Oct. 17, 2023

Unleash Your Maximum Potential: Embarking on a Path of Self-Exploration and Principles for Success

In a recent podcast episode, Kathleen Flanagan hosts Anmol Singh as the guest speaker. They discuss Anmol's book, "10 Success Keys for making it in life," which applies trading psychology concepts to achieve success in everyday life.

Anmol shares his personal journey of self-improvement that led him to write the book, aiming to share his lessons with others who may lack time or resources for a similar journey. Integrity, following through on commitments, taking action, and applying knowledge are emphasized as crucial for real results.

Anmol also mentions his community of traders at livetraders.com, where they support each other and he provides live trading sessions. The book is structured conversationally and includes tasks for readers. Three key principles from the book are highlighted: integrity, follow-through systems, and taking action.

The speakers, Kathleen and Anmol, discuss personal growth, integrity, goal-setting, and task scheduling. They stress the importance of studying and understanding guiding principles and values, accountability, and taking action.

Anmol shares his experience as an immigrant from India to America, emphasizing resourcefulness and knowing one's values for decision-making. Kathleen shares her own self-discovery journey. The transformative power of personal growth and its benefits are highlighted. Anmol's journey from India to America and his experiences as an immigrant are discussed, along with the challenges, sacrifices, persistence, and passion required for success. Kathleen praises Anmol's determination and resourcefulness. The importance of changing perspective and mindset for personal growth is mentioned.

The podcast provides insights into the immigrant experience, persistence, passion, and the need for a growth mindset. The conversation between Kathleen and Anmol revolves around Anmol's product and his journey to launch it.

Anmol Singh shares his personal journey of self-improvement and self-discovery. He expresses a persistent feeling of something missing in his life and a desire to unlock his full potential, leading him on a multi-year journey filled with mentorship, workshops, seminars, and spiritual retreats. This quest for self-realization and personal growth ultimately culminated in his decision to distill his acquired knowledge and experience into a book consisting of ten key principles aimed at helping others enhance their lives.

The discussion delves into common elements observed in high-stakes industries like finance, emphasizing the importance of integrity in achieving success. Anmol notes that trading, in particular, can be highly emotionally charged, releasing hormones like dopamine and serotonin regularly. Learning to manage these emotional spikes and maintain integrity in trading plans is crucial for success. Anmol underscores the significance of keeping one's word and following through on commitments, not only for personal growth but also for building trust and credibility with others.

Mr. Singh describes the structure of his book, which offers a straightforward and informal style of conversation with readers. Each chapter concludes with actionable tasks, ensuring that readers don't just accumulate information but apply it to their lives. Additionally, Anmol mentions the importance of setting aside time for self-reflection and suggests taking inventory of one's life, values, and goals. Finally, he emphasizes the importance of scheduling and time management to ensure that dreams and goals are not left as mere wishes but are actively pursued and achieved.



Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



KATHLEEN: Hello everyone and welcome to the journey of an awakening spirit. This is Kathleen Flanagan, your host and we are streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network. And today, well, this is Felix as we all know he has to make his appearance for whatever reason. But today we have Anmol Singh who's going to be talking about the 10 Success Keys for making it in life.

KATHLEEN: But first, I'm going to open the show with the tuning forks of love, happiness and balance.

KATHLEEN: Well, an animal is considered the leading expert in the Trading Psychology space.

KATHLEEN: Having helped thousands of traders all over the world dealing with psychological and behavioral issues that arise when high stakes on are on the line, he brings a unique view of success and shows how the same concepts that he has used to help million dollar traders are applicable to our day to day lives, irrespective of the industry or career they are in.

KATHLEEN: So welcome.

ANMOL: And Mo thanks for having me looking forward to chatting with you.

KATHLEEN: I'm excited about what you've done. You've created the 10 Success Keys to help everyone with your background is pretty amazing.

KATHLEEN: I know that this was a journey that you had to come through because it sounds like you've had not a really deep calling as far as tragedy or anything like that in your life. What brought you to decide to write the book when you have been so successful in other areas of your life?

ANMOL: I've been on my own personal journey of bettering myself or trying to become my full potential. There's always something I felt like something was missing in my life, something was lacking. It was like a whole journey of trying to figure that out what that might be or where are my blind spots.

ANMOL: It was a journey that embarked on over the course of the years, I've hired many mentors, coaches, attended seminars, workshops spiritual retreats going out to different parts of the world to really find who I really was never felt like I really fit in.

ANMOL: It was a whole journey. I learned a lot of things in that journey that have helped me in my own life get the success that I have as well as just feeling better about where your life is headed. A lot of the things that I learned and I realized that not everybody has the time or the money to do what I did to figure that stuff out.

ANMOL: The book was an inspiration for me to, ok, if I could just put something, all of what I've learned just into a small 10 keys that people can start applying into their day to day life. That was kind of the inspiration for the book.

KATHLEEN: Did this come basically from trading with people where there are common elements that you observed in high stakes in the financial world? I know that in the financial industry, there's a lot more that's involved than, when you're dealing with money, especially millions of dollars, there's a mindset there, there's a lot of other issues.

KATHLEEN: You're holding a lot of energy too. I am aware that it's a very competitive industry as well. Did your journey in the financial industry bring some of this about to understand that there's commonalities if you're poor or rich or somewhere in between these two places?

ANMOL: The difference I noticed was people who were struggling or they were having these kind of issues were primarily because of lack of integrity. I'll touch upon that in a minute. But the research was done that trading released the same hormones of dopamine and serotonin.

ANMOL: The same ones that you get when you're gambling or you're doing illicit drugs or if you're having sex, the same hormones are released, for traders. Now, the difference is that we're getting every single day, every single few hours rather than once in a while. Like most people, we're getting that every single day learning how to control those spikes in your emotions and your hormones is key.

ANMOL: What I noticed was there was a lack of integrity in the finance industry, meaning not the type of integrity that most people might think, but keeping your own word to yourself, right? You say you're gonna do something and then you don't follow through on it, right? If your trading plan, let's say, or your business plan for traders says, ok, let's do this.

ANMOL: But then you do the opposite or the stock is going against you rather than getting out and taking a small loss, you hope it comes back up, right? Because we're all taught buy and hold approach. But most people end up doing buy and hope and hope is not a strategy. I realized that a lot of people weren't, they're saying they're gonna do something but they weren't following through.

ANMOL: That lack of integrity is kind of the main point, that I talk about in my book as well. Is do what you said you're gonna do and then do it when you said you're gonna do it right.

ANMOL: I mean, just think about how much our quality of life would be better if we did every single thing we said we're gonna do and we completed it when we said we're gonna do it like we would have an ideal life. I think that is what I noticed is people weren't paying attention to the words that are coming out of their mouth. They thought it's just words but no, your words are everything.

ANMOL: What you say to yourself, how you talk to yourself as, as well as following through on your own word is absolute paramount. Because if you don't believe in your word, how do you expect your clients to believe in you? How do you expect your customers to believe in you? How do you expect anybody, the universe to believe in you if you don't believe in yourself?

KATHLEEN: That is so right on and so key. I have discovered that over the years is all you have is your word. That's all you have. If you don't have your word and you start proving that if you're going to be late for something, call them, just call the person and say I'm running late and that keeps you in integrity.

KATHLEEN: Even if you've fallen behind, at least they know that you're trustworthy, you're valuing their time. You respect them enough to show consideration.

KATHLEEN: I think that's really important as far as being an overall human being in general. That is not something that you see a lot in the world anymore. It's like, well, I'll get there when I get there. You don't understand your attitude like that means I'm not going to use you.

KATHLEEN: You don't show up for a call. You don't get to be on my show. It's that simple. It's not a negotiated system here.

KATHLEEN: I understand that.

KATHLEEN: In the book, do you have it set up, like in an outline, like start out with this, like a study course or is it 10 different principles that you want to go towards what you think as you yourself need to improve on?

KATHLEEN: Tell me a little bit more about your book and the steps and what you think is valuable that people get.

ANMOL: Yeah. But before what you just said, I think it's absolutely true. If somebody's having a lack of integrity and maybe they said they're gonna do something or show up on time and they don't, the worst thing people can do is apologize for it because what this says, oh, I'm sorry, I'm not gonna do it again. No, you are gonna do it again.

ANMOL: Right. So sorry, doesn't mean anything. What you have to do is put things in place to ensure it doesn't happen again. That way you show up as yourself as your word all the time. That was what I wanted to touch upon what you just said there. But as far as the book, the book is written very informally, it's literally written like I'm having a conversation with myself or with you the reader.

ANMOL: It's laid out in a very simple format. It's a very short book, somebody could read it in a day if they really spend a few hours on it and every chapter ends with before you move on to this next chapter, you gotta do these three things, right?

ANMOL: Because the last thing I want is for this to be another book that you've read, you say, oh, it's a great book and you don't do anything about it, you don't take action, right? Just one of those books sitting in your library. I want people to actually apply the material. Before they move on to the next chapter, every chapter ends with, here's the three things.

ANMOL: Here's big task, a challenge for yourself, do that before you move on to the next chapter. Because you don't truly know something until you can apply it in your life. It shows your life demonstrates the evidence of you applying it. Otherwise it's not knowledge what most people think. It's knowledge, it's not knowledge, it's just information.

ANMOL: It's just organized information. You don't want more information. What you want is true knowledge. That's kind of what the book helps you do is every chapter it will end with a task for you to do.

KATHLEEN: Do you have a Facebook page or anything like that for people to work together or connect with each other? Because a lot of times when we're doing this kind of internal work, it's nice to know that other people are out there and you can talk to about it or is it pretty independent?

KATHLEEN: Tell me a little bit more about how you really structured this for people because, like you said, I could go buy the book, say, yeah, I did this and then put it down because I didn't apply all the principles or I got a little confused about this step or something came up and I didn't really know how to approach it sometimes or it was a little too deep that I didn't want to face, so to speak.

KATHLEEN: I was like, oh, I don't think I want to deal with that one today forever.

ANMOL: Yeah. We have like a community at live traders dot com. We have a community of traders. We all hang out in a chat room and we're all supporting each other. I go live there every single day, Monday to Friday for an hour. I can show people my own trading as well. Then they can kind of see me. Ok?

ANMOL: I am let's say losing money and it's live, I can't even hide everything is in front of people. I like that pressure because what that does to me is it also shows the viewer that, hey, look at how he's handling himself, even if he's losing, even if he's winning, he's not getting too excited about it. I'm very calm when it comes to trading. I show that in real time.

ANMOL: But then as you said, some people obviously have something deeper they want to touch into. I usually do one on ones at that time but not something that I really promote or try to do. But for clients that are achieving the success, but they're kind of stuck somewhere. Usually those are the people I work with. Not typically people just starting out.

KATHLEEN: Ok that makes sense.

KATHLEEN: Why don't you share a little bit about some of the top 10 success stories or, keys that you're talking about.

ANMOL: Yeah, definitely. One we touched upon was integrity, right? I think that's the paramount most important one because without that nothing else will work. Right? If you don't follow through on your word. That's number one.

ANMOL: The second thing we also covered was if you have a break in integrity, I don't call it lack of integrity, I call it break in integrity where maybe we all sometimes say we're gonna do something and we fall off. But now we got to put things in place to ensure it doesn't happen again.

ANMOL: I'll give you my own example. I was struggling for a long time from working out. I was living the business dream, making the money traveling a lot, wasn't working out at all. I let my health go.

ANMOL: I kept saying to myself, oh, I'll start from Monday and then Monday comes and then it's the 28th of the month. So you're like, oh, I'll start from the first and then the first comes, but it's November.

ANMOL: I'll start from January right first jam. I kept doing that. I said to myself so many times and I realized that's a lack of integrity. That is a pure, lack of integrity. I said that's not something I'm gonna stand for.

ANMOL: What I did is rather than apologizing for it or putting in a new deadline, which I'm gonna miss again. I said, all right, what can I do to put things in place to ensure it doesn't happen again? I hired a trainer. His job is to come every single day at 12 p. m. fixed timing every day will come.

ANMOL: He's already here. I have to work out. I have to keep my word to him as well that I'll work out with him. That way I can work out every day. Then I noticed that I'm still eating. Not that great.

ANMOL: How can I fix that? Then I got a chef. Hhis job is to come every Sunday meal prep for me in these boxes and he puts it and stores it for me. Now I put things in place to ensure that there's never gonna be that issue that I'm neglecting my health again.

ANMOL: From your own life, if somebody is running late to a meeting or something else, they're missing a deadline just like you said earlier, first inform the person that it's gonna be late and you should inform that person right then and there not wait till the last minute, the moment you notice you're not gonna be able to make it that very moment.

ANMOL: You pick up the call and you let them know and then you either reschedule or do you want to do that? Then put it in your calendar.

ANMOL: This is the time I'm gonna do this at. You don't miss it again cause one time somebody can forgive you. If you do it again, they're not gonna forgive you and they always remember that. Those are some of the other things.

ANMOL: The third thing that I noticed, which is the biggest thing and I was guilty of that too is you're buying a ton of books, you're buying a ton of courses, seminars, you have all this information at your doorstep and you're not applying any of that. You're stuck in what I call the learning loop. You're learning, learning learning and it comes from a place of lack.

ANMOL: You think you're missing something, I need more information. I need to learn something new. Maybe I'll listen to this podcast. What happens is when people jump from one podcast to another podcast, one book to another book. At the end of the month they're like, yeah, I've read 20 books.

ANMOL: I'm like, but your life doesn't show any evidence of you applying what you just learned. So clearly you don't know it. The thing is to get your head out of being stuck in a learning loop and start applying things, taking action, right?

ANMOL: If you read one page, I'd rather somebody read one page of any of their favorite book and apply that before they move on to the next page. Having that mindset is absolute key to anything in life because you could have a dinner with the richest person on the earth. If he tells you to do something and you just move on, you don't take action on it.

ANMOL: Your life's not really gonna improve. You have to take action. I know we all know this inside but we still in some part of our life, we're not taking action that we know we should be. That is our number one piece of integrity, keeping your word putting things in place to ensure you don't do it again.

ANMOL: The third thing take action, stop getting stuck in the learning cycle. It's not more information you need. It's more execution is what you really need. Those are some of the three keys out of the many that I covered in the book.

KATHLEEN: When you talk about those three and that they're key because it's the four agreements is what you're talking about because we really do have to start, we do have to have a base. What if somebody has say they're not really that Integris and I know you can get into integrity very quickly.

KATHLEEN: But when somebody, this is new to somebody, what are you telling them? What they can do to get to that place to where they can start? What kind of simple steps are you talking about for people to implement? I know that I've been on this journey since I was 16 years old.

KATHLEEN: I've gone down this personal growth and development world for a very long time and I'm focusing in and dialing in on one specific area that I didn't even realize as far as that we do have a core, limiting belief and that we need that higher power to help us through that.

KATHLEEN: We also have to start at the beginning of starting to be a better human being. I'm reading more advanced books and I'm taking those principles and I'm applying them. It's not like how fast can I read the book and put it down and get to the next one.

KATHLEEN: It's no, I'm studying the books really taking them in, in a level that I've never taken them in before. For somebody who's new when I was at the beginning I just read stuff and took in the knowledge and then worked on formulating an opinion but never really had, do this or do this or do this. I learned some of this the hard way in life.

ANMOL: Yeah, I think you know, it, it'll start off and by the way, what you're doing is exactly what most people should be doing. They should be studying a book. Most people read a book, right? Reading a book is not gonna get you the result. You have to study it, you have to look into it, right. Look up the meanings of some of the words you don't understand.

ANMOL: Cause there might be completely different meaning, it might change the whole sentence, the meaning of the whole sentence, one word you didn't understand. I think that's absolutely crucial. First it'll start off with taking an inventory of your life. I think most people don't ever take the time to sit with themselves, right? To like really just sit with themselves.

ANMOL: No phone, no, nothing just ponder a little bit. Right. Ponder pondering is great. You have to ponder and think about taking inventory what is something I say to myself over and over that I haven't done yet. What is something that I said that I'll do it that I didn't follow through on? What is something that I actually want to do?

ANMOL: Like I want this in my life, but I'm not making any progress towards it, not taking any action towards the first thing is taking inventory. Right. And taking inventory also means, asking people closest around you because sometimes you, they'll give you insights that you might not have, right? Your blind spots, the blind spots, we all have them, right?

ANMOL: You ask your friend and your friend looks at your life completely differently. He might say, you know what this you keep saying you're gonna do this. I heard you're gonna start this new thing, what happened? It's been six months already, you haven't done anything on it. So asking the closest people around you how am I coming across to you?

ANMOL: What's my personality like? How do you perceive me? Right? Just talk to me. How do you perceive me? How do I come across if you were to describe me to somebody who never met me, what would you tell them about me? Like that is where you're gonna learn a lot about yourself.

ANMOL: Just sitting with yourself taking some time out every day and now that you've made that inventory, the second step is OK put things in place to ensure you achieve those goals and the way you do that is by scheduling it. Right. Jordan Peterson, I think, talks about it is like living your ideal day. If you said to somebody, what is your ideal day look like?

ANMOL: They write all the thing down, ideal day would be when I complete my workout. I do this on the thing. I have met my friends, I go hiking, I play golf. This is my ideal day. Great. Now, you've got all those items. Now, let's schedule that. Let's assign time slots to each of those things because this research was not like most people. It's not that they don't know what they need to do.

ANMOL: Most all of us, we know exactly what we need to do. We just don't have the accountability or the systems in place to take action on it. It starts with scheduling and assigning time slots. I literally have an assistant of mine that I've never met, never met. I never met him.

ANMOL: His only job is to call me on Monday at 2 p. m. I say, oh, what are the three things we're working on this week? I'm like, what are the three big needle moving things in our business? I'm brainstorming to and I'm just talking to him like, yeah, I could do this, I could do this. He's like, ok, great. We got these three things down. When are we doing it? I'm like, all right, maybe Wednesday. I could do it.

ANMOL: Great. What time? Right. 03. How much time is gonna take you? Ok. He allocates an hour block. That's his only job. That is what people need to do with themselves. Now, you don't need to go and hire somebody. Right. You could do it yourself. Right. Do it yourself. Put it on a new calendar, assign time slots to each of those goals.

ANMOL: Otherwise it's a dream, right? Otherwise it's a dream. It's just a daydream you're having. You're not gonna do anything about it. Five years later, you're gonna look back and say, oh, I didn't do anything. I wish I did that. The only way you can do it is assigning time slots to it and then when it's that time slot for that particular task, that's that time slot for that task.

ANMOL: Don't look at your emails, don't answer your phone calls, don't look at social media complete that task. If you live very disciplined life like this, you're gonna achieve your goals. It's just a matter of time. I think those couple of things people start implementing it's gonna change is gonna be a game changer for you.

KATHLEEN: Yeah, this is sounds like Mary Morrissey's programs with the life Mastery. I was in her program for a year. That's a lot what she talks about is what is it that you want? Where do you want to go? What's important and you categorize everything that's really important with you.

KATHLEEN: That way you're not hodge podging and you're all over the place and then you think why is nothing getting done? That's something I learned I was doing that and showing the gratitude coming up in the mornings, waking up. What do I want to accomplish today? Where am I, what's on my calendar?

KATHLEEN: Then being grateful? What is the needle moving? That was a big thing. What's the needle moving that you're doing? When are you going to do it? What time? I was being held accountable for that.

KATHLEEN: It was a good thing. I didn't mind it but there was also this little bit of haven't done it yet kind of thing sometimes because that was me. Sometimes life still does happen.

KATHLEEN: But that doesn't mean if it happens, it's ok, then just move it on your calendar because this situation came up that you have to address now. Move it, you're still integrity. You haven't changed it, you haven't done it. It's not, you haven't done it, you just haven't done it yet.

KATHLEEN: Stay in integrity and move it and get it done. I found that to be very effective and really productive. I was pretty amazed at how much better I felt about myself. I didn't feel as scattered because I felt I was more dialed in because part of the dream building and accomplishing your goals is dialing in.

KATHLEEN: What is that baby step you can take for the day? Because sometimes we don't know. I know that when you said that about the pondering, that is so key. I think about the last week of August, all the men in my life were out of town. It was great.

KATHLEEN: I spent an entire week with myself studying, taking a course and dialing in on who am I? What is it that I want? What are my core values and how am I going to bring those out in the world - game changer?

KATHLEEN: It was a game changer because I never really took the time to look at who am I really? What are my strong core beliefs? How am I living my life? How am I bringing this into my business? It was like decision making.

KATHLEEN: Somebody said, that your decisions become a lot easier. If people are doing something and instead of being in this wishy washy well, you know, maybe it's just a one time thing. No, it wasn't.

KATHLEEN: It's who they are. It's how they operate because it's if you're not in integrity with what my core belief is, that means that's not your core belief. We're never going to see eye to eye and it will always be a conflict. It was a real game changer when I stopped long enough to do that.

KATHLEEN: That again is how I decided it was time to bring guests on the show because it was I know what I want on my show because even though I've been doing this since May, I've always wanted to bring the guests on, but I had to get in touch with me.

KATHLEEN: I knew the right people to bring on the show. I feel very blessed because of that the quality of people that have reached out to be on the show are coming out like yourself. I am meeting the most amazing people because of what they're doing in their life.

KATHLEEN: It's all walks of life. You're in trading and I'm in spiritual development. It's all walks of life where everybody has had amazing stories and have overcome and have brought their true essence out because that's what this life is about, your gift is trading.

KATHLEEN: You also have these amazing tools that you have the same inside of you to bring it out to say, OK, this is who I am. This is my core value, whatever this limiting belief is, you went in, you dived in and you made that your gift to the world.

KATHLEEN: That's what's so beautiful about this.

KATHLEEN: You're right on the money and some people don't have money to do this. That's why start out until you do have the money, at least do something to give yourself that pat on the back. Build one brick at a time to build that worthiness, to build that integrity, to build the truth about yourself, whatever it is, it's always a process.

KATHLEEN: Technology is not a process, right?

ANMOL: I think it's not like a lack of sometimes people say I have a lack of resources or money, you don't lack resources, you lack resourcefulness, right? Like I mean, I came from India so I came to New York without knowing anybody here.

ANMOL: If you're born in this country, you are way ahead of where I was, right? So it's not the lack of resources, resourcefulness. When I got here, the first thing I did was contact, who can I get into? Who can I meet? Right? Who can I touch bases with? Who can I meet?

ANMOL: Who can I take for coffee and just learning like be a sponge, absorbing it. But then when you go home, not moving on to the next information. Like I sat down and I applied what you were talking about values. I keep my top five values written down here in a post it note it's right in front of my desk.

ANMOL: My top five values the first one is living with integrity and morality. The second is loving relationships, success, controlling my own thoughts, health and fitness. I keep that center of my stages, these little post it notes just the sayings for myself. One of them says all the power that ever was or will be is here right now.

ANMOL: There is no part of me that is not God. Having these saying to yourself is really important because that's what affirmations really are, right? It's not really repeating it to yourself all the time, but it's also what's in your environment all the time. What are you looking at all the time?

ANMOL: What are you absorbing all the time unconsciously? I try to keep these little trinkets around my house. Anytime I look somewhere, there's a burst of positivity or a burst bringing me back to my core self. I think knowing your values is really good because it helps you in your decision making in life. I'm really decisive.

ANMOL: Somebody asked me a question I don't need to think yes or no. Maybe I'm like, is it aligning with my values? Ok. Great. Yes. Let's do it. If it's not aligning with my values, it's a hard, no, no matter how great the opportunity might be. I think knowing your values makes you really confident and decisive because you know, and if you don't believe in it, then those are not your values.

ANMOL: You might need to do some deep thinking there. That too comes with pondering, with sitting with yourself and saying, is this more important or is that more important? Right. Then is this more important or that more important? You keep doing that exercise till you come with your, top five values?

KATHLEEN: I agree with that wholeheartedly. I totally agree with that. It's a huge game changer. Even though I know that I've always come from integrity and that I am taking personal responsibility, those are two of mine at this point.

KATHLEEN: I have more but, but those were things that I always knew about myself and, I never thought to write them down and look at them because I do, like you say, I have stuff on my desk. I have like the four agreements on my desk.

KATHLEEN: I have little quotes on my desk and there was a point that I had a vision board. Even if I wasn't really paying attention to the vision board. It was amazing how many things came to pass because I would just glance at it and it absorbed into my subconscious mind to where I generated the goal to be achieved.

KATHLEEN: Anmol, I wanna ask you when you came, when did you come to America?

KATHLEEN: What was that like? I know it's a totally different experience than India coming to, especially New York because that is such a fast paced town. I've been there once and I was blown away by it. It was an amazing city to be in for the short period that I was there.

KATHLEEN: It was exciting but to do that because I know that for me, I was always been afraid of people. I learned not to trust people and that was my past. I have a partner who everybody loves and it's, what do you do? How do you get people to love you like that?

KATHLEEN: He's just such a cool guy, you know? He is and I watched that and I'm learning to come out my own fear but to do what you did. Oh, I don't think I could have ever done that. I would have probably found a corner and slowly worked my way out.

KATHLEEN: But to do that, tell me about what that was like, coming to New York from India and how you adapted and became so Americanized so quickly it seems like.

ANMOL: Yeah, I always wanted to go to America like you were talking about vision board. That's kind of what I had on my vision board in India. I had a little board. I had images of skyscrapers and typical thing a guy would want, right? Skyscrapers, cars, all of that.

ANMOL: It was always in my vision board and I would keep it above my computer desk, which at that time growing up I probably used for just video games and now it's trading. It's kind of the same life. I switched the video games over to trading. I'm still on my computer though.

ANMOL: I think life is funny how things play out. But first I moved to London, I lived there for about four or five years because, to come to America, the right way, the legal way, you have to invest a lot of money, you have to create employment and jobs, or somebody hires you.

ANMOL: I wasn't working for a job. I wanted to start my own thing. First I went to London, I lived there from 2010 to 2015, for five years, working there, studying there.

ANMOL: Then when I finally had enough money saved up in 2015 and then I finally moved to America, because I had to invest well over, a couple million dollars just to come to the country and I had to hire 10 people create employment. It's crazy. The world is right now because now you can just cross the border and come like more people, you know.

ANMOL: Yeah. I had to go through all of this, money, time, legal fees, paperwork to try to come the right way to be a productive person in the society. That was kind of the whole journey. In the beginning, it was very daunting. I was in my corner, I wasn't living in Manhattan City right now. I started off living in Long Island in the suburbs.

ANMOL: My view, from my window was a gas station at that time or a train station and it wasn't like this all the time. I lived there, but I realized that I'm gonna sacrifice a little bit. I'm gonna just live like I'm broke for a few years until I get my business up and running. That was my only focus was, I'm gonna get this business up and running.

ANMOL: I've burned all the boats. There's no plan B, I'm here, I've put all this money that I saved up. There's no Plan B, there's no turning back. I think that is a very powerful thing I also talk about in my book is a lot of people think about plan A Plan B, plan C and they're strategized in their head. They're thinking about all these plans.

ANMOL: I'm thinking about how do I make this plan work? Somehow. There's gotta be a way, maybe if this is not this way, it's got to be that way, but this will work. I think that's another thing I talk about in the book is having persistence and the persistence really only comes if you genuinely are curious about what you're doing.

ANMOL: Like for me, trading and investing, running a business is something I'm passionate about like I could, it doesn't feel like work to me at all. When it gets tough, I can keep going because I love doing it. But if you don't love do, doing what you do, then as soon as it gets tough. You're gonna quit one little problem, you're gonna give up. You're always gonna look for Plan

ANMOL: So I think that was a helpful, I think that's why a lot of immigrants end up becoming successful in the country. If you take a look at the top CEOs of the top 4 to 500 companies, a lot of them, believe it or not came from India. Just like me, Pepsi CEO mastercard, Google, Microsoft, all these companies are run by them because we burned the boats when we got here.

ANMOL: There's no turning back, there's no other option. We'll make this work. I think that mindset helps and you don't need to be an immigrant for that. You could treat yourself cultivating that mindset that I'm not gonna look for a way out. I'm not gonna look for an easy way out. There is no other way.

ANMOL: This is the way and you do everything needs to be done and you don't move on to the next plan until you've tried every single thing on this first plan. That's kind of what I did over here. My business partner now who's actually my mentor who taught me how to trade the stock market and all of that. I called him in 2015 when his company that he was working at got bought out.

ANMOL: I called him and say, hey, you know, I'm your case study right here. Why don't you and I start something, you know, I'm in the country now. You taught me how to trade, I'm successful. Perfect case study. Why don't we teach other people how to do the same thing? That's how the business started.

ANMOL: Again, not a lack of resources is resourcefulness, right? I would nobody, some people might think but, you know, if I asked them, why would you start a business with me? You know, I'm just a student. I didn't think about any of that. I'm like, let's try give it a go. Now he's my business partner and we've been running this business for eight years.

KATHLEEN: That's amazing because I know that a lot of times the immigrants they come to America because we offer, it's a land of opportunity as they say, and we Americans are spoiled and we'll put it that way.

KATHLEEN: We're just spoiled on many levels. We are because we don't know what it's like to be in a third world country. I went to Egypt and I saw something different. I've been to Mexico, I've been to some of the third world countries and it was an eye opener for me.

KATHLEEN: Yes, I saw some beautiful tourist attractions and things like that. But I also got to know the people and to me the Egyptians were an amazing people. They're kind, and they are friendly and it's a big country, a lot of people. I had to really stop and look at, we do have that.

KATHLEEN: When I know that I'm in the pits of my own pity party sometimes and I have no money when I do have money. Then it's like you have more than most people in the world have and you have to, yeah, I have to look like that because I'm dialed in, I'm not thinking about the right way.

KATHLEEN: I have to get my thinking put back in alignment because sometimes, especially I think Americans are really bad about this because we're so used to following the Joneses and they have more than me. I need to keep up, have the 3.2 kids and the white picket fence and all that craziness, that's what I was raised with. I couldn't deal with that because it was too much.

KATHLEEN: That is not me. What I did is I went down a different road which of course, my family thought something was wrong with me because I'm gonna go into business for myself. I'm gonna do this and they're like, no, no, you need to have like a job, something you hate, you show up every day and you get your retirement at the end at 65.

KATHLEEN: I can't do that. I'll just commit suicide first before I do that. That was how I was. I was different in that respect and it was a struggle, but it was also the best thing I could have done because I started opening my mouth more. I started realizing that everybody was not out to get me like I thought, because people, on a whole, people are very nice.

KATHLEEN: There's a lot of really good people. We highlight the crazies on the news for whatever reason to prove the dysfunction and keep us in fear and stuff like that. But part of this whole growth and what you did is that where your background is, no, I'm burning the books.

KATHLEEN: I have to do this. This is my life and, and when I really started looking at that, this is my livelihood. This is how I want to live my life. I'm gonna burn the so-called pattern, the American pattern of the corporate life because it wasn't for me. Who cares if I was running a different, singing a different song? That's part of who we are.

KATHLEEN: What is your song? What is it that you're bringing? Yes. Some people want to live the corporate life. That style. That's great. But that wasn't me and I shouldn't have to be punished for that.

KATHLEEN: It also was my greatest gift for myself of growing because I wasn't in the rut of life, just like you came to America. You didn't get into the rut of the American culture. You were, I'm going here and I'm going to do this and I don't know how I'm going to get there, but I'm going to get there one way or another.

KATHLEEN: That's my attitude. I have a business that I'm still working on getting off the ground. COVID kicked its ass and I've got some people that we're going to be meeting with and we're gonna do a new relaunch, so to speak to get this company back up and running.

KATHLEEN: I can't let it go. I've put too many years into making something work and it is that persistence and they're, we're gonna keep you with it.

KATHLEEN: We're going to help you with your mindset because yeah, you're kind of burned out on your company, but we're going to keep that mindset going and we're going to bring in new things for you to bring that excitement back because I think part of that is the excitement having that childlike attitude of, well, if this isn't working well, what about this?

KATHLEEN: What if we try this? How many times did it take Edison before he discovered the light bulb? All he did is found out all the ways that didn't work. It's changed how you think about things.

KATHLEEN: I think the biggest thing that you look at is you changed how you have a different perspective where we in America, we think it's, there's this entitlement thing going on anyways in this country. That's really bad.

KATHLEEN: Makes me crazy because you're never going to get what you want with that attitude because nobody owes you anything ever under any circumstance. Good luck if you think that because my attitude is, if you think you're that entitled, put your head in the phone, go live with mom and dad and live with them until they die because that's about the extent of the entitlement you're gonna get.

KATHLEEN: That's how I feel about it because you worked your ass off to get over here. So, yeah, you could have resentment about what we're doing with our borders right now. Yeah. But you did it the right way. That's a sense of pride. That is something that you did.

KATHLEEN: You felt like you were worthy and deserving, you weren't entitled to that, but you wanted it and you worked for it. That's how we are supposed to be in life. What do we want and we work for it. I just think it's really admirable what you've done and how you position yourself and how you took the resources that you had available instead of crying oh, nobody loves me and nobody gives me any money.

KATHLEEN: You went out and found it. I do the same thing. I can sit there and say, yeah, money is a problem and money is never a problem. Ever, ever, ever. Bob Proctor said that and he is so right on the money. If you want it, you will find the money.

KATHLEEN: If you want it bad enough. How badly do you want this?

ANMOL: Right? Even the ancient, like the Toltec traditions talk about the assemblage point. Changing the lens that you're looking at life from and the things that you're looking from and changing your shifting your assemblage point and looking at it from a different perspective. I think we it's kind of a lost art.

ANMOL: People are so emotional these days, I'm offended on this, on that and they're stuck in their own perspective, their own assemblage point and they don't have the ability. It almost feels like they've lost the ability to step over here and look at it from a different lens because there's never black or white.

ANMOL: There's always truth, always lies somewhere in the middle. You have to be able to be critical and look at things from both sides. That's what Stanford Professor Carol Direct talks about in her book, growth Mindset about. No, don't focus on what's wrong or what's lacking. What are you gonna do about it?

ANMOL: What's the next step? What's the next thing we could do? Who can I chat with? If you're not successful in money or business right now and you're having lunch or dinner by yourself, you're wasting that time, right? Go have lunch with somebody else, go have dinner with somebody else, go to a, we work, there's tons of people running a business there, go have coffee there, right?

ANMOL: There's a lot of things you can do even when you don't have resources. I think that's the art people need to have a shift of perspective of your assemblage point and looking at things from a different perspective. Because it's very easy.

ANMOL: If we're a consultant to somebody, it's very easy for us to tell other people what to do. But when it comes to ourselves we play the victim card and we don't do what we tell other people to do. It's like looking at it from a third perspective and saying, be your own consultant, advise your life and guide it in the right direction.

ANMOL: Think about it like the drift. There's a boat in the water. Right. Right. If the boat is, let's say nobody's operating that boat, the boat is just gonna drift. Right. It's gonna go wherever it wants to go, it might go left, it might go.

ANMOL: Right. You're not gonna be able to control it. It's just gonna drift wherever it wants to go. That's what our life is. Our life is just a drift. It'll just keep drifting away until you take control and steer it in the direction that you want to go.

KATHLEEN: Yeah, that's true. That's exactly right. That's when I say that people are in the rut, that's the rut. They get up, they go to work, they come home, they do whatever, watch TV, drink, do drugs, whatever. They're not really living life, they're not experiencing life and we're here to experience life and that's part of our own personal self-growth and development.

KATHLEEN: Anmol tell us how the listeners can get a hold of you or to purchase your book.

ANMOL: Yeah, definitely. So for the book, it's prepping for success, 10 Keys for making it in life. It's available, Amazon Barnes and Nobles. Anywhere else.

ANMOL: You can learn more about it on prepping for success dot com. If trading or investing is something you're curious about or interested in, then live traders dot com is where you can learn more about.

ANMOL: There's tons of free resources and when you sign up, you get a free course video course that I personally created that will give you an insight and maybe you watch it and you realize, oh, this is not free for me and that's totally fine, but that's where you could do that.

ANMOL: Touch base with me, Instagram or Twitter is where I'm the most active. My user name on both of those is Delta 90. Deltaninety. Don't ask me why I had a long time ago and I just didn't change it.

KATHLEEN: That's really good. My partner is very interested in trading. He's been doing taking courses and things along those lines.

KATHLEEN: I'm definitely gonna let him know about your product because he has a fascination for it and he's been studying off and on and trying to get it up and running and he hasn't quite got there fully yet because once you start putting in your money it gets very frightening, very quickly.

KATHLEEN: I know he's talked about looking for mentors as well. I definitely let him know that.

KATHLEEN: I want to thank you so much for being here.

KATHLEEN: I'm really grateful that you reached out. You're just a shining, a bright shining star in this world as far as I'm concerned. You have this magnificent light that you're sending out there to help people to grow and evolve because you have. You learned how to do that on your own and you took some great strides by coming to the United States and you flourished in the United States and even when it looks dark and hard to do, you did it anyways. You blew up all the excuses that anybody could ever have is you blew them up.

KATHLEEN: Thank you so much for that because you're an inspiration to me to keep moving forward, keep staying dialed in because it will happen and it always does just get out of your way.

ANMOL: I appreciate that. Thanks for having me as well. It was really good chatting with you.

KATHLEEN: It was nice chatting with you too.

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Anmol Singh


Anmol is considered the leading expert in the Trading Psychology space having helped thousands of traders all over the world dealing with Psychological and Behavioural issues that arise when high stakes on are on the line. He brings a unique view on Success and shows how the same concepts that he has used to Help Million dollar traders are applicable to our day to day lives, irrespective of the industry or career they are in.