July 26, 2024

Embracing the Ascension: Navigating the Journey from Chaos to Light

Embracing the Ascension: Navigating the Journey from Chaos to Light

In 1992, Solara opened the doorway of the 11:11, marking the beginning of the ascension process. I was deeply involved in this transformative era, contributing to significant grid work and restructuring the Earth's ley lines to accommodate the new energy entering our world. This period laid the foundation for a profound spiritual awakening.

The original plan was for this doorway to close on December 31, 2011. However, Spirit granted us a dispensation, extending the period by another 12 years. This extension is crucial as it provides additional time for humanity to awaken and move towards the light, heralding a paradigm shift that will redefine our existence.

We are at a crossroads. The world is rapidly changing, and we face a critical choice: embrace a life of love, peace, happiness, and security or remain entrenched in the chaos that currently pervades our planet. The increasing polarization of society, the stark divide between light and dark, is not coincidental. It is designed to prompt us to make conscious, deliberate decisions about our future and who we aspire to become.

The influx of light on Earth is becoming more apparent, illuminating not only our virtues but also the dark recesses of our being. This intense illumination forces us to confront our traumas, whether they stem from abuse, violence, or other painful experiences. While facing these shadows is challenging, it is necessary for our healing and growth. I can speak to this personally, having faced and overcome numerous traumas in my life. The journey to peace required me to release anger and resentment and embrace learning and healing.

The Earth is no longer as dark as it once was. Our collective understanding of the mind, Spirit, and our feelings has expanded significantly. This moment in history is pivotal for our ascension. As the doorway closes on November 22nd, we must decide whether we are on the path to light or remain in darkness. This transition will be gradual, but the divide between those choosing love and peace and those clinging to chaos will become increasingly pronounced.

As we move forward, those choosing to ascend will find themselves distancing from the darkness. By 2026, a significant shift is predicted, one that will solidify this separation. There is talk of a new Earth emerging, one for those who have chosen to ascend, reminiscent of the spiritual transformations led by figures like Jesus and Buddha 2000 years ago.

This period calls for preparation and decision-making. Do you wish to stay in the chaos, or do you seek a higher state of being? The choice is yours, without judgment. My path has been one of deep self-work and alignment with my true self. I have developed courses to help others find their soul vision and journey, emphasizing the importance of aligning with oneself to achieve love, companionship, and other desires.

Despite the turbulence of our times, with political upheavals and global uncertainties, we have the power to choose our response. We can decide what our world looks like, regardless of external events. Taking responsibility for our thoughts, words, and actions can transform our lives and bring us closer to our true selves.

In recent years, my life has changed profoundly. By listening to Spirit and embracing my higher self, I have experienced incredible growth. This journey has not been without fear, but I have learned to ask what fear wants to teach me and to embrace it as part of my growth.

As I step into my true magnificence, I recognize the importance of ending suffering in silence. We all suffer, but we don't have to. We are here to learn, not to suffer. By shifting our perspective and focusing on cooperation and connection, we can overcome isolation and move towards unity.

We are all rays of the same star, individual yet connected. By seeing the bigger picture and adopting new viewpoints, we can navigate this transformative period with greater ease and clarity, moving towards a future of love, peace, and happiness.