't matter when you start or when you wake up just as long as you do it.

GABRIELLE: So what I agree with that by the way, what I always say is you don't have to be an energy master to master your energy. You know, we're busy, we've got multiple demands placed on us. Some of us have got busy careers. Some of us have got young children, just some of us are, we're really busy in life and we are time poor.

GABRIELLE: So what I would suggest is to incorporate simple practices but consistently in your life and these don't have to take much time. I mean, you can do healing and energy work while you're sleeping. So I'll give you an example of what you can do and I'm gonna use sound because I know that's close to your heart.

GABRIELLE: You can and I did this for a long time is to go on to your Spotify or whatever music streaming system you have and download soe frequency and go to sleep with that frequency play.

GABRIELLE: And that's actually, and there are different frequencies that can be used for different healings. So, for example, 5 to 8 is healing the heart chakra triple eight is around abundance. So go and research it and have a look and just go to sleep listening to. So geo frequency or play it when you're driving or, do something that doesn't take any of your time.

GABRIELLE: It just enriches where you are in that moment. You know, the other thing you can do is really simply, set an alarm clock on your phone three times a day as a reminder to check in with your energy, take a minute out of your day when the alarm goes off and answer this simple question. How am I feeling right now? Just Tune in.

GABRIELLE: The other thing you can do is to really become more intentional with your dreams. We all go to sleep at night, we all dream and it doesn't take any more of your time. So set an in a heartfelt intention before you go to sleep. Speak to your dream state before you go to sleep tonight is our dream. Please help me understand why I have such a lot of anger.

GABRIELLE: For example, that was a silly example, but you can pose a question to your dream. And then all it takes is when you wake up to take your journal and just write what you've remembered. And if you don't remember your dream, then just when you wake up in the morning, just journal, how you're feeling when you wake up because that's gonna get you to really, it's gonna open up your dream state more.

GABRIELLE: So there's so much that we can do that. Take little to no time to really heal ourselves. The other thing you can do is spend more time in nature because nature's got healing properties. You know, I happen to live in Australia and there's a lot of sun here. So, and I love fire elemental energy. So between meetings, I often if I'm feeling depleted, go out into my garden and just absorb the rays of sun for two minutes.

GABRIELLE: If water does it for you go have a shower and just feel the cleansing water on you. Some people love salt, go and swim in the sea. If you're lucky enough, they're different. Go for a walk in nature and just be mindful of the abundance and the beauty around you. You can do that and these are simple things that we can do to cleanse ourselves and keep our energy clean.

KATHLEEN: I have done every single one of the things that you've said. And the one thing is if I have a question at night, I'll ask the question. And when I wake up, the answer is always there, I wake up. It's like the moment I wake up, I hear the answer and I know what to do.

KATHLEEN: So, that's very powerful to do that and listening to something positive when you go to sleep or have a strong intention about something actually makes your day the next day way better.

KATHLEEN: So you always want to do things like that. So I want to thank you so much Gabrielle for being on the show with us today. I enjoyed it. I thoroughly had learned a few things about sacred geometry that I didn't know. So I really appreciate you taking the time to be with us today.

GABRIELLE: Thank you so much.

KATHLEEN: You're welcome. And for everyone else, if you really like the show today, I would really appreciate you subscribing and liking the channel and also send the link to a family or friends that you think would get some benefit out of this.

KATHLEEN: And I want to just remind you that my books, Dancing Souls, the Call, the Dark Night of the Soul and the Awakened are available on Amazon. Com and Kathleen M flanagan.com. And what's even cooler is The Dark Knight or The Call is actually launching on May 2nd. So I am really excited about that. I'm finally launching the books.

KATHLEEN: So go ahead and check out Kathleen M Flanagan for the list of the services and products that I offer.

KATHLEEN: And I will see all of you next week at 4 p. m. Eastern Standard Time. And from my heart to yours, I hope you have a fabulous week.

Gabrielle PimstoneProfile Photo

Gabrielle Pimstone

Energy Master and Coach

Gabrielle Pimstone is an Energy Coach who is dedicated to assisting those on the cusp of change, but in need of that crucial nudge forward.
Her story, “Finding Your Inner Hero: A journey beyond burnout”, narrates her journey of resilience and reinvention, highlighting six defining moments. She offers inspiration and practical tips to individuals to break free from stagnation and fear. Her central message is that it's never too late make meaningful life change.