Aug. 20, 2024

Call Upon the Unseen Forces to Heal What's Broken

The podcast featured Kathleen Flanagan as the host and TeZa Lord as the guest, discussing the journey of becoming an awakening spirit. They talked about personal experiences, the importance of understanding different perspectives, and the need for internal work to achieve a sense of connection and unity. The conversation emphasized the idea of global consciousness and the role of individual transformation in creating a more harmonious world. The speakers highlighted the significance of spreading love, letting go of negative emotions, and embracing a commitment to personal growth. The discussion underscored the importance of perseverance, sharing knowledge, and making conscious decisions to change one's mindset. Overall, the podcast focused on the journey towards enlightenment, interconnectedness, and the power of human consciousness in shaping a better future.

- The episode features guest TeZa Lord discussing her experiences living in the Middle East and the importance of tolerance and understanding in today's world.

**Main Topics Discussed:**
- TeZa Lord shares her journey of becoming an awakening spirit and the insights she gained from living in Israel.
- The importance of tolerance, education, and spreading love to bring about positive change in the world.
- The need for internal work and going within to understand the bigger picture and realize our interconnectedness.
- The role of crises and fractured systems in prompting a transformation of human consciousness.
- Maintaining perseverance and vigilance in changing our mindset and responding to challenges with love and understanding.

**Key Takeaways:**
- We are all connected in a blended family of humankind and can help each other on our spiritual journeys.
- Transformation of human consciousness is a journey that requires commitment, perseverance, and a willingness to share and evolve together.
- By changing our mindset and responding with love, we can contribute to healing what is broken in the world.

- TeZa Lord, who shares her experiences and insights on tolerance, understanding, and the importance of spreading love in today's world.

- The episode concludes with a message of spreading love and helping others on their spiritual journeys.
- Listeners are encouraged to like, subscribe, and share the podcast with others who may benefit from its message of interconnectedness and personal growth.

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: Hello everyone and welcome to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV network. The purpose of the show is to help you realize that you are not alone and that you are in control of your life. It doesn't matter where you came from. Or what your circumstances are. We've all experienced pain. Suffering.

KATHLEEN: Abandonment loneliness, and hopelessness. This show is here to help you turn those dark moments around and create a whole new you.

KATHLEEN: Despite your success, have you felt lonely? Angry frustrated, or even suicidal. Do you long to be supported? Recognized and respected for who you are. Not just the awards and accolades on your walls. You don't want to be known, identified, or remembered in a way that feels fraudulent because you achieved things out of obligation.

KATHLEEN: And not passion. Do you find yourself sitting quietly at lunch listening to what lights you up? Only to feel shame. Fear, frustration, and resentment. Your inner turmoil and limiting beliefs surface, making you feel not good enough and afraid. Of doing something different.

KATHLEEN: You've read the books, attended the seminars, and practiced new concepts and principles. Balls. Yet you still find yourself in the same rut. The lies you tell yourself. Percolate a cycle of disappointment. You say you'll change, but your self-limiting beliefs keep running the show, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

KATHLEEN: As a certified coach, I empower you to become your authentic self. My Soul Journey program aligns with your... Your true self. And guide you to find your soul vision. Helping you discover your purpose in life. I provide tools to step you into your true magnificence and remember who you are. If you're interested in learning more, contact me at bravetv at...

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KATHLEEN: Each week we start the show with sound of the tuning forks. Bringing in love. Happiness. And balance to set the tone. For the show and bring out the best in both myself. And my guests. Let's begin.

KATHLEEN: teZa Lord authors a new eco-novel and a four-hour series. Non-fiction book. teZa is featured on... No BS Spiritual Book Club. Public Advocate for Positive Thought Seeds. Lifelong yoga and meditation practice. Practitioner adventurer Nature Freak.

KATHLEEN: Originator of the loving nature community. Spreading love energy is her thing. Defining Defying the dark. And negative. Is her aim.

KATHLEEN: She aims with strong. Arrows She's the co-host of Z Lord, a years-long spiritual podcast. Check out her YouTube channel for many meditative mind-stillers. She helps up. Others uplift after having freed themselves from negative bonds of self-destructive addiction.

KATHLEEN: Life is a mystery and she's passionate and on fire about love. Not politics. Being the solution. Thank to society's crippling insecurities. Consciousness revelation, in other words, is her bulge call. Bugle call. Mind-body-spirit alignment.

KATHLEEN: Check helping others. Check Join her brigade of love's light at Her motto is love is the weapon of mass. Illumination. Welcome Teza.

TEZA: Thank you, Kathleen, and welcome to everybody who is with us.

KATHLEEN: Thank you So TeZa, tell everybody a little bit about your journey of becoming an awakening spirit.

TEZA: Wow. Okay, well. When I start telling my story, it sounds like I'm a thousand years old. Because I've had Many Different incarnations within this one lifetime. Incredible.

TEZA: And And I was. In a lot of pain as a kid. Because of my parental Misguiding.

TEZA: Being misguided by my Alcoholic home. Which is a common story. There's addiction everywhere. Thank whether it's from drugs or food or... Too much screen. Addiction is everywhere. And wherever there is heavy addiction, there's not enough spirit. So I basically had to be a pioneer.

TEZA: And discover for myself what felt true and nothing I was spared. Not what My parents gave me my school, my... Upbringing, my religion. The government, nothing felt true to me. So I... Was fortunate because I was born with this incredible, courageous.

TEZA: Like...

TEZA: Rambunctiousness. And I just decided I was going to be an adventurer. So at the age of just In my late 20s, I left the United States and I... Went to be an expat. In the West Indies. And those were during the days when... Everybody was saying, love it or leave it. So I decided. Okay, I better leave it. I don't know. And that was The end of the Vietnam War. Thank God. Thank And I did a lot of...

TEZA: Pro-war. You know, rallies and whatnot, but I just had to leave this country. Because I was very upset. And I really... Recommend to anybody who feels the same way, if you're very upset with what's happening, with our country in America, if you're listening from America. Please go travel. Go live somewhere else. Because I ended up living in a true dictatorship. And a truly fascist situation.

TEZA: And believe me, America is a democracy and it will. Be a democracy. For as long as there are Americans. Now it's evolving. It's a change in just... The way my person did. Thank you So I had problems with addiction because naturally coming from a family where addiction was taught to me. I followed in their footsteps. And I was 36 years old when... The second. Part of my life.

TEZA: Began when I committed myself to true sobriety. Which is stepping. From the shadows of fear. Into the light. Of love And it all begins with learning to love your own self. And for anyone who's struggling with addiction. That is the issue. You have to learn to love yourself too. Thank Ög. Bad addiction for a good addiction. So what did I do? I fell in love with spirit. And I also fell in love with dance and keeping healthy.

TEZA: And I've always been a yogi. And a meditator. So I just... Dove into those. A higher aspects of myself. You As I... Learned more about. What self-love really implies. So the second half of my life. Begin with Coming back to the states. Where I crashed and burned. In Manhattan of all places. What a great place. To have a bottom. What a great place to have a high.

TEZA: After having lived for over a decade in the West Indian Islands. And also. At the end of my time in the West Indies, I went to live in the Middle East.

TEZA: Israel. So I understand. Very deeply a lot of issues that are facing our world today. That people don't really understand unless they are Right. There living with the people who are going through all the angst of changing Because what we're always doing is change, change.

TEZA: Change. Change is... The constant of my life and change is also the constant of all humans. And the only... Really. Solid substance is. The connection that we have with spirit. Whatever that means to... Of certain person. Whether it's you know, a deep...

TEZA: Abiding trust in the religion that you have found comfort in. Or like myself, it's the connection with all in creation. The cosmic connection, the cellular connection. you the consciousness connection. That's it in a nutshell. Thank you Okay.

KATHLEEN: You know, live TV, I'm telling you, every time we come on. Get spiritual life people together.

KATHLEEN: Things go on so the lights go out. Okay, I got you.

TEZA: We can just speak to you, as I told you earlier. So whatever we can do to make it work, just spread the love. It's what we do.

KATHLEEN: That's right. So tell me a little bit more about what your experiences were, especially living over in the Middle East at this point. because you know we are our nation we know is all going crazy and this is not a political talk at all and I'm not going to lead it down that way.

KATHLEEN: But just what your experience was there in what we see and observe in America and then what You did. To come to terms with it because I know that we're very ignorant here in the United States on many levels, but you're living there with the people. So I think that would be a really interesting perspective to bring to the viewers.

TEZA: Yeah, it's most immediate, isn't it? I mean, it affects all of us, especially with what's happening in our... National politics and and colleges and young people.

TEZA: Basically, Life is so complicated.

TEZA: And the mystery of life. Is so profound that there is not one. Way of looking at anything. I'm sure you realize that. Our lives are like a...

TEZA: A diamond. Or a beautiful crystal. Where there's so many different facets, so many different... Connections. And some of them are fractured. Deep inside the crystal And some of them are shiny and bright. I'm talking about a naturally formed crystal. that hasn't been cut and polished.

TEZA: I love crystals. I learn a lot from crystals. They're teachers. And if you look deep inside of a natural... Crystal that appears to be perfect. There's always fractures in there. There's fissures. There's lights that are reflecting. And then there are little escape hatches.

TEZA: Where the energy can be released. And so my time... In Israel I was really looking forward to... It when I was there. Because I was going to spend a year.

TEZA: As I do in many places I go to, to really investigate what are the people like. What is the art like? Because I'm a writer and an artist and an activist. Do it. And I went with an open mind and an open heart. And right away found out, oh my goodness gracious me. Everybody here is very tense.

TEZA: Everybody lives. On eggshells and that was in the 80s. So right at that particular time, there was not a war going on, but there's always a war going on. Since This... A whole conflict. Began. And I write about it in. My book called Hybrid Vigor. Which is about the evolution. Of humanity from what we call homo sapiens, those of us who...

TEZA: Think we are thinking animals. Into what I present will be. Homo Spiritus. Where we really imbibe. The fact that we are spiritual. Beings inside of our bodies and Yes, we are animals. So while I was there in Israel, I had this occasion that was very very revealing. Of the situation. I had a neighbor.

TEZA: Who I call Rivka. And she was an older lady, like at the time she was a granny and I was a young lady. And the The Orthodox Jewish people don't. Do anything like manual labor on Shabbat. They have to have somebody who's like a non-Jew come and light their fires. You know about that? It's a, it's a. Sweet little custom. So I was.

TEZA: Over lighting her stove so she and I could have a cup of tea. And I asked her, I said, Rivka. I really want to understand what... Is this controversy all about. Between You being a Jewish woman who lives in Israel and the... you Arabs in general. I wasn't saying specifically. Palestinians. And immediately. Her face changed. She became this visceral. Like monster.

TEZA: And the minute before that, she had been. A loving granny. And She just said, I can't. I can't explain it. It's in our genetic makeup. That I was Taught. To hate them and they were taught. To hate me.

TEZA: I learned at that very minute. That Even though this was the sweetest woman in the world, And she was... Not a street person, she was educated. And she had a loving family, but she had, because it was a genetic. And Oh. A cultural And this...

TEZA: Dark hatred. That went on for Going back to the time of Abraham. Which is the Old Testament. The story... Of the conflict. between these two types of people who are cousins. By the way, It goes back to the time of Abraham.

TEZA: If you're... If you don't know the story, I can quickly tell you, about it... Abraham. Was too old to have a kid with Sarah. Who is his wife? So Sarah said, take. My Egyptian maid. Whose name was Hagar. Take her to bed. And he wedded her and as a second wife which was allowed. And gave birth to İşmaya And almost immediately. Sarah became pregnant and gave birth to a baby. To Isaac.

TEZA: And so we have a... A little Arab baby born first. It was Egyptian and then a Hebrew baby. And right there and then Abraham should have said, now girls. Let's work it out. But he didn't. And he ended up kicking Hagar. Out. Because Sarah demanded it. Because Sarah wanted her.

TEZA: Child who was born second to be the head of the Hebrew race. So there began the conflict. It began with women. And guess what? It's going to... End or the healing will begin. With women. Like you. Me. Whoever is going to be a strong enough. Enlightened enough woman. Not.

TEZA: Just any old moment but enlightened and understanding that the Situation is not going to change overnight. It's not going to change because people demonstrate. Its not going to change because of governments doing this and that. It has to be. Education, and love and the spreading. Forgiveness. And that's what I learned when I lived in Israel.


TEZA: Wow.

KATHLEEN: That's pretty profound. That not necessarily what we did it's just If we knew how to stir the pot, we just stirred the pot and just. Blew it all up anyways, without having to do a whole lot of anything.

TEZA: With good intentions, we stirred the pot, But, you know, when there is... Violence and bullying and all that on every side. It gets to be confusing and nobody wants to live with a bully or be a bully. And so It's a confusing situation.

TEZA: My husband and I were talking about it this morning as we took our hike. We're camping right now. Thank you and I said, People who spend their lives being diplomats and understanding all the nuances and all the different variations of this story. Are the ones who should be doing.

TEZA: What they are doing, which is the talk. and all the demonstrations by people who Don't. Really know what's going on. The best thing we can do. Is to offer our psychic support to the highest good. And what is the highest good? Well, I'm not God. Are you, Kathleen? No. No.

TEZA: And I don't know what the highest good is. And the woman I was speaking to In the kitchen obviously did not know either because she was so in viewed with hatred that it was frightening. To see how a sweet little granny could... Instantly change into a hating person because of her cultural upbringing. Now, I would like to think I'm a positive.

TEZA: Thinker and I know you are and I know your audience members are. That we can make a change within our life. And we can do that by uplifting Own consciousness. Take care of. Our stuff make sure that we are living a good life. And therefore it ripples out. To everybody around us.

TEZA: Including our children and our community and our tribe. And therefore the solution. Becomes an evolutionary one. That will be embraced. By the next generation or even the next. C'est... Diplomats who are talking differently than they are now. But it certainly will not. Bir sağ ol. With war. Just like what's happening in the Ukraine.

TEZA: The amount of absurdity going on. With these conflicts right now is quite frightening.

TEZA: And to me, the only solution is. To not be in fear, but to be in the all.

TEZA: Encompassing. Love of There is a reason for all of this to happen. And we don't know. There's no reason why.

TEZA: I can say I know. Because I'm not God. I'm not the... The creator of this. This beautiful thing called existence. And maybe our...

TEZA: Creator. I don't believe in like, guy in the sky, I believe in consciousness is the creation.

TEZA: You know, the sacredness of... Consciousness Maybe we are supposed to go to the very brink. Of conflict. Because it seems like the devices...

TEZA: Has not healed, but I do believe it is getting better. Because the more it comes out into the open. The more people can talk. you feel differently than I do. Let's talk about... In a sane way. Not Nope. Being contemptuous of each other. Respectful Let's talk. and maybe I can learn something from you. You can learn something from me.

TEZA: Okay, well.

KATHLEEN: And I look at...

KATHLEEN: This is by design. Okay, we know this is by design. We have never been so black and white.

KATHLEEN: In our world. We've always had gray. We could always at one point. we're tolerant of other people's perspectives. I was raised that way of. Just because I may not. Understand you, that doesn't mean I have to hate you. Right and So as I remember when I was younger I used to go up to like guys I didn't understand men at all so I would ask them questions they're like oh my god where you come from. And it was because I didn't know. I mean, because they were like, another being from another planet because they didn't think like women, right?

KATHLEEN: And I was raised, I had one brother. So what did I know about how boys thought? Because I had a brother. And we kind of morphed him to be more like. Feminine Not that he's feminine by any stretch of the imagination, but he had to learn. To like deal with Six girls. And my mother. In the house, right?

TEZA: What a household. Yeah.

KATHLEEN: So he he couldn't explain anything to us girls.

KATHLEEN: And. So when I was younger, I used to ask a lot of men. Things and then I got fascinated with other cultures because I lived in South. Florida. So. There were other cultures that I could talk to and I lived with. You know women from cuba And sometimes there was the South where they had this deep accent, and I would think they were something else because the way they talk.

KATHLEEN: I mean, there was weird stuff that always went on my head. But I never. Demonstrated it I always talked to them and asked them and got clarity about Why you think? Because the North thinks differently than the South. Okay, there's no doubt about that. I learned that.

KATHLEEN: And I think that was. The tolerance is I was fascinated by other cultures, because I didn't understand other cultures. I was Americanized. Okay, I'm an American. That's what I know. That's what I grew up with. And then all of a sudden you come into adulthood and there's Egyptians and there's Cubans and there's Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.

KATHLEEN: And Indians. Eastern Indians, then you've got... The UK people, and then you got the Italians. It's like... Oh my God. And they all had. A different set of ideals and beliefs. That they were raised with, which were not what mine were. But I felt that it was. It enhanced me because. I got to learn.

KATHLEEN: Or experience different foods because of them. I got to learn how they thought a little differently, which expanded. My thinking. And that's how I took life on. But that's not what we're experiencing right now. We're so divided. In a black and white situation. But part of that is, is because. We're all making decisions. What do you want?

KATHLEEN: Love in your life or do you want to constantly stay in duality. Duality is leaving. People It's leaving. It's not leaving the way you think it is. We're merging into a single one. Consciousness is where we're going. And we're either all getting on the boat. Or You're not. I know I'm going on the boat. We are already.

TEZA: We already are. Unconsciousness. And, that's. The fun part. Of dedicating your life to higher thought. Because the more you realize we are all one consciousness. We are. All connected through consciousness, through breath, through... Just being in existence.

TEZA: But some people spend so much energy denying it. Or fighting it. And I truly believe a lot of it has to do with the fact that people are addicted. To their screens. I mean, if we could just walk away from our screens and go for a walk in nature. Take a forest bath. Look at the sky.

TEZA: You're the Birds, try to identify what is that I hear? Or feel the whisper. Of a Spider's web. Just breaking up in the air. I mean, all these little tiny things that people have forgotten about. Because they are addicted. to knowledge. They think it's knowledge, but what they're doing is overdosing.

TEZA: With information. And one brain, one human brain cannot hold every bit of information that's available. In the entirety. So People were imploding. Or they think they're stupid because they don't know what's happening over in Indochina or they haven't heard. About

TEZA: The latest invention. And addiction is very much the cause. Right now, of people's being misled. Into this divisiveness. And if we had something where all of a sudden the Internet was just taken away from us, that would be. Really horrible for airports, especially in businesses. But what it would do.

TEZA: To our consciousness would be absolutely mind-blowing. People would realize, oh, I have been using up so much. Of my attention. For what Somebody is telling me.

TEZA: How life should be. Rather than me. Exploring it just with What I have before me.

TEZA: Maybe I'm not going to be able to hop on a plane. If the Internet is interrupted for a while. And go to Paris or Japan or... Or Istanbul, but I can experience nature which is what we are. We are part of nature. So.

TEZA: I think a big part of it is that people have forgotten. That we are animals. And that we are part of nature. And that is, to me, the highest. Form of 21st Century Spirituality. If we really pay attention. To the fact that we are stewards of the land. And it's our responsibility to protect. Our environment. and not to figure everything out.

TEZA: And the divisiveness, I think, is a lot. Of man-made stuff that's just crammed down our throat.

KATHLEEN: Well, then we live in a society too that we can have just about anything we want. It's not like when we, you and I were children where the holidays, you've got like the special treats, you know? Now it's like whatever you want, you can have. And I think we've gotten very a custom to that and not really paying attention and using our imagination.

KATHLEEN: Because we didn't have the internet when I was a kid. We went out and played. And we would go out. First thing in the morning and come back at dark. You know, came in for dinner. And then went back out. I mean, we were always in our imagination and that's why.

KATHLEEN: I feel like... Now these kids... Are just swept everywhere is the way I see it. Because. It wasn't go out and play because, oh, you got a sexual predator living next door that you have to be concerned about all of a sudden. You know, things that. There's a safety factor. That we've seemed to have lost. But like you said. And how I believe is safety comes from within.

KATHLEEN: it comes from within. And I think when we go inside and remember who we are and do the internal work. Again, as you were saying, when we start doing that internal work, We start seeing the bigger picture. We start seeing.

KATHLEEN: That we are connected and we are a one being. But we have to stop long enough to go inside and do that. And I'm going to go ahead and just say we're going to go ahead and take a quick commercial break and we will continue this when we get back.

TEZA: All right.

KATHLEEN: Welcome back everyone to the Journey of an Awakening Spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host, and we're streaming on the Bold Brave TV network. And we have TeZa Lord in the room with us today. So TeZa, tell us a little bit. More about When you started... Going inside and doing the recovery.

KATHLEEN: On yourself, where you... Created that self-love. Just tell our listeners a little bit about what. That journey look like for you. Because you were in a different country anyways. So I'm sure it was.

KATHLEEN: A little bit different than what I would experience here in the United States.

TEZA: Well, my journey.

TEZA: My journey started in America, but it's just. I wanted to see the international flavors like you did. And I live now presently in North Florida. where we have quite a few. Eclectic different but you know I'm now in Maine and new hampshire for the summer.

TEZA: And there are so many immigrants here. It is a whole different ballgame. And it's a very mixed bag. As you know, all of America is changing. So for me, I Personally, think that... We are all microcosms. Of the big micro cause.

TEZA: We are microcosms of the macrocosm.

TEZA: What happens to... Me as an individual and you, Kathleen, and everybody who's listening. happens to us as a global family, a global blended family. we are blending more and more. And change does not happen like somebody waking up. And say, oh, I think I'm going to want... To be enlightened.

TEZA: Well, they might read a book, a person might read a book and say, that sounds like a good idea. But then you forget the book.

TEZA: Something usually has to happen. Something. Catastrophic.

TEZA: And in my case, which is the case for many people with addiction stories, is something Bad has to happen. You crash and burn. You don't just wake up and say, oh. I'm going to change from being a she-pirate, which I called myself, because I was living in the Caribbean. Like, Johnny Depp has nothing on me.

TEZA: And then I said, this is going to lead to my death. If I don't do something. That's why I see all the stuff that's happening in our world today as not. Being terrible. It's just... Natural. That we are going toward the precipice.

TEZA: Of a huge transformation. Because You have to have... That intensity. Of not so much the fear factor but crises and fractured systems. And if people do not have. A belief. In the fact that we are all one. We are one consciousness. People freak out.

TEZA: And so what is the solution? The solution is get on the bandwagon. And realize that it's all within. Each one of us. Our consciousness is the key. Is hidden. Right inside of us. It's not in the conventions. It's not in the ballot. Box It's not in the... Pew.

TEZA: It's not on a beach in Bali.

TEZA: It's... Solution of our life's fulfillment. And happiness and also our fellow man is right within us. Connection to her. Part. Our connection of love. And when you feel that love, you feel good. You feel warm. If you're Like, okay, you're not... Bent out of shape about worries. So That's the indicator.

TEZA: Like the happiest people that you see are the ones who are really spiritually evolved. Dalai Lama makes that very clear. people who have a great sense of humor. even though there may be tragedies in their life. And yes, of course they either get mad or sad, just like. Any human does. but their emotions.

TEZA: They come through us. And we make an adjustment. In our the way we're living and then We let them go. We don't cling. To the emotion. Okay of negative emotion. We want to strive. For The way we all were when we came out of our mother's womb. Like none of us came. In here with like and grudges and divisiveness, we came in with this.

TEZA: Open-hearted and are eyes wide open. Love. We're just little love bundles. And we can still. Maintain that. As adults. Even though we've been through the fires. Of our destiny, our so-called destiny. But I believe that... Even destiny can be changed. Karma! Can be changed. With awareness.

TEZA: And so we strive. For that degree of In the yoga world, we call it bliss.

TEZA: There's a word for... The Sanskrit word, Satchitananda. Which is the ultimate of understanding. That Life is... The light Which is such... Chid? Which is knowledge. And Ananda. Which is bliss.

TEZA: So when you really imbibe those... Understandings, either with a teacher, or scriptural studies, or just to be in the company Of people who have this belief. Rather than the doom and bloomers.

TEZA: We Then, elevate consciousness bit by bit. Day by day and we can maintain that state. Of love self-love and love for others.

KATHLEEN: That's why I've become a very strong proponent of coaches too, because a lot of times. We don't. No. How to get to where we want to be a lot of times. Here's point A, if you know where point A is. But you want to go to point B, but sometimes we don't know what that roadmap is and we think it should be a straight shot.

KATHLEEN: But it's really one of these. Kind of thing, which is a really bad squiggly line. Okay. And then when something comes up, instead of... Going back to a habitual behavior. Because I've been really studying a lot of habits. That I have, as we all have.

KATHLEEN: And not wanting to be that. It's a very conscious choice to make. Of when you don't want. To allow the old you, so to speak, that habitual nature of you. To run your life. It's a very conscious thing. And I was thinking about. Like. Last week, there was a lot of...

KATHLEEN: Things that kind of blew up. I described it that bomb went off in the universe and it pop down here on the earth. Because Everything seemed to blow up and it was very heavy. Dense energy and I had to go through various things in business. This was all business related.

KATHLEEN: I just felt flattened like there was this weight on me that I couldn't get off. And it was who can I talk to because I felt like I was hungover and I hadn't even been drinking. You know what I mean? It was like...

KATHLEEN: The headaches and the shaking on the inside and all sorts of things were happening that I was aware of And when I... Talked to a friend of mine and she said, this is what's going on, which was heavy, dense energies.

KATHLEEN: And so I was like, okay, what is the most critical thing? Because she's like, you're a problem solver. That's what you're doing. You're a problem solver. They're not your problems. But you're the problem solver. And so it was like, okay, what is the most important of all the things that just blew up?

KATHLEEN: Only one was really important, but I had to. Take care. I took care of that. And then it was like, okay, now let's go here and let's go here. And every time I got lighter and lighter. And I also saw. Thought forms that I think support.

KATHLEEN: Limiting beliefs that I didn't know were there, but just like, oh, well, I'll attach to this, kind of thing. What was the most profound for me at that was The way I just Responded to it. I didn't react. To it, I responded.

KATHLEEN: And my business partner had commented he said i just want to let you know that i'm was very impressed because he was teaching, so he couldn't do anything.

KATHLEEN: And he said, you just responded. I've never seen you respond. like that. Because it's always... And like I don't. Panic it's a habit It was a panic. My mother taught me. To react. Yeah. Things like that. And then that. traumatic side of myself. Would react. And I didn't, I just. Okay let's just breathe through it what's important and i kind of methodically worked my way through it which was incredibly empowering.

KATHLEEN: And I asked for support. Because, that's another thing that most people don't do is like, well, it's weakness. If I ask for support, it's like, no. It's empowering because you're giving somebody else an opportunity. For you to show their value. so it was like this whole thing of like.

KATHLEEN: Much illumination happened in something like that. So I could have said this was a bad thing, but it was actually. Beautiful thing It's like, I'm sailing along, everything's good. And then God said, oh, let's see how well she really does do.

KATHLEEN: We're going to give her a little tsunami on the ocean. And instead of reacting, I responded just to show that, yes. I am evolving because sometimes. That's all this is. Life does is show us we are growing and moving.

KATHLEEN: Into a new direction.

TEZA: Constantly. And I'm thinking of of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel as you're talking about your experience. You ask for help. And way up on the Sistine Chapel, those of you who know that... Beautiful mural. On the ceiling. Is God? Helping Adam But if you get into the close-up. It's...

TEZA: The fingers are reaching and... Adam is asking for help. He's reaching out. Their fingers are not touching because the divine is the divine and human is human. But.

TEZA: In the... In the reaching out, Adam is... It generating the God energy. And it's just such a beautiful depiction of. What you said that It's. Really a sign of. Understanding. And humility. Which is not... Being humbled. It's being like Asking for help is a beautiful thing because we all need help. We're all sisters and brothers.

TEZA: We all have the same. Access to this higher consciousness. But we can leapfrog and help each other. Sometimes it's just a book that you read or a movie that you read. Or a song Or just another person's smile. But we all... Are connected in this beautiful blended family of humankind. And it's through our humanness that we're going to achieve that sense of satisfaction.

TEZA: And also the other thing I was thinking of. Is what a commitment it is. To maintain perseverance. And to know that The transformation of human consciousness is not going to just be a pill you take. Or a shrink visit. Or even a series that you... Do with a course, for instance, like I'm developing a course now, I'd like to think they all have Help.

TEZA: But What it is, is a journey. So yes, some of us have setbacks. And some of us just go. We're leapfrogging ahead, but we're helping others if we're truly evolving. People. We don't just say, I got it. I got it all. No. Where it's to share. And so I think it's a beautiful...

TEZA: Beautiful time human evolution myself and where it's very accelerated because of the modern technology and people's level of understanding. And also the blending of the... Races and the cultures. We're not just saying, oh no. This is my country. You can't come in. Or over there, you got to stay there because we got here first.

TEZA: We all have to learn. To really blend together. And more and more, the oneness consciousness. Is happening. Whether we like it or not. It's going to happen.

KATHLEEN: I think about interracial marriages because, there's a lot of... Movies that are showing up about interracial marriages and stuff. And I actually watched the movie Victoria and Abdul last night. I had no idea that England was so...

KATHLEEN: Upset about the Eastern Indian. With the queen i mean it was like a violent kind of thing. It was unbelievable. And how they tried to intimidate her. But then I look at. Because I remember in school when they talked about that every race, every culture has like their own specific illnesses.

KATHLEEN: And the more we inter marry We start. Dissipating that where we become, where we get rid of. like sickle cell for... The African-American race. Kind of thing. So you start intermarrying. Sickle cell starts. Leaving the planet. So as we blend, I mean, this is a beautiful way. I'm just thinking what you said this. Yeah. As we Interreact, Intermarry. Whatever it is.

TEZA: Mm-hmm.

KATHLEEN: Getting rid of disease. Because Okay Sickle cell can't live with a white person. It just can't. Or in Asia. Know and i know every culture has one and i used to know what most of them were but i don't anymore But that's a part of an evolution on our being. You know It's allowing us to experience. Other cultures and understanding that and merging. To where we do become that one person.

KATHLEEN: We become more tolerant. And, when you think about what we went through in the 50s with these. People that were intermarried and how they were shunned. Mistreated and bullied and threatened and everything. I mean, we still have that today. Don't get me wrong. It's still there. But it's not as... Bad it's more tolerant and now Hollywood is doing a lot of that. As well.

TEZA: Oh, yeah, you're almost on the outs if you're not a black or African or...

TEZA: You know darker person in the art world right now, for instance, and it's about time. As far as I'm concerned, I mean, I'm an artist. And if I went to a gallery today, they would say, no, you're white. Sorry, come back another century. You've had your time. We're sick and tired of like the white guy and the white gal's interpretation.

TEZA: We want to see. The difference because the blending is so beautiful because we are becoming a stronger. Like my book says hybrid vigor. We're becoming more. Human. Because instead of just saying, no, it has to be this certain way. And like the disease thing, the fact that we either.

TEZA: Evolve or It dissipates. That happens in so many things. A very good friend of ours is a hundred years old. This week. And she's an effort. You're an American. And she is. She's been the only live guest that we've had on our podcast. Z Lord podcast.

TEZA: And she's into mental health and she was born in Harlem. And she's seen the whole. Thing all the way from the Harlem Renaissance to the George Floyd, you know, you change and the revolution that's happened and how everything is so different now and It's just...

TEZA: Incredible when she was a young lady studying for her degree. And psychology she was actually told by her professors that there is no way. That black people can ever have mental health. Help. Because they can't change. She was told this. Bye, Hoop. Wait Perfect. At Hofstra.

TEZA: University and It's just appalling to me. What A lot of us. Have had to go through. In order to B the free and transforming people that we are. And we just had lunch with... Very good gay friend. Who is now like in his 70s and when he was a young man he was Forced to have. Mental health like treatment. Which would basically pushed him into schizophrenia.

TEZA: I mean, he was... Condemned. Through being Gay, and this is a common story, many gay people. Committed suicide. Before our society started. Embracing people of a different color than the what fit into the category of he or she, my pronouns, by the way, are he, she, and it.

TEZA: I am everything. Ha ha. Never shit.

TEZA: Okay.

TEZA: No. Why should I deny one part of myself just because, this is what you see? there I lost my light again

TEZA: It's very...

TEZA: Much of, a fight. That we are in. We're in a, between What is privilege as humans to evolve. Not socially. battle like going out and joining an army or anything, but it's a... spirit. battle. And we all have to be vigilant.

TEZA: And each one of us needs to really realize that it takes a lot of work To maintain that. Date of happiness. I mean, it's easy to be pissed off. It's easy to... Well, you're wrong. That's... Easy. That is so easy. It's like lazy. It's like lazy thinking. Come on, people. You know, let's have. A little exercise with our compassion.

KATHLEEN: I hear you. So what would be one piece of advice that you would give our audience? To help them move into a different direction to achieve their dreams or become a better person.

TEZA: Well... To make a commitment. to say to yourself, I really want that.

TEZA: Like if you look in the mirror and you say, oh, I don't like these, you know, saddlebags. I think, oh, okay, I'm going to make a commitment. To lay off the cookies. You have to. Don't just do it for an hour. You have to lay off those cookies and the saddlebags dissolve.

TEZA: So If I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired And afraid and even like upset because of the divisiveness that we feel. That is permeating everything, which I do not believe. I think it's a con job by the media. If we really want to. Beep participants in the solution.

TEZA: Instead of the problem. Then it starts with our own self. We can look within our own self and say, how open is my heart? How open is my mind? And if we can honestly say, well, I do have some prejudices. Or I do have some judgment. Then that's a great place to start.

TEZA: And then to be vigilant and say, well, there I go again. You know And maybe instead of scowling and being upset about the way life is, you can... Decide I'm going to change my mind. Like most spiritual teacher who always remains nameless. Said it's very simple. You make a decision and you change your mind.

TEZA: Now some people They think they need drugs. They think they need plant medicines. They think they need to go to Peru and take ayahuasca.

TEZA: Lsd or whatever. But I am a firm believer of and Anybody who wants to can just Learn. In Two simple breaths. So many ways. I mean, I have meditation. YouTube videos up. Millions of people do these days. Many people are involved in this movement. of transforming the human race. From a fear-based.

TEZA: Species into a love basically. Infinite more desirable. Animal.


KATHLEEN: That's very true. I mean, when I decided I wanted to be a better person. My whole world changed. And I stuck to that. Because There was something deep inside of me that said it's time. I've been so-called playing. where are we safe? And then there's a point that you just say. Just dive in, just commit. To you.

KATHLEEN: That was the that was a game changer. So I really commend you on saying that because I think that's very true that people...

KATHLEEN: Need to do that and then stick. To it. And there are so many people out there that can help them. If it's not me, if it's not you, there's somebody else out there. That you can resonate with. To Have them as your teacher, your guide, whatever you want to call it.

TEZA: Yeah, and the next best thing to do... This is really, really important. Important, Kathleen, and I'm sure you would. Agree. It's so important. About the company we keep.


TEZA: I mean, sometimes. You just have to say, Adios. To friends that just insist on bringing you down. Or In my case, I've had to say goodbye to very old friends who really...

TEZA: Just want to rain on my parade.

TEZA: They Really, that's happened to me several times in my adult life. That I'm not just playing around. I really do want to help. The world be a better place by me. Becoming a better person. So I've had to distance myself. And in one case, the friend came back to me after 30 years and she said, what happened? And I explained to her that. You know, we went our way and she said, wow, I was a. Jerk! How did that happen?

TEZA: We're good. I think it is. No. And sometimes you just need to take a little space. And in the case of... Like a child or a spouse that you can't just leave. Another trick is to fill your mind with... A pleasant affirmation. Okay. Mantra that uplifts you.

TEZA: Well, You're listening to something that could really bring you down. Like somebody criticizing you, for instance, for this. Change that you want. So desperately. Because you know it's real. It's not just... Something that you have to die and go to heaven for.

TEZA: Life. Can be heaven right now.

KATHLEEN: Yeah. So how can people get a hold of you?

TEZA: Well, my mothership is Everything is there in my books. My YouTube connection, my Podcast, is a good place to start. I'm on social media too.

KATHLEEN: All right, well... Thank you so much, Teza, for joining me today. I really do appreciate it. Your time.

KATHLEEN: You know sometimes mercury retrogrades has ways of doing things but yet you made it You took off a little bit of your camping trip and you came to the show and... I do appreciate the wisdom that you brought and the gentleness of your spirit. It's really embodied in you and I can really sense that and feel that. So thank you so much for joining me today. I do appreciate it.

TEZA: You, Kathleen, I so much appreciate it and spread love however you can you and everybody who's listening.

KATHLEEN: Thank you. Well, I want to thank everyone who joined us today on the journey of an awakening spirit. If you got some value out of this, I would really appreciate it if you like or subscribe to the channel or even send a link to a friend or a loved one who you think...

KATHLEEN: Might need. Some additional help or support. Because we are here. I do have on the I do have a list of all the speakers I've had on the show with me. So if there's somebody there to resonate, I highly encourage you to reach out to them.

KATHLEEN: And if you're struggling with anything that we talked about or would like to have more information on how I can support you. Of becoming your authentic self, please reach out to me at Brave TV at My books, The Dark Night of the Soul. The call The Dark Night of the Soul and Awakened are available on and

KATHLEEN: Be sure to visit. The Kathleen M. Flanagan site. For a list of services and products that are being offered there. And you can also access a three-minute de-stress meditation. That is completely free to you. There's no email required. And then don't forget to visit Awakening Spirit and Grandma's Natural Remedies to take advantage of the brave.

KATHLEEN: Tv coupon codes. Respectively for each site.

KATHLEEN: And that concludes our show for today. And I want to thank all of you again for joining me. And I will see you all next Tuesday at 4 p. m. Eastern Standard Time. And from my heart to yours, I hope you have. If fabulous week.

TeZa Lord Profile Photo

TeZa Lord

Spirit Author-Artist-Activist, lifelong yoga and meditation practitioner, naturalist, student

Author of 4 nonfiction books. Featured on No BS Spiritual Book Club. Lifelong yoga and meditation practitioner, adventurer, nature freak. Originator of the Loving Nature Community. Spreading Love energy is my thing. Defying the dark and negative, my aim. Sure aim with strong arrows. Cohost of ZLORD, a years-long spiritual podcast. Check out my YouTube channel for many meditative Mind-Stillers. I help others uplift, after having freed myself from negative bonds of self-destructive addictions. Life is a Mystery. I'm passionate and on FIRE about Love, not politics being the solution to society’s ills. Consciousness revolution, in other words, is my bugle call. Body-Mind-Spirit alignment: check! Helping others: check! Join my Army of Love at My motto:. Love is the weapon of mass illumination.