March 12, 2024

How to Navigate a Spiritual Awakening

The podcast featured Kathleen and Julia Marie discussing spiritual awakening, intuition, discernment, and communication with Spirit guides. Julia shared her journey of transformation and emphasized the importance of trusting one's inner voice. They highlighted the significance of discerning true spiritual guidance from deceptive influences, using feelings and symbols as tools for understanding messages. Julia advised listeners to ask for clarity and guidance when faced with uncertainty. The conversation underscored the value of spiritual growth and self-awareness in navigating life's challenges. The discussion provided insights into developing intuition, recognizing warning signs, and embracing personal growth. The speakers emphasized the importance of authenticity and self-love in spiritual development. The podcast aimed to inspire listeners to trust their intuition, seek spiritual guidance, and pursue personal transformation.

- Guest speaker Julia Marie shares her personal experiences and insights on spiritual growth and awakening.

**Main Topics Discussed:**
- Kathleen shares her personal experience of undergoing energy movement and breathwork sessions to release trauma and expand her energy.
- Julia Marie discusses her spiritual awakening journey and how she learned to live guided by the voice within.
- The importance of discernment in navigating spiritual experiences and trusting one's intuition.
- Ways to communicate with Spirit guides and interpret messages through symbols and dreams.

**Key Takeaways:**
- Trust your gut feelings and discernment when navigating spiritual experiences.
- Ask for clarity and understanding when receiving messages from Spirit guides.
- Pay attention to warning signs and trust your true self to avoid harm.
- Learn to communicate effectively with Spirit guides to receive guidance and messages.

- Julia Marie, a gifted trans-dimensional healer, intuitive medium, and spiritual teacher, shares her insights and experiences on spiritual awakening.

- The episode provides valuable insights on navigating spiritual awakening and trusting one's intuition.
- Listeners are encouraged to like, subscribe, and explore Kathleen's books available on Amazon and her website.

- Kathleen Flanagan, the host of the podcast, shares her personal experiences and insights on spiritual growth and awakening.

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: We were supposed to have Julia Marie on the show today and for some reason, she's not here and I haven't been able to get a hold of her.

KATHLEEN: So I'm going to fly on the show and talk about a variety of things that have been happening in my life because it's been a while since any of you really knew what's been going on with me about two or three weeks ago, I went to a David Bayer seminar and it was a very enlightening and moving breakthrough event.

KATHLEEN: Now, I've, as, you know, I've studied a little bit under David Bayer and what he does about coming into the core of your limiting beliefs. And that was the reason why I signed up to do his whole human framework was because I wanted to understand how to change that original limiting belief.

KATHLEEN: Now, I thought it was unworthiness, but it turned out that it wasn't that because in the event, I had a coaching session with one of the guys and I was vomited all over him.

KATHLEEN: I mean, there was just so much was coming up and coming out and he was like, oh my God, you're in a breakthrough. And so I ended up deciding I was going to hire David as a coach during that session because I wanted to get to the next level and I knew that I needed help.

KATHLEEN: Well, he was offering a genesis frequency there and I had never seen this before and she, and they did a demonstration, I believe it was Thursday night when I was there. And I thought, oh my God, I'm gonna have to do this because there was just something about it that I had seen, I had never seen before.

KATHLEEN: I wanted to have this experience of what this would be like to have this. So I did and it was not cheap. This was like a $250 session for, four. I'm sorry. My guest appears to be showing up anyways, I'll get with that in a few minutes.

KATHLEEN: So it was $250 for 20 minutes. But the first session I did was an hour and we went back into the core of the trauma that I had survived in my life. And it was immense and I just cried a lot.

KATHLEEN: And then they, she did something, I don't know what it was she did. It was just about energy movement. And I actually went into the womb and I could feel myself like in the fetal position, you know how we're like this and it's all nice and safe and cozy and wonderful.

KATHLEEN: And whoever was to come out of the womb when you feel like that. I didn't want to come out. I remember looking and going, oh my God, there's this thought form coming in and I literally watched it come across me and enter and it was unlovable.

KATHLEEN: That was the actual original thought form that came in was being unlovable. So undeserving comes from unlovable. I went that one step further. And of course, I was very emotional I cried the whole next day.

KATHLEEN: It was one of those things of, really feeling the change that was occurring. And then Spirit told me that I was supposed to have two sessions. And I'm like, oh my God, that's $500.

KATHLEEN: And I thought, ok, well, if you want me to do it, I'll do it. Then Sal comes through and says, I put money in your account. So you make sure you do that second session. I did the second session and this time it was, she worked on my breathing. I was expanding my breath more so I could receive more, I could give more.

KATHLEEN: I could hold more energy. And then she said a little bit more trauma was released. But what was interesting about the breath was I was going up the escalator to get something to eat and all of a sudden I'm like looking down going, what's this? What's this?

KATHLEEN: And I'm feeling my lungs expand and contract that I have never seen it. I was really breathing deeply and with this genesis frequency, they say that once the trauma is gone, it doesn't come back, it's completely released. And what I've noticed since I've been back, there's a lot of changes.

KATHLEEN: It's like there's a lot of things going on inside my head, which I'll go into in a little bit. But the other thing was that I've noticed is how I'm breathing because my breathing for right now needs to come in through my mouth and out through my mouth. And I seem to do that a lot more than I'm used to.

KATHLEEN: But I also know that I'm still holding in this capacity. Some of the by-product of what's happening with this is aside from feeling very emotional when I came back because Spirit had asked me to read all three of my books because the message that I'm supposed to deliver is in them.

KATHLEEN: I was blown away by what I saw how I felt, what I experienced, the amount of vulnerability that is coming out in these books. And there's no way that anybody could say that my experience wasn't real and what I felt, nobody talks about to the depth that I talked about in those books.

KATHLEEN: I started realizing that part of my mission, my soul mission is to release trauma.

KATHLEEN: I declared this at that event to people the whole time. I'm like, I know how to do this. And I'm sitting here going, I know how to do what I'm not sure I know how to do this. Well, I don't know yet or maybe I do, I just don't have it consciously in my mind yet because I've lived my whole life working on releasing trauma. So I do know how to do this.

KATHLEEN: I'm just not sure how to put this in a form yet. But I'm not going to go down this negative place of releasing your trauma. It's about bringing in love because once you start releasing trauma, love comes in. That's the main point is that love starts coming in when you release that because you're creating all this new space for something else to come in.

KATHLEEN: So last week a woman that I've known for many years and I've watched her grow and evolve her business and I watched and she sent an email about something that somebody we both know sent an email and it was about fear and the recession coming on and so on and so forth. And for some reason, I felt compelled to send an email to her. I said, first of all, I don't believe in recession.

KATHLEEN: And secondly, I don't think we should be coming from fear based anymore because that is just an old paradigm. It's time to change it. We need to come from a place of empowerment where she sends me this little video gram and I was blown away. I was so blown away by what she said, how she was, how she responded to me.

KATHLEEN: I was totally blown away by all of it and I responded back and just kind of gave her an update of what I've been doing for the last several years because this was what's happened in your life in the last three years. And so I sent that email back to her and what I saw when I was saying that was there was this vision of my future self that I had, I've seen her before but not like this.

KATHLEEN: I mean, she's so close and I was staring at her going, oh my God, can I really step into that? And then it was like, yes I can. Yes, I can. Yes, I can. I leaned into it. And part of the reason I think this is coming in is because I'm coming back from that place of living from my future self. You know, if you want something you live as if. And so this future self that I have of who I think I want to be is who I'm turning.

KATHLEEN: I'm wishing to become more of which then of course brings all your limiting beliefs up. It brings your paradigms up. It brings all sorts of crap up in your face of, oh my God. I have to get rid of this. But what's been interesting is since I've been doing the show, people have been sending me books and I find them very interesting to read the stories that people are writing about.

KATHLEEN: But this book was by Dee Wallace and she didn't send me the book, but the book was Born and I read it and I finished it and she talked about the Zero point which is where you go back into the emptiness of the nothingness of our universe. And you go back to the true essence of you and you go in there and you create from there.

KATHLEEN: And I thought, oh my God, I think I've done that occasionally in my life but not knowing how I got there, but I created everything I wanted.

KATHLEEN: And so when I did that, it was like, OK, I'm gonna work on this and really come up with moving through and it's about self love and that type of thing. And when she talked about that, I sat there and she said everything we do in our life is a habit and I've read this and heard about this, but I don't think I ever realized to the degree of how much of a habit that we are living in.

KATHLEEN: And so I'm seeing more and more of how my life is a real habit. So we're gonna see if we can get Julie on because I hear she's waiting so we'll find out. We're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break and I'll see you in a few minutes.

KATHLEEN: We do have Julia Marie in the room. I'm going to go ahead and read her bio and we will bring her on in just a moment. Julia Marie was just like you driven and goal oriented with a plan for her life. A series of spiritual transformative events changed everything.

KATHLEEN: More than three decades later. She is ready to share what she's learned so that you can benefit from her hard-earned insight and accelerate your spiritual growth. She tells the story of her awakening and how she learned to live guided by the voice within. In her book Signals From my soul, a spiritual memoir of awakening. Julia Marie is a gifted trans dimensional healer, intuitive medium and experienced spiritual teacher.

KATHLEEN: She founded the Academy For The Intuitive Arts in 1997 and the courses and coach coaching, help sensitive women and men as they take the next step in unlocking their spiritual potential. She provides spiritual consultations to a global clientele and looks forward to bringing her grounded and practical approach to spirituality to your audience.

KATHLEEN: Welcome, Julia.

JULIA: Thanks so much for having me. Let's put a caveat on there. It doesn't include any technical skills. So it's a challenge for me.

KATHLEEN: That's OK because I have a friend who comes on once a month and one of these days, we're actually going to see her face because we have constant technical difficulties when she and I get together. So we we can never figure out why we're having problems, we just have them. So it's all good.

KATHLEEN: Julia, tell us a little bit about your journey of how you became an awakening Spirit. I read your book and it was very fascinating. I would love our listeners to know a little bit more about you.

JULIA: I was just like them. I had a plan for my life and was active duty military and decided to go to law school because I had the urge to speak for people who had no voice. Turns out years later, I am speaking for people who have no voice, but I also don't need a law degree to do that.

JULIA: The series of spiritually transformative experiences created a spontaneous activation of healing energy and round red circles appeared on my body where I later discovered chakras are and wide, two inch wide stripe up my back. So it was like a Kundalini awakening. I didn't know that at the time and I engaged in conversations with invisible people that showed up in my living room and taught me everything I know.

KATHLEEN: Please elaborate a little bit more on that because I'm sure that when you discovered some of this, you were probably a little bit frightened because I know that when I first started doing this and I was open to receiving information from Spirit, they still startled me.

KATHLEEN: Did you have that?

JULIA: When you discover more things.

JULIA: I would say that I was more than a little afraid. I would say I was a lot afraid.

JULIA: And also being a perennial skeptic, I challenged whatever it was I was encountering because I wanted to prove it for myself that I wasn't going off my rocker basically.

JULIA: Yeah. Exactly. That would be the word. One of the chapters in the book is, is it Spirit or schizophrenia? I get that the hearing voices and the seeing things that aren't there. Yeah.

KATHLEEN: I get it. I remember all of that of opening the chakras and moving the chakras and raising the Kundalini and hearing knocks on the walls and being and then discovering that they're knocking because they're getting my attention. So it was like, acknowledged that they're here. I did and I remember one time I was in the shower and I'm the only one in the house and I hear Kathy and I open the shower door and go.

KATHLEEN: Yes. And I'm thinking, ok, what's that about? And technically, you should have been terrified because somebody called your name and you're in the house and you're naked in the shower. I was like, yeah, ok, so everything's fine. That was when I was starting to get more comfortable with where I was at.

KATHLEEN: It was still in the beginning just kind of terrifying to learn all that. I always tried to find teachers and I believe you did too, tried to find teachers and was told you, well, you're the teacher and I'm like, but I don't know anything and it was a call for me to go further inside and my own self.

KATHLEEN: I know that you, at one point in your book when this was all happening, you were actually an active practicing attorney and you had a child.

KATHLEEN: How did that unfold for you as you're in this 3d world? And this Spirit is calling you over here and then you have this child. And what did that entail for you as far as really taking that to the next level of trusting your gut when they ask you to do something. When in all practicality, it doesn't make sense to you.

JULIA: It was important for me to find where my line was where my limitations were. As long as my child was in my direct care, her needs came first. So there were times when maybe I felt like I needed to be moving, but I didn't because she needed to be able to finish high school, for example.

JULIA: It's a balancing act I would say, and everybody has to make their own individual choice. They have to choose for themselves. How far down the rabbit hole they wanna go basically.

KATHLEEN: So how did your child feel about this when this was happening? Because she's right there with you. She's experiencing things. Did you talk to her a lot about it? Did she have her own personal experiences during this time? What was her reaction to what was happening with you?

JULIA: Well, she's pretty naturally connected herself. So seeing people that aren't there and that kind of stuff is normal for her.

JULIA: So it wasn't as obviously strange to her is it might have been to somebody else. I will say that sometimes she would get the side effect of me asking for something. She would also get the same kind of impact.

JULIA: In other words, when I asked for, please give me a sign, please give me a sign to let me know I'm following Spirit correctly and it came in the form of a very unique hot flash. Well, she started getting the same kind of hot flash even though she didn't ask for that particular benefit. She got the side effects of some of the things that were happening because she was living in the same house, right?

KATHLEEN: That makes sense. And then if you weren't receiving the message, then she received it for you, right?

JULIA: Sometimes she did actually.

KATHLEEN: Yeah. Ok. That's what I was surmising out of what you were saying is that if you weren't getting it, she was going to deliver it to you. Because I know that my mother would pray to Saint Teresa and every now and then somebody, and I remember one time I brought her a rose. Well, I didn't know she was praying a novena to Saint Teresa.

KATHLEEN: And that's part of what she was about being presented with a rose. Your question was answered or whatever your prayer was. I remember the first time when my mother, I was already very connected anyways in my life, but my mother wasn't. I think I was a messenger for her.

KATHLEEN: I think she had issues with me because I was very connected and I helped her to evolve and grow with this because we had many conversations about her guides. I told her what her guide's name was, what he looked like all of this where he was standing and she thought I was crazy and then she began to see him too, where he was standing.

KATHLEEN: I think I scared her, but then she also got there. She would tell me strange things that happened in her house when she was going through her wake up process. And she just thought it was kind of weird, we laughed about it because I made it very light because it's not something to be afraid of as you know now. But you didn't then and I wanted her to be able to progress.

KATHLEEN: I think when we do that, when we can stay calm in our being of what's happening, I think it helps bring ease to other people when they're in turmoil. Because I know that based on your book, you traveled all over the United States whenever Spirit said, go here, go here and you had all these amazing experiences and trusted.

KATHLEEN: So talk about that a little bit more as far as when those messages came in. And then what was your thought process about going through it, doing it? Trusting it. What was that journey? Because sometimes we think we're crazy when we do it and sometimes we don't, sometimes I've just gone. Ok, I'll go and other times it's you want me to do what?

JULIA: Well, here's what I know that here's what I've learned that I will know what I need to know when I need to know it because the universe doesn't waste energy. So asking why I'm being asked to do something is a waste of energy. So I found a certain pattern unfolding as I started on this journey of following. If I was to move, I would start getting the feeling that where I was living was not home anymore.

JULIA: And then I would find myself being pulled to a certain area and whatever town I became obsessed with, there was always a house for rent there. That's how I knew. If, if I'm supposed to go there, there'll be a place available and there always was no matter how small the location was. I just learned to trust.

KATHLEEN: Trying to think of how to phrase this because I think you were in, I don't know if it was Montana or Idaho, some place up in the north area and it was very remote and you found the house. Then I think the white buffalo was up there. You met somebody with the white buffalo.

KATHLEEN: And that turned out to be something a little different than what you were expecting as far as thinking she was very enlightened. And then there was a gathering, I'm in the right place, right with this thought where something left?

JULIA: Yeah, there was a small location. That was the lesson in discernment and it was, that was a step along the way to finally finding the white buffalo. But the lesson in discernment was challenging but important. I believe I was sent to that place specifically to learn that lesson.

JULIA: I debated over whether I should put it in the book. Should I make it all love and light? But you know, there's many sides to a spiritual journey and sometimes difficult lessons are part of that process. I wanted to be honest about my experience.

KATHLEEN: So honestly on a certain because I think discernment is really important. It's a very important lesson.

JULIA: Yes. And very long story short, I was living in to New Mexico and had the feeling it was time for me to go. I was being drawn north back to Montana where I'd already lived once before. I consulted with a native American pipe carrier who I really respected her connection. She said, oh, yes, this little town is on your path.

JULIA: Oh, by the way, I know a teacher there. Well, I got a little excited because I hadn't had a physical teacher the entire time. I've been on my path. I made my way to the town. Yes, there was a house available. Ok, I need to, it's time to move. I packed up everything and I went there and was very excited to meet with this person.

JULIA: When I first sat in the house, I had this odd feeling in my stomach, like I call it a lurchy feeling. It's kind of like flip floppy but not good butterflies. I ignored it. I thought, oh, maybe I'm just nervous. But that happened more than once. I came to recognize that whenever I get that specific feeling, that means that whatever I'm engaging in is not for me, I need to extricate myself from that situation.

JULIA: I learned what my don't go there signal exactly feels like. But it was a traumatic way to get the lesson, but it's not something that I ever, I don't overlook it. Now, when I get that feeling, I know what it means and I don't test it and it was after that lesson that I go ahead.

KATHLEEN: Ok. We have to go for a commercial break. I want to elaborate on that a little bit more. Once we get back.

KATHLEEN: We have Julia Marie in the room with us today and she was talking and describing a little bit about her lesson in discernment.

KATHLEEN: I would really like you to elaborate that to where people really understand what discernment is. I know what it is for me and I can elaborate, but I want to hear how you discern, determined your discernment. So even though you had that feeling, there were things that were leading up to what happened in the rest of that situation.

KATHLEEN: I'd love to get a little bit more insight on that and how you felt and what you really learned from that situation, because I know it wasn't the first time you've had it, but it might have been the biggest one you learned.

JULIA: Sure. It was my human self wanted something, my human self wanted a physical teacher.

JULIA: And so my desire for a physical teacher was overriding my guidance and I can see that now, looking back and so I just encourage everyone, especially if you have those kinds of, wow. I think I need to go see this person or learn from this person. Always pay attention to how it really authentically feels in your body before you commit to something like that. It's just, I don't know how else to explain it.

KATHLEEN: It makes sense because I know that when I was younger and if I couldn't get any messages from Spirit, if I was blocking or it was just not time to get anything. I was supposed to wait and be patient, which was not my middle name by any stretch of the imagination.

KATHLEEN: I'd go to a psychic reading and a psychic would say, well, you're not to know and I'm thinking and I remember I used to get that a lot and I used to get really angry about it. Then the last time it happened I made a declaration that if you are, if I'm paying you to give me a message, you either give me a message or you refund my money because I'm not paying you to hear you're not to know.

KATHLEEN: That's why I'm paying you the money and obviously you don't know anything and you're not very good at it. I pretty much got that. I got the message about that.

KATHLEEN: And then I had this one other psychic friend I met and I saw her doing this and I knew she was tuned in because she's like, oh my God, how do you do this? I said, well, they're all talking at once. She said, yeah, that's what they do. Well, how do you put up with it? She said, oh, I've gotten used to it.

KATHLEEN: I've had this my whole life with them talking 100 miles an hour in my head when something comes up. I knew she was the real deal because of whatever the message was. I don't know at that point. But to me it was somebody else who really understood what goes on inside of me.

KATHLEEN: Also for my discernment, like you said, trust your feelings in your gut because it's there because there are people that are very, very, very good of being so called spiritual and they know the rhetoric, they know the words, they know how to play the game, they know how to talk really softly and I'm so in Tune and, and all that fluff and buff that's bullshit.

KATHLEEN: I sit there and it's like you just sit there and you listen and you're just feeling like God, do you really buy this crap?

KATHLEEN: I remember they do buy it. I don't, and I remember I used to do this and my ex-husband really hated me for doing this. But I used to, let them talk and I would ask questions and they would talk and they would put the noose on their head, they would tighten the noose and then they would kick the stool out from underneath them.

KATHLEEN: And the look on their face was priceless for me because I got the message across without calling them that they were liars or whatever it was.

KATHLEEN: It was to me it was a perfect way to demonstrate that you might be conning the whole world but you haven't gotten me because of that feeling inside. And then there are other times when there's evil around and I don't care if people want to believe it or not. There's evil. We have a Ying Yang society.

KATHLEEN: I had somebody put a spell on me and I kept getting something's wrong but I couldn't find what that was, but I kept going in and I find it and I pulled it out and then they would put it back on me again and then, I get rid of it. And this guy, he actually worked, he lived and was a demonic lord. He actually did the devil thing I learned this afterwards.

KATHLEEN: When he did that and he was so arrogant one time where he said I can make Kathy do anything I want. I knew right then and there who it was what was going on and it never happened again. But I had to go so deep inside because something was wrong. I sounded crazy. I felt crazy. But you know, we have to trust that feeling because we always know.

KATHLEEN: Even if we're not doing it, if something's just kind of like God, something's wrong because I would do that like something's wrong. I kept trying to look for what's wrong because that is such an uneasy feeling when you're in the process of trying to discern something. So what do I do? I sat down and it's, ok, what is going on and try to isolate where this is?

KATHLEEN: Then once I would isolate what I thought it was, then I would pay attention to if it was somebody else or a circumstance or an event and look at where my thinking was in that because they were warning signs. That's how I look at discernment are warning signs that something is amiss and you need to find it because great harm can come to you if you don't follow through and listen to your true self.

JULIA: And asking what's going on is actually a way to get a clue or a hint or an answer about that. So if we don't understand what's coming to us, ask to be shown or to understand and eventually that will come to you, you had that heavy BGB feeling like somebody was on your back. You knew this is not right.

JULIA: So I say to people when you receive it, when you receive it, believe it.

KATHLEEN: That's a hard one to just get away when you've got something that's just creeping on you and you can't figure out what it is because something's wrong and you know, it's wrong. A lot of times I asked and then sometimes if I couldn't get it, like if I would get dreams and I wouldn't understand the dream.

KATHLEEN: I was, you need to deliver this message in a way that I can understand what it is so I can do what I need to do. Sometimes talking in symbols wasn't enough because if I didn't know that interpretation of the symbol, it wasn't helping me to discern what was wrong. I had to learn how to communicate with my Spirit guides too.

KATHLEEN: Now they just talk, I, there's no mumbo jumbo of symbols or something. I've learned to read symbols. I understand symbols a lot better, but there's still times when it's like, OK, you want me to get this, then you need to either tell me directly or put something in front of me. So I get the message because I want to know what that message is.

KATHLEEN: I'm not getting it clearly. I'm not understanding you something's amiss. You and I don't know if it's me or if it's you or if it's both of us, you never know. So that's why I thought, we have to ask if we don't ask, they're not gonna help us because they're not allowed to do any anyways.

JULIA: Exactly. Well, in asking for validation, that is a question and we can ask, ok, I need to know, I need to understand if my understanding is correct and you will get the answer, ask and you shall receive. I know that's a biblical thing, but I was raised Catholic.

JULIA: So a lot of my interaction with Spirit is kind of within that framework even though I'm not a practicing Catholic. But still it, it doesn't say you might receive, it says you will. So we have to trust that we will get the answer even if sometimes the answer is no or not now.

KATHLEEN: I know that in my past, I've asked for things and other things came up or certain things where I was guided to go, we switch, our lives switch and then you're really upset because you wonder why this happened and you know the inconvenience and then it's thank God, thank God, thank God.

KATHLEEN: When you look back and you find why the reason Spirit did that because we don't see the big picture, we will never see that big picture.

KATHLEEN: We're not capable of seeing the big picture, but they see it so that they do is they kind of guide and maneuver and I've learned to not get angry or upset because it's, ok, well, if there's a shift, so there's something I'm not seeing and they're protecting me because that's what they do. They're going to do it in the interest and your best interest at heart, they're not gonna sabotage.

KATHLEEN: When I was younger and like, I want this boyfriend and this guy and thank God, I never had some of these men because they were pretty bad but, you're a little kid, stupid teenager or whatever, early twenties, stupid.

KATHLEEN: I thank God that it was like that because on a whole I didn't go after a lot of craziness. Thank God because I was already crazy. So I didn't need any more help.

KATHLEEN: I just needed to figure out why I was so crazy.

KATHLEEN: And so that's why I was on the journey because I, I didn't know anything else. I, the only answer is because nobody knew back then as you well know, we didn't have the light. That's on the planet today, you know, it was three steps forward, two steps back. So I mean, the only way we could find our answers was to go inside because there weren't that many gurus out there yet.

KATHLEEN: Well, we each.

JULIA: Have our own guru. Yeah, we do each have our own guru and once we get that and begin working, I like to say live from the inside out. Once we start living inside oriented, everything can change because now you're not looking for an answer outside of yourself.

JULIA: Every single one of us has everything we need inside of us. We brought it here with us like a knapsack full of supplies. We need to remember and sometimes maybe remind ourselves, we already have everything we need. We just need to remember that we have it.

KATHLEEN: Exactly because we're co creators with God. The God within us is, is us. That's why we're, we're Godlike. We were created in his image and likeness. So we're godlike. Why do we think that we can't do something that God has done? He created the world, he created us, we can do the same thing. That's what our design is to come down here and create our heart's desire.

KATHLEEN: And somewhere along the line, we got lost along the way and we got into abuse and evil and darkness and money and sex and all of that stuff. It doesn't serve any of us because it diminishes us, and then we compare ourselves and all that weird stuff, but we're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break and we will come back in just a few minutes.

KATHLEEN: We have Julia Marie in the room with us. Julia, What is one piece of advice you would offer our audience to help them move in a different direction, to achieve their dreams or become a better person?

JULIA: I would say, trust yourself and know that you're not alone. Help is available. All you have to do is ask and remember that communication is a two way street.

KATHLEEN: How can our listeners get a hold of you?

JULIA: They can go to my website www dot Julia and pretty much everything is listed there, including how to access my podcast, which talks about a lot of the same things you do, but maybe a different perspective.

KATHLEEN: Sometimes it's OK. It's what it is. We all have a different twist on our messages that we're bringing out to the world it's a symbiotic relationship. Some people resonate with you more than me and vice versa and it's all good.

KATHLEEN: There's more than enough. I truly believe in a cooperative work style with people because I think that makes us better and we lift each other up instead of tear each other down.

JULIA: So what are the most part? I have a fascination with near death experiences and spiritually transformative experiences and the awakening process. So a lot of the episodes that I do are focused on that. That's the only love. That's what I meant.

KATHLEEN: Yeah. No, that's fine. That's perfect. Have you had Nicole Kerr on your show?

JULIA: Yes, I have.

KATHLEEN: Yeah, I did too. That was an interesting story. I read her book too. I was like, whoa, that was pretty intense. And to go through that. I remember when she was talking about how she didn't want to come down because of what she was going to have to go through.

KATHLEEN: I was the same way. It took me six months to accept my body when I was born and I didn't want to be here because of the pain and trauma I was going to go through.

KATHLEEN: I understood that and I think some of us know that, that there's a really big mission that we have just like you waking up coming out of being a lawyer and Spirit comes because you have a grand purpose and the fact that we chose to come in and do it regardless of what, physically, we knew what we were going to cope with. We still chose to do it anyways.

KATHLEEN: I think that's the greatest love that anybody can bring to humanity right now is opening their heart, sharing, being vulnerable and letting them know that they're not alone because we have a world that really needs help. We have a youth that's committing suicide that I think that there's no excuse for that.

KATHLEEN: That's part of what I want to do is help them. They're our future, you know. I think that's the main thing and that's what I, and with what you're bringing, there are beautiful topics to talk about because people do have a fascination for them.

KATHLEEN: I know I've had near death without being nearly dead. I've had near death experiences. I know what it's like to go through that. I remember when it happened, it was a meditation and I thought, oh my God, if this is death, I welcome it because there was nothing.

KATHLEEN: I mean, all that stuff was on, and it was total freedom and love. I think it's very valuable what you bring to the table. I want to thank you very much for coming on the show today, even though we had a little bit of a hiccup in the beginning, but you made it and I'm happy about that.

JULIA: Stubborn.

KATHLEEN: I know. Right. That's my middle name and sometimes you're told to just not be so stubborn. It's, ok, be stubborn in the right ways, not in the bad ways.

KATHLEEN: So, thank you again, Julia for coming on the show today.

JULIA: Kathleen, you're welcome.

KATHLEEN: It was my pleasure. I want to thank everyone for joining us. If you found value here today, be sure to like and subscribe to the channel. I'm @KathleenMFlanagan. My books, Dancing Souls, The Call, The Dark Night of the Soul and Awakened are available on Amazon. Com and

KATHLEEN: Be sure to check out Kathleen M Flanagan for a list of services and products that are being offered there. The three minute destress meditation is available absolutely free. There is no email required. Be sure to visit Awakenings and take advantage of the 40% discount at checkout by entering Brave TV into the coupon code.

KATHLEEN: And the same goes for grandma's natural where you'll receive a 20% discount. Next week. I have Jim White coming on and he is a father who is going to talk about his experience of raising a gaggle of kids and what he's learned and how to teach people to be better parents and really working with their children.

KATHLEEN: I will see you next week, next Tuesday at 4 p. m. and from my heart to yours, I hope you have a fabulous week.

Julia MarieProfile Photo

Julia Marie


Julia Marie was just like you: driven and goal-oriented with a plan for her life. A series of Spiritually Transformative Events (STEs) changed everything.

More than three decades later, she is ready to share what she's learned so that you can benefit from her hard-earned insight and accelerate your spiritual growth.

She tells the story of her awakening and how she learned to live guided by the Voice within in her book Signals from My Soul: A Spiritual Memoir of Awakening.

Julia Marie is a gifted trans-dimensional healer, intuitive medium, and experienced spiritual teacher. She founded the Academy for the Intuitive Arts in 1997, and the courses and coaching help sensitive women and men as they take the next step in unlocking their Spiritual potential.

She provides spiritual consultations to a global clientele, and looks forward to bringing her grounded, practical approach to spirituality to your audience.