July 25, 2023

How to Stay the Course When Life Has Other Plans with Zak Lioutas

Discover the secrets to unwavering determination and resilience in the face of life's unexpected challenges. Join us in this inspiring video as we explore the power of staying the course and achieving your dreams, no matter what life throws your way. Get ready to be motivated and uplifted!

Zak and I reflect on the challenges life throws at us and how to stay on course despite them. We emphasize the importance of maintaining focus on your goals, even when faced with unexpected obstacles. The conversation begins with a personal anecdote about home repairs and the financial strain they can impose. We share how, in the past, we felt like victims of life's twists and turns, but now we choose to be in control of our destinies.

We highlight the significance of staying accountable to one's goals and not succumbing to the notion that life is always in control. Zak and I acknowledge that life can try to divert you from your path, but we stress the importance of resilience, determination, and consistency. Our personal experiences of dealing with challenges and how we've learned to overcome them, emphasizing the need to keep moving forward, even if it means taking baby steps.

Our conversation touches on the idea that setbacks and obstacles are opportunities for growth and self-development. We discuss the importance of self-awareness, understanding your emotions, and learning how to navigate them. We also mention the role of humor in coping with challenges and how laughter can be a powerful tool in staying on course. Overall, we encourage listeners to stay focused on their goals, adapt to life's unpredictability, and find strength in their journey of self-discovery and growth.



Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



This is Kathleen Flanagan. I have Zak coming with us and we are going to talk about how to stay in the course when life has other plans, something along those lines.

I am finding that we all have challenges that come in through our day here and there. As we go through the challenges and we are focusing on our goals, sometimes life doesother things. Take my basement for example, I have got the word of what that is going to cost a fix.

You still stay on track. I know when I was younger, I seem to get lost because it was like life took control of me instead of me being in control of my life. That is the biggest difference in gaining in owning mindset and holding myself accountable, because we are going to switch back and forth.

When life starts taking over, you throw up your hands and it is I am a victim to life and then you wonder why your life is where it is 5-10 years down the road. When I am finding that as I choose to be in control of my life, even though life is doing its thing, I am still staying on track.

I thought with Zak, she has been on a crazy wild ride for the last two months as I have been and I would love to hear what you have to say and how you are staying on track when everything is happening in your life as well.

Zak, how are you maintaining? Staying on course when life is sending you in different directions.

Zak: Okay, here we go. This is what I always say, Kathleen. We always seem to be going through something with the topics that we're speaking about. The way I stay on course is by keeping my eye on the end result that I want to accomplish and being resilient towards and not allowing myself to get off track.

Sometimes we do have things that may throw us off track but it's a matter of regrouping yourself and coming back and saying what is important to me right now.

What is it I have to do right now at this present moment? It's not about what I have to do in two days from now or what I have to do yesterday. What is it right now that I need to do in order to stay on course to accomplish what I want to accomplish? Exactly what we went through right now with the sound. There is always a solution to each problem that we go through It's a matter of how much are you going to solve in order to get to where you want to go?

Because I always say, God's not going to throw something out of the sky. He's going to place something there but he is also going to test you out and see how bad you want something.

Always keeping your eye at the end result of what you want to create for yourself and being really resilient and focused and determined and consistent. I believe nothing could take you off course at that time.

Kathleen:I agree with that because I think about the last couple of months with the water issue that I'm having in my home. Yesterday I finally got somebody to come out and it's a hefty bill to repair it.

I lost a lot of sleep from it because I'm not sure how I'm going to do this. I know that I can handle this. I know that there's something there. What did I do is I got on the phone. I had some answers.

I woke up with some suggestions of what I think we could possibly do. Then I've got my realtor who is helping me to find somebody else who can help me address my issue as well because it might come up different, cheaper, better than what I was originally quoted.

Even though all this is going on, my whole focus is still, okay, what do I need to do today to keep moving in the direction that I need to keep moving into towards my dream. I'm still a firm believer that do what you can with what you have.

Take baby steps, whatever it is, one small baby step can move you in the direction of your dream as long as you're doing something. Instead of being overwhelmed and freaked out, I used to want to put my head in the sand and not think about it, I'm staying conscious.

I'm staying present. Am I upset? Oh yeah. How can you not be when you get that kind of a bill thrown at you? I'm still moving forward. I'm still positive. I still believe that everything that I'm working towards going to happen.

This is something that came along. This is a thousand times better than I ever used to be. Before I threw my hands up in the air and say, okay, well, I guess I'm a victim to life. I guess my dream is that I'm not worthy of my dream. Whatever the head trash was and I don't go down that road anymore.

Thank God. I give myself permission to be upset if I'm upset.

I give myself permission to wollow in it for a little while if I need to do that. Then we're done. Don't like this feeling. I'm done. I move forward.

Zak: Yeah, I always keep in mind that we actually attract how we feel. If we start getting all frustrated and annoyed, I then attract more frustration and annoyances in my life.

When I go through something like that,  it's all about regrouping and laughing at myself. When I laugh at myself and laugh at the process that I've gone through, I feel that I'm not shifting my emotions so much.

I try not to get too much into my emotions when it comes to certain things. Because when attracting what we feel, and if we're feeling in that frustrated mode, more of that's going to come.

But if I'm keeping on this force and be, okay, there is something that's going to show up. I'm going to work through this and whatever it is I'm going to get through regardless of what gets tossed at me. It's through our own spiritual growth.

I was like, you once upon a time, I get so mad and be, I'm not doing this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. This is not for me. It's like, well, no, it is. You got a little peg on the ground now that you have to skip over. I learned how to deal with my emotions so much better. To understand that I am literally the driver of my destiny. Not everything that I drive over or drive through is going to feel good at times.

However, when you have the tools and you have the techniques, you can stay on that course, staying pretty happy within yourself as you crack up jokes along the way. I find humor in everything now because I find finding humor in everything rather than frustration to me feel so much better.

Even the last few days, what I was going through, and I was getting into some events that I was so sick. Here I was purging before the event. I don't know how I'm going to do this, but I'm going to get to it.

As I get to it, I know that God's going to give me more strength and more power because I'm asking for that. This show is not my show. It's God's show.

I'm an example that's the messenger between high myself and the earth and heaven. I had to laugh through it. When I was laughing through it, I got through it. I ate through it. But once I got to my bed, I was dead to the world because of that.

I felt so good knowing that I didn't allow anything to take me off that course because my vision was I got to complete this Even though the events say, for example, ended at eight, I was saying I wanted to leave before the show even started. I can't do this. I can't do this. Yes, I can. No, I can't. Yes, I can. We have this, what I'd like to say, we have this inner voice that also likes to pull us back into the old comfortable self.

Don't give any permission to that old voice to come up. Don't give any permission to the old self to show up. That's how we grow is when we are able to persevere beyond it and beyond the thought because the enemy loves to come and attack when we find space. This is something that I've learned throughout the last ten years, more and more, that when you give that little bit of space to the enemy, which when I say the enemy is the lower vibrational frequency used that we hold on to, as soon as we create space for that to come through, the enemy loves to attack that because now it's like, I got an in. Don't give the enemy an in. Give strength. That bigger focus. That's when you'll start growing and growing, growing beyond that.

Kathleen: I believe that wholeheartedly,. I'm a firm believer of that because I always, I think a lot of people and myself included years ago, was I gave into things instead of really struggling, instead of fighting back or thinking that I had that much control over my mind.

This is part of our energy that we were in years ago too, was three steps forward, two steps back. Part of that two steps back was not knowing how to deal with our mindset and it was also part of the energy that we were trying to bring more light onto the planet.

When I talk about this, I think there was so much density in the planet and not enough light and awareness as we have today that made this a little bit more challenging. Also there was enough people out there that were starting to bring more light into doing this. That's why I say that if I'm in this place, if I'm really in it and I can't get out of it, I know there's a reason why I'm feeling it.

I release those emotions because as we're creating and moving into our direction of where we want to go, everything goes up through the seven layers of consciousness, goes out into universal mind, finds what it's looking for and then brings it back.

As soon as it hits the sixth level of consciousness, our emotions are triggered because it's right before it manifests. I used to stop everything because I didn't understand how the mind worked at that point. When I learned how the mind worked and I'm in a pissy bitchy place or I'm crying or I'm angry or whatever, it's like let it out because the moment I let it out, it's going to manifest because we're being triggered.

Do I want to feel those things? Not necessarily. Like you said, I'm working, I'm not there yet, you probably mastered it better than I have. Working towards laughing and showing more joy and laughter because again, that's another way to trigger things to manifest because you're having fun. Spirit loves when you have fun and your child like.

Taking all of that back in this process of everything that's been going on, I got the most unbelievable feeling that downloaded on me. I think it was Saturday morning and I said, "Sal, oh my God, I am going to be so successful." I was living it at that moment and he says, "Well, of course you are." I'm, "No, you don't understand.

This isn't a wish or a hope or a desire anymore. This is a knowingness because I have been very determined, I have been very disciplined, doing what I can with what I have, learning, teaching myself how to do certain things, asking for help, doing all the things that we're supposed to do in a cooperative relationship.

I'm not the lone ranger anymore. I've always acted as the lone ranger. I think doing that and learning how to work in that kind of an energy field is a whole new thing which is allowing me to realize that it's happening. I'm feeling it. If we do that, then we get those feelings because sometimes it's those feelings that keeps us going when we're in a little bit of a weird place like today.

Zak: This is a solid boat, but you're keeping your eye on that end goal and results. The more that we focus on that, the more our energy frequency does rise up. That's the thing. We're always going to hit a brick wall. I always say, "I hit that brick wall because I think I'm going too fast."

I feel like I got sick the last week because I haven't stopped in the last eight weeks. I would go, go, go, go. And I would always drive and get these slow drivers in front of me. And I'm like, "I don't need slow drivers in front of me right now.

I need to go." It's, "No, no, no, you need to slow down. We need to talk to you. You need to slow down.” Yesterday, because I was laid flat in bed all day, I felt like that was a time God said to me, "Hey, finally, I got you. I got you in your zone right now."

I have some things to tell you. It was a massive download that came to me, actually. But if I wasn't laid flat on my ass, I wouldn't have gotten that download. I was on 100 miles per hour for the last eight weeks, I'd just go.

As much as I still meditate in that time, you're meditating, but in my meditating, it's like a 15-minute meditation now. You don't have anything to say, "I mean, 15-20 minutes," but I came out, "Whereas before I would sit for an hour." That's the thing. When we give ourselves permission to understand that sometimes, you also have to take that step back to reflect what's working, what's not working.

I have to adjust a few things on my path in order to receive what I want? Or do I have to listen deeper within myself and feel that this is -- I'm taking this right path, but there might be some obstacles on that path. When I take those obstacles on that path, I know that I'm going to get to where I want to go that much faster. 

Because I almost feel like there's a fast track that God wants to give you, and there's a slow track that God wants to give you. It's a matter of how much we see ourselves on that path, too. When we see ourselves on that path, it's, "Okay, I want a fast track to this." Okay, fast track comes with obstacles.

Fast track comes with other things that you able to handle. That's why I tell people, "Enjoy the process of what you're going through and stop trying to put so much on your plate, because you're going to miss out on that bigger picture of self-growth."

Then you get frustrated, the old self comes back, and that's going to pull you right back. But if you have, like, how I had these drivers in front of me going so slow, I pulled over at one point. I was, "Okay, so what do you guys want to say."

That's why I always say, "This is the universe communicating with me." This is the universe saying, "We need you to slow down for a minute. We need you to reflect. We need you to really come back within yourself."

You've been out there for so long. It's time to come back. This is why I love Mercury retrograde. Because for six weeks of Mercury retrograde, I hang out. I write a lot. I plan a lot. I listen a lot Then as I'm writing, yes, I'm working, but I'm also strategizing. 

Because that's what Mercury is all about. That's what Hermes is all about. He's all about putting strategy there. For those six weeks during Mercury retrograde, you won't catch me doing external work. I'm going deep within myself. That's my time to reflect. I get my strategy for the next three months.

This is what you've got to do. This is what you need to focus on. This is what can potentially happen. What are some ways that you can get out of it. That's where the laughter came in. I built a different relationship with myself and with the beings that I'm working with.

The more that I've done that, the easier it becomes. It's a journey. It's not something that happened overnight. I wish I could say this happened to me overnight. It didn't. It took decades to get to where I am today. It took time to get here. So for anyone that's listening, if you're thinking you're frustrated, you're this and that, angry, shameful, guilt, all that stuff, keep you on track for something you.

Guess what? It's there because you have to learn more about yourself. All those steps that you have to go through, it's really about self-development, self-learning. We've been implanted with so many false beliefs that we've taken as our own. When we stop taking these false beliefs as our own and start realizing, I am abundant.

I am glorious. I am love. I am exactly where I need to be in order to grow and learn about myself. You're coming out with a whole different view of yourself. You could laugh at the little things You could cry at other things too. You could do so much more, but isn't the matter of staying on course. The most important thing is knowing who you are, knowing who you are is really important.

Because when you know who you are, you don't allow anyone to tell you what to do. You'll listen to opinions. You'll listen to certain things, but you're not going to take it personally the way you used to take it.

Kathleen: I didn't even realize that Mercury was retrograde, that makes a lot of sense.

Zak: Mercury is a lot of things. I want to say Mercury is in retrograde at the end of this month, I believe.

Kathleen: Okay, well, we're at the end of the month, I guess the question is, is what's the day? That might be explaining why I'm so far out there and I need to come back and regroup, which is what I've been starting to do.

But the other thing when you were talking, what I got in that was aside from allowing ourselves, like if something's happening and it is for our growth, it's always about for our growth.

It's always in the best interest of us, always, even if we don't think so it is. I look at this water issue in my home and I'm thinking, okay, well, what else could it be? Because it may not be like a negative thing. Maybe it's a positive thing, but I don't know what that is.

The one thing that came to me when I changed the way I was thinking about it was, well, maybe this is a way to show you that you're changing because remember the last time you had water issues in your home and how you handle that and look at this, it's night and day.

You're growing, you're handling life differently, you're moving differently, everything you're experiencing is differently because during that five year process, well six years now, but during that process, I didn't accelerated growth.

Well, okay, if you're doing an accelerated growth, this is exactly what you said, you better be prepared to hang on to your hat because spirit will accommodate you and it's not always a fun ride. It's a fast ride. When I say, its always, always about the destination and not the journey and when I finally realize what it meant that it's the journey, it's the journey of you becoming that gets you to your destination.

I never understood that term for the longest time because it's, no, it's about the journey. I was, I got to hurry up and get there. I have to have this. I might die tomorrow and you know what, I'll die when I die. It doesn't matter. I'm right where I'm supposed to be at all times. If I wasn't supposed to be here, I'd be someplace else.

That's like when I started allowing myself to realize that whatever I have in my brain and had about where I think I should be or who I should be, I'm a work in progress. We're all a work in progress. I am good enough just the way I am. If you don't like me because of how I am or how I operate, well, goodbye, there's the door. I didn't invite you in. You came in. You didn't like me then leave.

I learned that, that was okay to do because not everybody's going to like me. I don't like everybody. So why would everybody like me. When I started to accept that I'm okay with where I am I'm okay with who I am because I actually, in all the chaos that I have experienced today, the one cool thing that it was so fleeting, but I was conscious.

I'm really an okay person. I'm really coming out in a way that I have never come out. I was excited about that because I wouldn't have seen that if I wasn't in the middle of all this crazy chaos today. It's what it is. I'm staying conscious and I'm staying present and I'm still moving. I observed this little thought that sailed by my little brain. I caught it. I got on the boat with it for a few minutes. I mean, that's a gift. Those are gifts.

Zak: Very much so. We're going to be in pre shadow of mercury retrograde August 3rd. So for some of us here feeling it already. That's the first couple of weeks you're going to be in pre shadow. Then mercury starts going into retrograde on August 23rd to September 15.

For some people like myself and you, we could start feeling these energies right now because we're in tune with the universal energy, the collective energy as well.You could be experiencing a lot of stuff like this right now,  That's why there's an effort going on in your house with the water. Water also symbolizes money. The symbolism of water is money. Look at your finance as well. That's one thing I would look at.

Kathleen: I've been doing that and what's interesting is that when we would pull the water out because it's bubbling up more was coming. That's what I was observing. I know that we talked about the money and all of that.

I am watching finances and stuff. It's bubbling up. Even though I'm removing the water more is coming up. It's bubbling up. It's an unending supply of abundance. Somewhere in my mind that maybe I still have thinking there's lack that I haven't fully addressed yet. It's hard to say. I'm still looking and digging and deep. I've listened to what you said when we talked about this about a month ago. There's truth in there. I'm not sure what it is fully for me yet, but I believe there is truth there.

Zak: What I would suggest is talk to the water. Talk to the water. And I say this because my friend had an issue at her house and I walked into her house and I said, you have a water issue here.

She goes, no, I don't. The next day I was talking to something in her house. The next thing, she goes, you remember you got water issue, you were telling a bush. I said, yeah, I said, what happened? She goes, it really broke through the ceiling. She ended up getting a water leak in her house. I said, yeah, I told you you had to look at the toilet upstairs. It's running ran bit.

She goes, oh, and I said, well, it's going to cost you now because water symbolizes money. She says, yeah, it did cost me. I said, okay, so fix it because now you're stopping the money from running away from you. I said, then you'll notice money will start coming to you once that happens. She goes exactly like you said it back. It was clockwork. We fixed it. Then money start coming to me.

I even tell people this as well. Like if your tap is leaking in your house, those drop, drop, drop, drop. And say, oh, it's nothing. It's just a drip of water. Well, it is. It's money dripping out of your pocket because that water. Right. If your toilet continuously has that flushing sound.

You're flushing money down your toilet. I've looked at a lot of different things like this, even in my house, three toilets that were all standing that they were constantly flushing. I changed all the toilets. I said, there's no way I'm leaking money out of my pockets and flushing it down the toilet. There's always a symbolism for something. But it's really to do with our own self. The reason these things happen to us.

You and I have had so many discussions about certain things that we've been through. I was here. The reason these things always happen to us is because it's time to go within and reflect. That's one thing I think a lot of people miss out on. I mean, you could go on a spiritual journey and be on all sorts of plant medicine. I enjoy plant medicine.

It's really important to help me a lot. But if we don't have that reflective timeline, what that plant medicine taught us, we will never stay on the course of what the world has to offer us. I would say I want to die. I want to go back home. I don't want to walk through the door. God say to me, will you miss all this?

Kathleen: I understand exactly what you're saying.  As you were talking Zak, I think you're exactly right about the money issues, running toilets, dripping, all of that. I have always been very, very conscious. I have known that probably a good 40 years of my life about how water, you want to deal with water issues and water leaks.

This one is not necessarily I'm losing water. Water is coming into my home and I think that's what's so different about this is that the water is coming in There's no foundational issues because that was addressed and everything is fine on my foundation. It's the way we've had so much incredible water in Colorado and we're going to rain again today. We've been pretty much raining almost every day since May.

We have the clay soil. So what happens is that clay starts building up with water and it burbles up. I also found out there's no drainage around the crawl space on the southwest side of my home but we do have drainage on the northeast which is the front of the house and the north side of the house.

We have drainage there but they didn't put drainage in the crawl space area. When I think about how water is coming in and it keeps burbling up and it keeps burbling up and it's okay well this means money's got to be coming and flowing towards me.

What am I doing because I mean first of all there's something in my consciousness there's a lesson to learn and that's a reflection I do go deep and I do ask questions and sometimes I get answers right away and sometimes I work through those answers.

This one is money's coming and money's showing up as everything is indicating it's there and when I had that feeling on Saturday it was like it was the culmination of everything that's going on It's a matter of allowing because sometimes we can hang on too tightly as well and stop forward movement. I don't think I'm doing that but maybe somewhere in my psyche and my consciousness I am doing that.

I think I've surrendered and tried to allow the flow to occur but it's hard to say at this moment because I'm in the process. I'm in it and I'm being very aware of it and conscious about what's happening in my life. I've decided that because this isn't water leaving my home it's water coming into my home that this is a reversal.

Again it's changing your thought process changing how you're viewing it and then am I doing something that is not allowing it to be harnessed because this isn't harnessed right now This is invading. I think and I know that when you start doing things that money when the damn breaks money pours in and pours in because I've had those experiences.

In the past and maybe this is one of those saying get ready get ready to hang on to your hat you need to harness where you are. Harness everything. See where you are and have your structures in place so you know that when this happens you don't go flying down the waterfall because you're on a wild ride.

You want to stay in control of this. I'm thinking that could be part of what's going on to is that we have to stay in control to a degree of where we are because we don't want to get on the roller coaster because sometimes we hang on to the side of the river as we're going downstream because we're afraid and we need to let go of the side of the river to go down.

Maybe this is allow that to happen but trust and have your ducks in a row so to speak is probably what I'm trying to say. Also this is something that's coming down to speaking to me it also could be that you're not seeing an opportunity that's out there for you and you're missing out on something right so that's another thing is that deeper reflection on different opportunities that could come to you so you're looking at maybe one door but then you know God has three other doors that he wants to look through.

Okay I'm not so okay. I know I'm going deep. I'm trying and I am keeping my eyes open but I never really thought that there could be other opportunities alright I'm going to put that one out there and put that in the ether's and allow me to see it because you know it's kind of like that movie what the secret or what the bleep one of the two where the Indians would they could see moving on the water but because it wasn't in their consciousness yet they couldn't see it.

They couldn't see the ship out there but they could see the water and then when they are consciousness became aligned they could see the ship that was there like it just materialized. I know that to be very true because a lot of times when I feel silence stirrings inside of me I don't know what it is but I feel it and I keep looking and looking and looking until I can see what that is. I remember when I heard that it was like that is how I do things because if you're paying attention to the water and I can see what that is.

If you're paying attention to yourself and you're reflecting you do feel the quiet stirrings of something moving even if you can't see it because your consciousness isn't there. Then what do I do, I work on what do I have to do to raise my vibration to be able to see it because it's about raising your vibration for that to come in and to be seen and to act on.

Zak: Yes, yes, it's always about raising our vibration.  Whatever we're doing that's the best thing to do is to raise your vibration. I think of the hawk gets attacked and what does it do, doesn't attack. It actually rises higher into the sky that other birds can't go that high.

The ego doesn't even pay attention to the hawk or to whatever it is that's packing at his neck it keeps on flying higher and then naturally the bird that was packing on the ego's neck falls off because it's too high of an elevation where the ego could go that other birds can't make it that high.

I love using the analogy of nature and because nature taught me so much but when we look at nature it's like don't let things bother you. Raise your vibration on much higher and see what's really going on.

Kathleen: One of the best ways that I found that keeps my vibration high is taking light of everything and dancing is probably the best thing because it shifts everything. I'm playing.

Dancing makes me happy. If I'm happy then I'm shifting my vibration or even if I go to the gym and walk just doing something that's getting all that head trash out and then because I get into a zone when I walk or when I dance.

When I'm getting into there and I’m paying attention to the stride, information starts coming or I see a different perspective and that's helping me to raise my vibration as well. It's finding what makes you happy. How do we make your heart sing to raise your vibration? I know a lot of people probably say well I don't know how to do that and it's staying focused. It's doing what you love.

You know not getting down trotted and looking for the good inside of whatever the turmoil is or the crisis or whatever because there's always a silver lining and there's always something there for you to learn. It's a gift that somebody's going to come in and help you with something that you don't know but as long as you're staying positive and knowing and trusting that you're going to get on the other side because I found.

If I'm looking for the reason of why I'm in this, on my first water loss, it was do what you can to stay where you are that was pretty much where I thought was stay here and stay present to get my vibration. I kept looking, I kept asking what was the purpose. What's the purpose, what's the purpose, what's the purpose?

I found it very quickly. I moved through the water loss very quickly because I kept asking and I kept looking at the bigger picture. When I went to court with a kid with the pictures that sent me, there were so many things that happened all at once and is overwhelming and emotionally distraught as I was because I thought I had dealt with so many issues.

It was everything came together so when it finally came together and I went into the courtroom it was forever released and that was the gift of the water loss. That was the gift because I was free of abuse I was now a survivor instead of a victim and I was consciously aware of that and everything in my life shifted.

Even though it was a bad thing it really wasn't a bad thing. I'm the one who put the judgment on it. If we stop judging our events and look at them as events, that raises your vibration right there as well.

Zak: Absolutely on so many different levels so many different levels we could raise your vibration like you said by dancing, walking, everything like that's about raising your vibration. When you focus on your breath too but I know back in the day when I used to go for a walk to clear my mind but I said drive myself even crazier because I wouldn't let go or surrender what was going through my mind and I became that victim again.

I'm on this walk so that I don't think about these things and to breathe in that fresh air and to listen to the birds and to feel the sun or the snow on my feet whatever it may be but here I was holding my own self hostage so that's what we do a lot of the times when we're on these rough patches and wanting to move forward.

We hold our own self hostage. We might think oh mommy daddy has been kids are holding me hostage no your own mind could be holding you hostage and not having those reflective moments like you have you reflect the moments when it comes to your water money but if we don't have these reflective moments we could put ourselves deeper into another hole and then more stuff comes in like I said earlier in the show.

It's a matter of how we allow people to interfere with us. How we raise our own vibration like the eagle. I always say be the eagle and someone say what does that mean don't let anything bother you don't take other things don't take anything personal don't make someone else's problem your problem don't listen to whatever someone says about you because that's how they see you that's not who you are so know by self is very important when we're raising a vibration as well.

Another thing that I like to say you and I've had this conversation so many times Kathleen is don't tell people what you are working on because not everyone's going to be happy for you and it's okay it's okay you'll find your tribe that is literally there to support you along the way but everyone has their own personal attention and why they do certain things so feel within yourself and know what feels good and what doesn't feel good.

When we go through the process regardless of it's water teaching us a lesson, it's slow traffic teaching us a lesson, people cutting us off, teaching whatever it may be the lessons coming from our past it's really about recognizing our truth in so many different ways annoying that we are such abundant being but yet when we are stuck in the soil we do not see what's out there for us.

This is coming from someone that went through a lot of depression. I didn't see the greatness I was out there for me because I was stuck in depression. I was stuck in the old stories so getting yourself to that goal that you want to pursue within the storm it's really about getting out of those old stories too and yeah it's really realizing what is going on around us.

Kathleen: That's very true.  There's a reason I have to slow down. There's a lot of truth of really looking at what's happening to you or for you I should say it's more for you than to you. Changing that perspective a little bit is another way of how you can work on moving and raising your vibration. Look at things a little bit differently.

We're starting to wind down on the show. soZak tell us any recommendations or suggestions that you would give to our listeners of what worked for you. What you think that would help them so they can take a little bit of this information and apply it in their own lives.

Zak: Absolutely know what you want to work towards that's the most important thing. It's knowing what you want to work towards but enjoying the journey along the way and being aware along the journey. What emotions are showing up for you? What thoughts are showing up for you?

What else you might not think of it but what childhood trauma that are sure not for you in an adult way are you sabotage yourself in one way are you over analyzing and having these thoughts the thoughts that are constantly coming your mind i'm not good enough I can do this is not for me you're talking to your old stuff rather than you self when we go through spiritual development and self development.

All that old stuff going to come to the surface because you're stepping into a new character new personality so focusing on what you want to create for yourself that end goal but also enjoying the journey along the way and don't tell too many people what you're doing because not everyone's going to be happy for you. That one took me a long time.

That one took me so long. I want to be happy for me I'm so happy for people but they're wolf n sheep clothing and not everyone's going to be happy for you and it's okay. Another thing that I would say is take time to reflect. Really important to reflect. I do my reflections once or twice a month. I do it sometimes more if I feel like if I find too many cars are coming in my way trying to slow me down I'm okay time to reflect.

I really use the wisdom of nature as well when it comes to certain things so really take that time to reflect how my feeling is what I'm working on feel good for me right that's the most important thing if it doesn't feel good let it go. I only focus on my happiness now if it doesn't make me happy if people around me that suck life out of me I don't want that around me anymore. It's really important that you keep your vibration high especially when you want to do a track day thing.

Especially when I hear the word manifesting a lot but really what you're manifesting is what you're feeling and if you're constantly feeling down and if you're constantly battling yourself and your mind thoughts and your heart and your motion you're going to find more of that.

Raise your vibration by going out there raise your vibration by going for walks going for dancing moving the hips we hold so much tension especially as women we hold so much tension in our hips.

When you open up your hips you're opening up a whole persona of goodness and oldness to come up to surface so work through a lot of different things in your life so you could see the new self emerging into the creation of who you truly are away from the old energies that you've been holding on to.

At the end of the day ask for help and I believe coaching is really important mentorship is really important and asking for help is not for weak people it's actually for people with strength because when you're able to ask for help you are staying focused on what you're great at we're not great at everything.

This is coming from an area which I think I'm great at everything but we're not great at everything. Other people that it's something more than we have. It's okay to outsource things as well. You are not made to do everything you're made to stay in your to power in your to perfect.

Kathleen: I agree with everything that you said I totally agree with that. The one thing that I have found that happens with me like today I was in a crazy place for a while and I called Sal to tell them what was going on and he said do you feel better now that you got it out? was Yeah I do because sometimes we have to dump it.

Not dumped on him. I needed to get rid of it and he understood that. Then he said now say God bless God bless God bless and it was okay I can do that too. I did that and it took a little bit more than just three God blesses because there was that emotional charge that was still there.

It's another way to change your energy. It doesn't have to be God bless if you're not a Christian it could be whatever your thing is.Please don't ever take it that it's follow exactly what we say because it's not.

You need to find your own way. These are truths that we're giving you. These are firsthand experiences that we've encountered of what worked for us and it may not work for you but how do you know that until you determine for yourself?

What's true for you? The only way I got to where I am today was because I took a lot of things that people said and tried them on. Some worked some didn’t. I say the majority of the things worked if I stuck with it. It worked for a certain point and then I needed to go differently because my vibration was going higher. That's what you pay attention to because if something's not working that did work is because your vibration increased and it's time to move into that direction. I hope you all enjoyed the show today. Thank you for being here 

Zak. Let our listeners know how they can get a hold of you. You can find me on Instagram @spiritualhustler that's spiritual hslr hustler. Or you could find me on bfuclub.com 

Kathleen: I want to thank all of you for joining us today and thank you Zak.

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Zak Lioutas

Zak Lioutas, is a beacon of light in the realm of spiritual awakening and empowerment.

With a profound understanding of personal energy frequency and a deep connection to the divine, Zak serves as a guide, mentor, and catalyst for transformation.

As a Spiritual Alchemist, Zak is passionate about helping individuals tap into the Frequency of God's divine presence within themselves.

With a blend of spiritual wisdom and practical insight, Zak empowers others to unlock their inner potential, overcome obstacles, and manifest their deepest desires in alignment with their Creator.

Throughout her own journey, Zak has discovered the transformative power of aligning with God's Frequency.

Now, she shares her insights and experiences with others, offering guidance on how to navigate life's challenges with faith, grace, and resilience, harnessing the frequency of God's presence and living a life of purpose, abundance, and spiritual fulfillment.