Oct. 15, 2024

Tips and Practices for Fear and Anxiety Around the Unknown

The podcast featured Kathleen Flanagan as the host discussing the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and being in control of one's life. The conversation focused on the need to acknowledge feelings but not let them control actions, as well as the significance of self-limiting beliefs and the power of changing one's mindset. Kathleen shared personal experiences of overcoming challenges and finding joy through activities like ballroom dancing. The discussion emphasized the importance of self-care, healing, and releasing limiting beliefs to progress towards personal growth and empowerment. The podcast highlighted the journey of self-discovery and the evolution of the self in the face of changing circumstances. The episode also promoted resources for relaxation and personal development. Overall, the conversation aimed to inspire listeners to take steps towards positive change and self-improvement.

**Main Topics Discussed:**
- Importance of maintaining a positive mindset despite challenges and frustrations.
- Acknowledging feelings but not letting them control actions.
- Letting go of the need for control and trusting in the divine/source.
- Overcoming self-limiting beliefs and self-sabotage.
- Embracing change and personal growth to empower oneself.
- Visualizing and manifesting desired outcomes in life.
- Taking small steps towards goals and trusting the process.
- Practicing self-care and gentleness during times of healing and self-discovery.

**Key Takeaways:**
- Embrace change and personal growth to empower yourself.
- Visualize and manifest your desired outcomes.
- Take small steps towards your goals and trust the process.
- Practice self-care and gentleness during times of healing and self-discovery.

**Additional Information:**
- Kathleen shares personal experiences of overcoming fear and anxiety through mindset shifts and self-discovery.
- She emphasizes the importance of being gentle with oneself during times of healing and recovery.
- Kathleen offers services on her website and a free three-minute de-stress meditation for listeners.

**Closing Remarks:**
- Download the free three-minute de-stress meditation for relaxation and stress relief.

**Note:** The episode featured Kathleen Flanagan as the sole host discussing tips and practices for overcoming fear and anxiety around the unknown.



Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



KATHLEEN: Hello everyone and welcome to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV network. The purpose of the show is to help you realize that you are not alone and that you are in control of your life. It doesn't matter where you came from or what the circumstances are.

KATHLEEN: We have all experienced pain, suffering, hurt, abandonment, loneliness, and hopelessness. This show is to help you turn those dark moments around and create a whole new you. Despite your success, have you felt lonely, angry, frustrated, or even suicidal? Do you long to be supported, recognized, and respected for who you are and not just for the awards and the accolades on your walls?

KATHLEEN: You don't want to be known, identified, or remembered in a way that feels fraudulent because you achieve things out of obligation. And not passion? Do you find yourself sitting quietly at lunch listening to what lights you up only to feel shame, fear, frustration, and resentment? Your inner turmoil and limiting beliefs surface, making you feel not good enough and afraid of doing something different.

KATHLEEN: You've read the books, attended the seminars, and practiced new concepts and principles, yet you still find yourself in the same rut. The lies you tell yourself perpetuate a cycle of disappointment. You say you'll change, but your self-limiting beliefs keep running the show, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

KATHLEEN: As a certified coach, I empower you to become your authentic self. My Soul Journey program aligns you with your true self and guides you to find your soul vision, helping you discover your purpose in life. I also provide tools to step into your true magnificence and remember who you are. If you're interested in learning more, contact me at BraveTV at KathleenMFlanagan. Com.

KATHLEEN: Check out Awakening Spirit, an aromatherapy-based body care line offering alternative healing remedies using natural or organic ingredients. Use the coupon code BRAVETV for a 40% discount. The products are guaranteed, and if something isn't working, please email me, and I will reformulate the blend specifically for you.

KATHLEEN: Visit grandmasnaturalremedies.net, which is a CBD company that includes essential oils in every blend and either has a broad spectrum or an isolate. Every product is tested and the lab results are on the website. Use coupon code BRAVETV for a 20% discount.

KATHLEEN: I start the show every week bringing in love, happiness, and balance. To set the tone... And it also helps to bring in a higher frequency as well.

KATHLEEN: I was supposed to have Sherman Perryman on the show today. He had to cancel because his mother was hospitalized last night. I don't know the circumstances or anything other than he didn't think that he would be 100% present. So we're going to reschedule him for another day.

KATHLEEN: But what I do want to talk about is how to try to take control of every aspect of your life that creates resistance to the spiritual growth. And what I mean by that is...

KATHLEEN: We are in control of our lives and it's all based on how we think, okay? Yes, we have a lot of outside circumstances that are going on. This has been a morning that I just couldn't believe what I experienced this morning. And like I said and have been saying is that my happiness is number one and I'm not going to let whatever happens run my day or ruin my day.

KATHLEEN: All I know is that I need to keep my mindset where it needs to be. And when I'm going to do the show. I always want to have a very positive, upbeat persona because, first of all, that's how I feel. And just because something's going on doesn't mean I have to be grumpy, I guess, and feel frustrated. Even though I felt a little frustrated, I felt a little angry about things that happened this morning.

KATHLEEN: But it's not controlling me. That's the thing. I'm allowed to feel. That's what we do. We feel. And so I acknowledged the feeling and it was like, well, I'm going to shift my mindset and I'm going to keep doing what I intended to do.

KATHLEEN: And sometimes that's what we have to do is just keep moving forward because control. I mean, if we're macro managing or there's perfection or we're feeling that we're going to fail. I mean, those are self-limiting beliefs that are going to run your life and you're going to take moving in that direction. And so why?

KATHLEEN: Why would I want to do that? You know, we need to control fear and past traumas and society pressures because here's something that this is one of the things that I got to deal with again this morning, besides my guests having to cancel. I get an email that the Department Of Treasury is now requiring all businesses to file a financial fraudulent claim.

KATHLEEN: So now we have a number. So everything just goes, if you're a C-Corp, an LLC, sole proprietor, doesn't matter. You have to file this document. And I'm just like, you've got to be freaking kidding me that we have to do this. And it's all it does is it cross-checks that you are filed with the Secretary of State.

KATHLEEN: It talks about who the beneficial owners are, who is basically in all the documents to begin with. And all of this. And I'm just like, wow, one more step of the government taking control of our lives. I'm not going to let it bother me. I don't like it. I will give you that.

KATHLEEN: I do not like it, but there's nothing I can do about it, but it doesn't define me because my businesses have operated the same way for the last 20 to 30 years. There's nothing different. Nothing changed. I just now have a new number attached to me. Oh boy. You know, I just so love how we are. Tagged. So even if they're not chipping us, they're getting us one way or another.

KATHLEEN: So it's just mind-boggling. It just blows me away sometimes. And that kind of upset me a little bit this morning because I'm so over all of this. But what do you do? It's what it is. Okay? It's what it is. But that doesn't have to impact anything with where I'm going in my life, what I vision for my life. It's just what the human...

KATHLEEN: Being a human is on planet earth right now so the main thing that I want to do is I could use that and I could have stopped moving forward I could have not done the things that I wanted to do today and not that the day's over but there were certain things that I wanted to get done before the show started and I could have just used that and went oh well I'm not going to do anything because I'm all upset and I need a cocktail or I need to have a marijuana cookie or whatever people do.

KATHLEEN: Because the other thing that happened to this was so much fun this morning too, is that, I have Marco, he's my little orange tabby that we brought in from outside and he decided he was going to pick a fight with Shadow. And it didn't just stop with that. It went all the way down into the basement until I broke him apart. So I had to yell at him.

KATHLEEN: And I'm just like, okay, whatever, whatever. I mean, all these things is like one thing after another, after another that kept coming. And I'm like, okay, whatever. It's a day. I don't know. Somebody must have fed the gremlins or something last night. But I mean, I look at it now and I laugh and I didn't get into it.

KATHLEEN: It was like, okay, I'm just going to go take a shower. I'm just going to forget all this. I'm going to get myself back into alignment. It was like every time I got back in, it was like something came up. But see, that's because I'm in control of my life.

KATHLEEN: I'm in control of what goes on up here. So just because all these outside circumstances are happening around me doesn't mean I have to be affected by it. I can feel them. I can feel the frustration, the angst. Whatever I have to feel that I'm going to feel. I mean, listening to two cats brawl in your house is not fun because they're screaming.

KATHLEEN: And Marco's the one that takes the brunt of all of it. He's the only one that seems to be getting cut up. And I have a cat that's got no claws and I got a cat with no teeth. And yet he's the one that comes out battered every time. So I don't think he's very smart. I've decided he's not a very smart cat.

KATHLEEN: Anyways, it's just such a, it's a hoot. To see that. And, but I'm not going to, because of that, I don't also want to control my life. It's like, okay, this is happening. There's something that I need to see. Sometimes I think it's just that I just need to see how much am I in control of my thoughts?

KATHLEEN: How much am I moving forward in my life? How much am I just saying no? Because what is, what am I doing every night? Every night I'm asking to be able to receive more because we don't know how much we're capable of receiving until we start receiving it.

KATHLEEN: I just joined this community that I could make so much money and it's passive income. And that's basically what it is. It's a passive income. And so I can keep moving forward in my life. I mean, Spirit tells me that I'm going to be writing more books. Okay. I'm going to be writing five more books and I've already started the fourth book.

KATHLEEN: And I'm thinking, well, If I'm going to write and dedicate this book the way I want to, then I need to have more income so I can spend more time writing and not feeling like I'm having to go out and do the, you know, work for the man, do the nine to five grind, even though it's not nine to five for me.

KATHLEEN: So and I'm just and what am I doing? I'm constantly working on my mindset. So it's not so much about I want this and this and this when I make the money. Because I'm not worried about that. And I had this realization yesterday about this was when I started working on my mindset, the first thing I did was I remember when I was married, our first house cost us $123,000.

KATHLEEN: And that was so in my mind. Because that was the first time houses were really starting to get up into the six figures for starter homes, okay? So this is all about starter homes. So I'm sitting here going, oh my God, that's a lot of money.

KATHLEEN: How do I handle this? Blah, blah, blah. We did it. And I just moved into it. Okay. When I bought my second house, I paid, I think, 265 for it, which was a lot of money just for me, but it didn't phase me because I was already making decent money. So I wasn't concerned about that.

KATHLEEN: When I bought this house again, a $600,000 house that I, it was like, it was like a no brainer to walk into it. So when I'm saying we step into, as we elevate, we can take on more. So if I'm sitting here looking at that, I want to make mega, you know, multi, you know, multi-figure, six-figure business, or even a million dollar business.

KATHLEEN: I have to step into all of that. And that's what we do is we need to elevate. So I don't want to sabotage myself because a lot of times when people start making money or doing things like that, or they don't get themselves ready or change their mindset around it, they, they sabotage it. They make it go away.

KATHLEEN: They stop doing whatever they need to do. They put their, you know, have to come back and. Live their story the way it is and I refuse to do that So one of the tricks that I'm doing is how would I feel? When I got my first $900 check through the in this online business How would I feel because I know what I could do with the money?

KATHLEEN: That's not the issue. The issue is is how would I feel and I'm thinking well gosh, I'll be doing a happy dance I'll be so excited that I'm I made like $900 on the internet through this new online business that I'm doing. And if you want to learn more about it, you can go to I am the light coach.com and you can learn more about it there.

KATHLEEN: So that's where I'm at because I decided I'm going to do a 90 day. They're running a 90 day run to help. And I'm going to personally help 23 families make a big impact before the holiday season. So in the next two months, I want to help 23 people, you know, start reclaiming their power, reclaiming...

KATHLEEN: Financial freedom, that type of thing. And I'm really excited about it. So I'm, and I started it. I mean, I haven't posted yet, but everything is up and ready. And I've done some TikTok videos and I'm pretty excited about it.

KATHLEEN: And the only reason that this came to me was, first of all, I've been asking, how can I make more money and not feel like I'm in the grind or not feel like I'm always coming up short at the end of the month? Because, the world is a little crazy right now.

KATHLEEN: People are nervous and they're scared and they're all looking for a way out. But the one thing people is they don't think they have the control to change that. And I'm here to say you do. And this presented itself to me probably two weeks ago. And I signed up over the weekend to do it.

KATHLEEN: And I'm taking off that I it's not my job to make the money. God. The divine, the universe, whatever you want to call it is my source. So I'm asking because I'm going to do the work. It's not, this is not a get quick, get quick, rich scheme.

KATHLEEN: This is an actual business that you actually have to do work. Okay. There's no such thing as a get rich quick business out there. It's all about what you do. And so doing that, it also helped me to release the control because part of me, it was like, well, I don't know. I haven't made good decisions in the past about this.

KATHLEEN: I haven't done that. And I just sat with myself on it and just trusted that this is because the person who introduced it to me, I trusted her and she's making money and she doesn't have any idea what to do with tech and she's doing, and she's making money.

KATHLEEN: And I know a little bit about tech so I could do some things. And so that's another way of, if you're asking for help. You have to pay attention that when the answers come, now it may feel uncomfortable and you might be afraid of it, but if you sit with it and you research it and do the due diligence that you need to do to see if this is something for you to do, this is one way that you're now allowing Spirit to help you.

KATHLEEN: You're learning to surrender and you're learning to trust a process. So we're going to go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV network. So I want to talk a little bit more about surrender and trusting the flow of Spirit, because I know surrender is a big deal. I know that it seemed like it took me forever to really understand what surrender meant.

KATHLEEN: And my interpretation of surrender is when you're asking for help or guidance i would say guidance because that's what i'm asking for more now is When something presents itself to you, first of all, acknowledge it, because if an answer comes to you or you're finding something or there's clues being sent to you, because we receive messages all the time, this is a way for Spirit to say, yes, I hear you and here's something for you.

KATHLEEN: Now. You still have to do your research. You still have to do your due diligence. You still have to do the things that you need to do. But what I like, how I look at it, that if this is something that I think that I want to do, or if it's something that I'm wanting to do, like I'm working on starting my coaching business.

KATHLEEN: So here's another element of surrender, is I do what I can do. And then when I don't know what else to do, I stop and I wait for Spirit to send me the message. And that's the... The form of taking a baby step as well. That's how you co-create with Spirit. You do everything that you can do.

KATHLEEN: When you don't know what else to do, you stop and you wait until you're inspired again, because that's how business grows. That's how we grow. That's how we evolve. That's how we wake up. That's what Jesus did. That's what Buddha did. That's what Krishna did. That's what all of them did. So that way, when we're connecting with Spirit, we're co-creating because Spirit knows where we want to go more than we do.

KATHLEEN: Our brain knows where we want to go if we get out of the way. But what we do is we allow fear to come in. We allow, we're terrified of change for whatever reason. And yet we live in a world of change and yet we're terrified to change. It's an oxymoron. Okay.

KATHLEEN: I, I mean, I'm probably one of the few people that I like to change. Some days it sucks, but you know what? I always like what's on the other side. I'm always a bigger version of myself. I'm always more relaxed, more at ease, less angry, less frustrated, less everything when I keep evolving and growing and changing.

KATHLEEN: And that's the one thing because the more I grow, evolve and change, the more I feel like I become more empowered. I am in control of my thoughts. I'm in control of my feelings. I'm in control of my mouth. And that's what I like. And that's what change can do for you. Because if you allow saying, no, I'm not going to change.

KATHLEEN: And you're trying to help somebody and they're just steadfast with their feet planted in the ground and they don't want to change. And then you watch their life fall apart because they chose not to change. You will change one way or another. You are going to change.

KATHLEEN: You either do it voluntarily or the universe is going to kick your butt. And trust me. You don't want the universe kicking your butt because they will, oh God, when they kick your butt. There's nothing worse than being flattened and you have to figure out how to pick yourself up because you saw all the signs coming and you chose not to change.

KATHLEEN: Okay, you wanted to learn something, I get it. But you know what, I decided I didn't like those, you know, proverbial four by eights hitting me across the head because I was too stubborn because I was, I knew. Better? Well, I didn't know better.

KATHLEEN: And if I want to be a certain place, or if I have a direction that I want to go in, why would I want to keep sabotaging myself? Because it was easy, because it was comfortable. I didn't want to change. Well, we live in a world that we are changing. We're going to change. This world is changing. Everything is changing at an accelerated rate.

KATHLEEN: And so that's, to me, when we're surrendering. And trusting because when I talked about that dream about that kid that got into that accident in the dream where Spirit was driving, what were they telling me? We got you. You're safe. Don't worry about it. Yes, it might be chaotic out here, but that's not you.

KATHLEEN: You're safe. You're protected. And we all are safe and protected because the one thing that I came to realize a week ago, and I think it was right after the show, that I was talking in a mastermind group. And I said, safety is an illusion. Security is an illusion.

KATHLEEN: All the things that we think we're trying to create for ourself, you know, financial security is an illusion. All of it's an illusion. Okay. And I made a decision that if all of this is an illusion and I am safe all the time, if my body dies, it dies. I'm not going to die. My Spirit will live on.

KATHLEEN: But if I'm... If I'm safe and protected and it's an illusion in my mind, well, why wouldn't I jump off the deep end and go for whatever I want? Because I have this habitual habit up here that I'm supposed to do it a certain way? Who says so? Me?

KATHLEEN: Our government? My family? My friends? They're not me. They don't live my life. They don't know anything about what goes on up here any more than I know what goes up on your head. I know that we all have trash we talk to ourselves on.

KATHLEEN: I mean, I know that to be a fact. And I know that if you want to be bigger and better, you need to get a hold of that. And so that's kind of what I'm, when I'm doing that, it's, that's about trusting the higher power. That's also releasing control.

KATHLEEN: I'm not going to fall. I mean, if I slip, I slip, but I'm always going to pick myself. Back up. That's just part of our human nature is to pick ourselves up. So why wouldn't I want to do that? Because my goal that I have, which is really big, and I don't know if this is possible, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

KATHLEEN: I want to stop as much habitual behavior as I can stop, all the dark negative stuff that we do. I want to get into that Spirit consciousness and be there 24 seven. I don't know what that would feel like being on the earth at this moment, but it's still a goal of mine because habitual patterns.

KATHLEEN: Stop us, especially if they're self-destructive, especially if it keeps us in complacency and we're not moving into that new direction. And that's one of the things that I want to do for myself. And I keep pushing myself and yeah, I do scare myself to death. I trust, trust me, I scare myself all the time and I'm going to do it anyways, because I want something more.

KATHLEEN: I want something better. I want, I want it all. And all is. Just total tranquility and peace and happiness and joy on the inside. And yes, things can come up and bother me, but they're not going to run me. And they're going to be like, I'm going to see the truth of it and not the angst of the emotions behind it.

KATHLEEN: That's why it's so important to start not denying those emotions that you have. That's why it's so critical to own your anger, own your jealousy, own your possessive controlling behavior, whatever. Whatever it is, resentment, comparison, own it, and then let it go. Just let it go. I mean, yes, you have to have things trigger you to start releasing it, to allow more light in.

KATHLEEN: But I think that is one of the most profound things that you can do for yourself. And it's one of the things that I want to do because I listened to a Tony Robbins video yesterday and he talked about, you know, if you're poor, you get...

KATHLEEN: Poor results if you're good you get good results if you're excellent you get good results if you're outstanding you get excellent results and he said that the the gap between poor and good is like this the gap between good and excellent is like this and the gap between excellent and outstanding is this I already operated excellence I always have but the results are not what I want.

KATHLEEN: They're just like good results because the world has set a whole new set of standards and I want to be excellent. So that means I want to be the best version of me that I can be. I want to be, I want to have whatever money that I want to have. I want to have whatever worldly possessions that I think are important that I want or not.

KATHLEEN: It doesn't matter. I want to be able to help people that are less fortunate to help empower them, to help get them to take control of their lives and not be the victim of their lives or feel like they are downtrodden because we have a society that keeps people downtrodden instead of helping them.

KATHLEEN: Because there's a lot of change that needs to happen in this world to get us back to where we belong. And that's part of what I want to do too is because I don't want to resist the change that's coming in. And when we're facing resistance, it's because we're in fear. We don't understand where we're going. We're feeling like we're out of control.

KATHLEEN: And all you have to do when you're feeling that is feel the feeling for 90 seconds and it'll pass. Breathe into it. That's all you have to do. Take a deep breath from the bottom of your stomach and breathe it all in and then exhale it. And you start releasing that. Meditation is another way for you to remember who you are, to bring more light and love into your life, to start changing.

KATHLEEN: And moving through all some of the negative self-talk that you created. That's what started me in my 20s, because I thought I was just a disgusting human being, and why should I even be alive? And by meditating, I started to see I was something bigger and better.

KATHLEEN: Yes, it's taken a lifetime to get here, but we created this over many lifetimes how we are today. But we can start moving through them quicker. The more we bring light into our consciousness, the more we grow up, and the more we take responsibility for our thoughts, actions, words, and deeds, we can accelerate our growth exponentially.

KATHLEEN: And I'm going to start working in the quantum field because that's something Spirit told me is, you know, get out in the quantum field. Well, part of that, what I know about the quantum field is what does my future self look like?

KATHLEEN: In this company that I joined, in this networking, well, it's not networking, it's an online digital marketing company, business. And the one thing that they said was, I want you to write a letter to your future self one year from today, date it, and saying thank you for being courageous to do what you did by taking a chance on something you knew nothing about.

KATHLEEN: I started the letter. I haven't finished it yet, but I started the letter because I'm really trying to feel what my future self would be thinking and feeling at this point. And when I did that, and then we're supposed to seal it and open it in a year.

KATHLEEN: That's another step of going out into the quantum field to bring what I want towards me. We're going to go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold, Brave TV network. So what I'm doing right now is I'm actually giving you tips on how to let go of fear, how to let go of some of your self-limiting beliefs.

KATHLEEN: Like meditation and breath work are two really big ones because we do hold a lot of this stuff inside this on a cellular level. And I also know massage can be really good for this, especially when all the pain is up in your body to help release that as well. But meditation is really good because you actually start feeling peaceful and tranquil and you're actually connecting with the Godhead, whatever that looks like to you.

KATHLEEN: And there's that sense of love and peace and tranquility. And an acceptance for who you are when you go inside yourself and meditate. When you're doing breath work, you're doing your breathing. You know, you're going in, you're bringing oxygen into your body. And when you're bringing oxygen into your body, It's grabbing all this and you're starting to release more.

KATHLEEN: It releases the endorphins in your mind, in your brain. So that way you're starting to feel more peaceful and tranquil. And it's just such a calming place to be because so many of us, because we're so high stressed, we breathe very shallow. We usually breathe up here and we need to breathe in our stomach where our diaphragm is expanding and contracting. When you can do that, I mean, it helps with your blood pressure.

KATHLEEN: It helps with overall health. It helps release stress. It releases all this kind of stuff. And people that are having all these chronic health issues, a lot of it has to do with stress, but they don't think it's stress, but it is stress because they're not breathing or they're driving themselves that I have to make $50,000 a month. And you're like, where do you come up with these ideas?

KATHLEEN: Why are you putting that kind of pressure on yourself?

KATHLEEN: I mean, just be gentle with yourself, love yourself, accept who you are. You know, discover you because there's so much about you that you don't know about yourself. Because the more I grow and learn and change, the more I realize I'm a pretty cool person. I don't care if you like me or not, but I think I'm pretty cool.

KATHLEEN: And wanting to fall in love with me, you know, that's the thing, is that you have those opportunities to really love you. And there's nothing wrong with loving yourself. That's what we're supposed to do. Because if we love ourselves, that means we can love other people. We can be tolerant of other people. We can be compassionate towards other people.

KATHLEEN: We don't have an us versus them mentality. Because we're all the same. We just look different. And the one thing that I have tried to do on this show, more than anything else, is I don't care what walk of life you come from, what... How much money you've had or didn't, what part of the world you've come in. Everybody has shared a very similar story.

KATHLEEN: And if you can't get that, I don't know how to help you at that moment. I don't know what to help you with or how to deal with that. But all I'm doing is showing you, we are all the same. We all feel the same things. We all want the same things.

KATHLEEN: Another great way to help get garbage out of your head, journal. Okay. I started journaling more. I mean, I do it off and on. I'm not very diligent at it, I admit. But when I'm really got a lot of crap in my head, I start journaling just to vomit it out. Because I know that once I vomit that kind of stuff out, the messages are going to come in.

KATHLEEN: Where I'm going, what I want to do, what, you know, where the book is. Because sometimes, like... I'm getting all these different ideas of what to do with the book and I don't know how it weaves yet and it's okay because it's not my job to know how to do that yet.

KATHLEEN: Right now it's just the next thing I have to do is I did start writing notes when Destiny woke up and remembered who she was but there were so many steps that were involved in where I am today and that's what this continuation of the books is is going to be is about what I did.

KATHLEEN: What were the steps that got me moving when I was barely alive, when I was crawling, when I was so full of holes that I only wanted to do was die and I didn't think I could even lift my head up? What were the things I did that started to help me come back? That's what I'm going to talk about because there's so many people that are in that kind of framework, that are in that mentality.

KATHLEEN: And a lot of it was I visualized. I visualized my future self.

KATHLEEN: I knew what I wanted and I visualized it and I lived as if. I didn't care if I didn't know how I was going to pay my rent that month. I didn't know. I truly did not know. But a friend of mine gifted me money. I paid her back and I told her I'd pay her back in a year and I did.

KATHLEEN: She gifted me to keep my house. Okay. I had to ask Xcel Energy to whatever it was, wave it or something. I don't know. It was something that they did where I didn't have to pay it because it was a hardship on me because I didn't have any work.

KATHLEEN: That's what I did. I asked people to help me. Did anybody offer to give me any kind of work? Because I didn't ask for a handout. I was asking, well, this is what I can do. Some people helped, some people didn't. The whole point was that I visualized and I was doing something.

KATHLEEN: To move into a different direction. Did I visualize that I was on the verge of living in a Buick down by the river? Oh hell yes I did and I did not like what I saw. And I felt every bit of that.

KATHLEEN: Fear of terror. I felt it. And what surprised me, and yet it didn't, was how fast I moved to get out of that. Because I didn't have to live in a Buick down by the river because I actually lived it in my mind. I felt the experience of it. And I shifted my thinking because of it.

KATHLEEN: And I visualized my future self. What did I want to be? Where did I want to be? I went out into the quantum field, didn't even realize I had gone in the quantum field at that moment in time. See, it's your emotions that take you there. It's your mind that takes you there.

KATHLEEN: It's the belief that takes you there. When I said that I had this future self that I was looking at and I knew who she wanted and I wanted to step into her when she presented herself, I said, I want to be you. It wasn't my future self. It was my higher self.

KATHLEEN: When you know and you are crystal clear on what you want and you keep moving baby step after baby step after baby step, where you go as far as you can, Spirit comes in, tells you the next step, you take that step and you keep doing that, the trajectory of your life will shift millions, millions of degrees in a totally different direction.

KATHLEEN: Millions. Okay? Where I am today, where I thought I was in 2021 when I bought this house, is night and day. I'm not the same person. I'm not the same person. Thank God we're not the same person that we were when we were teenagers, okay?

KATHLEEN: But the whole point is that I keep moving. I keep progressing so I can get better. So I can increase my energy frequency. Yes, I still meditate. Yes, I do journal. Yes, I pay attention to where I am. Yes, I look at my limiting beliefs and say, you know, this is bullshit and send it on its way.

KATHLEEN: I know how to do a decision matrix where you can sit there and see the lies. Why we constantly look at the negative is way beyond my comprehension, but I'm guilty of it myself. And I am doing everything in my power to change that. And you know, I don't know one good way to change that. That'll also help accelerate you into the world that you want to live in, what are your wins? What good is happening in your life today?

KATHLEEN: Where are you today? I mean, I get on these mastermind calls and it's like, what's your win? And I'll sit there and I'll think about what is my win? And it doesn't have to be anything major. I mean, today, if I get on my mastermind call, what's my win going to be? Oh, I had the whole world just dump on me this morning.

KATHLEEN: It's between six and 10 o'clock this morning that it was one thing after another, after another, after another to stop me from moving into doing what I want to do to bring money into my life because we will automatically set that up. Our ego will set that up for failure. And I said, no, that's a huge win because I'm here. I'm in a good place. I'm happy. Life is good.

KATHLEEN: I made four TikTok videos. They're not ready yet because I still have to learn how to do some of that, but I did it. Okay. And I'm not done because I want to do 21 TikTok videos. So I can have post three of them a day. So I figure if I get them all done, then I just work on posting. I like that idea. Do it once and then just post it the rest of the week.

KATHLEEN: That's how I like to do things. I don't do that with the show because that's not what I do with the show, but I can do that. I did that with, you know, tip videos that I put on my website. I do that with newsletters I put on my website. I like to do when I get in the mood to do something, it's like, I'll do a, like a mass thing of social media posting.

KATHLEEN: I'll create all these posts and, and newsletters and all this kind of stuff. And then it's just spend a couple hours posting it for the next, what? Month, two months, six months, whatever it is, that's an efficient use of my time. So I'm not doing it every day and feeling bogged down because I want to feel free that I can keep moving forward.

KATHLEEN: When you start streamlining your life to that degree, you start creating more time because you're not doing the time waster or you're not, oh God, I have to do more social media posting. That was me. Okay. I own that. That was me because I hate social media.

KATHLEEN: I have to do social media. So what I'm trying to do now is make this fun, okay?

KATHLEEN: I'm starting to have fun doing social media. I never thought I would ever see that day happen, but I have worked at social media since I was told I have to get on social media in 2012. Okay, that is 12 years later, and I am just now starting to think this could be fun.

KATHLEEN: I know, slow learner. I get it, slow learner. But the whole point is that I knew I had to do it. I kept working towards doing it, and... And now it's not as heavy as it was. I'm not as afraid or scared to be seen because that was part of it is being seen, maybe getting bullied or being mistreated or whatever. And so now it's like, okay, I'm going to develop a rhino skin.

KATHLEEN: I'm not going to let you, you know, you want to say whatever, I'll block you. I don't care.

KATHLEEN: I don't have to like you.

KATHLEEN: And I don't have to listen to your opinions either.

KATHLEEN: I mean, you know, the bullying has got to stop, but, you know, people can hide behind social media and think you're going to destroy it. But you know what, how I turn that around so I don't get my feelings hurt is I must be shining so much light out there that I am blasting them and they're trying to stop me.

KATHLEEN: How's that for a positive thing? Kind of like what Jesse was saying. About the little girl that had to protect herself and put traps up so she knew when her dad was coming into her room. And what did she do? She decided that she was also very creative and she was resourceful and she could do things. And what one was living?

KATHLEEN: The victim or the empowered little girl? I choose to have the empowered being come into my life. And that's part of what this whole thing is about too, is changing the mindset, getting back into a positive outlook.

KATHLEEN: Because when you change your mindset and you start being positive and happy and joyful, that comes back to you in the world and the world doesn't look so bad and terrifying. We're going to go ahead and take a quick commercial break.

SPEAKER 5: John M. Hawkins reveals strategies to help gain perspective, build confidence, find clarity, achieve goals. John M. Hawkins'new book, Coached to Greatness, Unlock Your Full Potential with Limitless Growth, published by IUniverse. Hawkins reveals strategies to help readers accomplish more.

SPEAKER 5: He believes the book can coach them to greatness. Hawkins says that the... Best athletes get to the top of their sport with the help of coaches, mentors, and others. He shares guidance that helps readers reflect on what motivates them.

SPEAKER 5: We discover and assess their core values, philosophies, and competencies, find settings that allow them to be the most productive, and track their progress towards accomplishing goals. Listen to John Hawkins'My Strategy, Saturdays, 1 p. m. Eastern, on the BBM Global Network and TuneIn Radio.

SPEAKER 5: What if there were a super tiny device that could diagnose the brain and is smaller than a single human hair? What if you could see inside the brain to help an epilepsy patient during surgery or to help the fight against Parkinson's disease? Dr. Patricia Broderick is proud to announce the Broderick Probe, a biomedical and electronic breakthrough. Imagine a probe to help with the understanding and potential cure.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold Babe TV network.

KATHLEEN: When you're doing all of this work, you just need to be gentle with yourself. Just taking one step at a time and whatever you can do is good enough for that moment. I mean, when I came back from the darkness, after my mother had passed and all of that.

KATHLEEN: I didn't see any hope. I didn't see any light. I didn't see anything. I just wanted to die, okay? And the only thing I knew at that moment was that I was grateful that I was in Colorado. And I said, thank you for letting me be back in Colorado. Then I took that one more step further and I was like, thank you that the skies are blue today. Thank you for the beautiful weather. Thank you.

KATHLEEN: Everything was on the outside of me because that's all I knew to do at that moment in time was I still had the gift of life. I didn't think it was a gift yet, but it was the beginning of coming back. And it was one small step, but that was the only thing I knew to do at that moment. Because I didn't feel like I had any tools in my tool belt after that. Because when I came back from that darkness, I didn't know who I was.

KATHLEEN: I didn't know what I thought. I didn't know how I felt. I didn't know how to think. I didn't know anything about myself, literally, truly. I felt like I... Had woken up from a coma and I had to discover myself. And so I was taking baby steps at that point in time. And then I was able to get back into ballroom dancing because that brought so much more joy and happiness into my life because I was doing that.

KATHLEEN: Now, I wasn't really around people yet. I was just dancing. So there was a lot of hibernation, a lot of withdrawals. I mean, I would go weeks without seeing people sometimes. That was not healthy. But it's what I did. It's what I needed to do for my own healing and my own recovery. I had to find myself again. And as I was doing all of that, you know, I was still healing.

KATHLEEN: I was getting massages every single week so I could start coming back into my body so I could release the torturous pain that was in my body from everything that ever happened to me. And I had to be gentle with myself. And I was. People might not have liked me that much, but I was gentle with myself because I was like a newborn baby is how I felt. I felt like I was learning how to crawl and then walk and then go to school.

KATHLEEN: Adolescence, all of it. I mean, that's just how it felt. I mean, it was a very accelerated pace, but that's what I did.

KATHLEEN: And I was releasing more and more fear all the time. I was. Realizing that I was okay and I was safe and there was nothing was harming me. It was just whatever was up in here that I had to really work on. I really had to dig deep further into more limiting beliefs. And I faced a lot of torturous ones during that period of time. And then it was like, I had to find out, well, who am I really?

KATHLEEN: And even though I may have known when you come out of that, you really don't know. And that's why... That's why I say that is just be kind to yourself, really, truly. It's okay. And have a support team around you that if you've gone through anything like that, have a support team around you. I mean, you're more than welcome to reach out to me because I've been there, done that. I have compassion beyond compassion to help you.

KATHLEEN: I know how to help you come out of it. I know how to help you to start moving into your life and give you tools. I'm fully capable of doing that. I'm a certified coach. That's what I do. And if you're looking for help or guidance or support in that way, reach out to me. If you just want to have a chat, reach out. I can send you a calendar link and we can just have a chat and just make sure that you're okay.

KATHLEEN: Because the one thing I don't want to see anymore is people committing suicide because there was no one there to talk to. And there are people there and there are people. Who are willing to do this and not charge a million dollars because they think they're so much better than whatever. I mean, if you're really out there to help people, you're going to be reasonable.

KATHLEEN: Yes, we still have to get paid because that's what we do, but it doesn't have to be like a $30,000 investment. And I don't charge that because it's about you. Not about my financial success. Yes, I want to make money and yes, I want to be financially successful, but not at the pain and whim of you to that degree. Because I've been there, I paid the $30,000 and got nothing out of it. So I understand that.

KATHLEEN: Well, that's pretty much everything that I have to say for today. And I want to thank you very much for joining me. And I hope you found value here. And if you did, please.

KATHLEEN: Like and share the link with friends and family and please subscribe to the channel so you can get updates on the new episodes and again if you're struggling feel free to reach out to me at brave tv at KathleenMFlanagan. Com and we can set up a 15-20 minute call just to see how you're going what's going on what i can support you in my books dancing souls the call the dark night of the soul and awaken are up on amazon.com and KathleenMFlanagan. Com.

KATHLEEN: And this really is the journey of an awakening Spirit. This really is where we are today and where we're going in our future because of the evolution of this planet. Feel free to visit KathleenMFlanagan. Com for the list of services that I'm offering. And I also have that three-minute de-stress meditation that is absolutely free. So go ahead and download it. Listen to it at night. It'll help you relax.

KATHLEEN: It'll help bring you back into balance. Listen to it in the morning. Whatever you want to do because it helps with... Just not feeling road rage. You feel tranquil, your heart is open, you're more loving, your energy shifts, and that's important. And I will see you all next week, Tuesday at 4pm Eastern Standard Time. And from my heart to yours, I hope you have a fabulous week.

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