Aug. 1, 2023

Embracing Change: A Journey of Spiritual Awakening

In this podcast transcript, Kathleen discusses her belief in her company and the importance of aligning herself with her goals. Kathleen emphasizes the power of mindset and elevating one's thoughts and perceptions to manifest dreams. She also mentions the need to find people aligned with the spiritual side of things to help grow her business.

Kathleen talks about establishing a foundation and eliminating negative thoughts and beliefs. She touches on topics such as acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community and the importance of asking questions to understand others. Kathleen shares her personal experiences and lessons learned, emphasizing the need to take responsibility for one's life and not judge events.

She encourages finding peace and acceptance within oneself and cherishing the gift of longevity. It offers valuable insights into personal growth and self-acceptance. Kathleen's reflections and advice can inspire listeners to embrace their true selves and pursue their dreams while fostering understanding and connection with others.

In this heartfelt and deeply introspective reflection, I invite you into a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. 

The story revolves around a recent experience involving a reading from Zak and a message from Spirit that prompted me to seek guidance. This catalyzed a series of events, leading to a significant realization about my crawl space – a place symbolizing hidden aspects of myself. As I share their struggle with moving boxes filled with bottles and the frustration it brought, I witness a powerful emotional journey unfold.

The turning point arrives when I connect with Ken, a spiritual friend. Ken's profound insights and discussions about spirituality, numerology, and science awakened a newfound understanding within me. We delve into the concept of surrendering, akin to the movie "Serendipity," realizing the importance of letting go and trusting the process.

I had to rekindle my connection with "Awakening Spirit," and the revelation that it goes far beyond being just an aromatherapy business. I am embarking on a spiritual journey, finding my true niche and purpose. Astrological changes, a resurgence of spiritual connections, and a deepening understanding of the symbolism of water all play pivotal roles in my profound awakening.

Ultimately, this is a testament to the power of self-reflection, seeking guidance, and the transformative journey of embracing one's true path. It's a story of resilience, self-discovery, and the ever-present potential for growth, reminding us that life's challenges hold profound lessons when we choose to confront them with an open heart and mind.

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: I'm back in Riverton Wyoming this week, continuing with the demolition of the school building.

KATHLEEN: Even though I had something else scheduled to talk about, there's a lot of things that happened as of the result of last week's show and there's gonna be a lot of changes going on in the show that I'm excited about. how we're going to be introducing the show and that type of thing.

KATHLEEN: The main thing, what I want to talk about is being very real, very transparent about what transpired after last week's show.

KATHLEEN: Last week, Zak had given me a reading that I picked up, even though it was very subtle. I picked up when the message came in from spirit. The one thing she asked me to do was to ask the water. Well, that wasn't the right question to ask the water.

KATHLEEN: I'm gonna talk about what transpired in my crawlspace from last week and where everything changed yesterday.

KATHLEEN: The main thing that I needed to do was ask for guidance. That was the biggest thing that she had suggested that I do is ask for guidance. Instead of going out and looking for the answers because I'm really good at looking for answers and I can go deep inside and I can find the answers generally.

KATHLEEN: I had talked to a friend of mine yesterday and he reminded me of the movie Serendipity with John Cusack who met this woman. She put her phone number in a book and the book got mislaid or whatever. He spent a long time, years, trying to find the book to get in touch with this woman that he really liked.

KATHLEEN: When he finally let it go and forgot about it and was serious about letting it go, the book was given to him with her phone number in it. That was part of the guiding and the surrendering. I'm going to talk about that entire story in just a moment. But I want to go to the back story of what's going on.

KATHLEEN: Even though I've been handling my basement, amazingly well, there's also the element that I didn't want to deal with that. I still wanted to put my head in the sand because there was an element of overwhelm in it, but not like I was used to.

KATHLEEN: It was very subtle overwhelm and moving all those boxes out of the crawl space. I didn't want to do it because it was hard to move them in. Now I'm having to move them out. I decided to embark on that over the weekend and on Saturday, I started doing it. I realized that the basement crawl space was way worse than I had expected.

KATHLEEN: Even though we had dried most of the crawl space out, the whole south side was still sopping wet. I got most of the boxes out and the wet damaged boxes went up two layers because they were stacked four high and it was disgusting to me. But I it was what it was and it was, I'll deal with it. I got over that one.

KATHLEEN: I'm gonna order new boxes, put the bottles in there before I take them out of the crawl space because we really can't move those boxes. That's how badly damaged they are. If I move them, all the bottles will fall out and then they'll be even more disgusting to me. I'm gonna do that differently when I'm on to the east side of the house where I have 450 bottles per box.

KATHLEEN: I got all the top layer off because they were fine. Then I went to get the bottom layer and move them out, the boxes were completely disintegrated. Thank God. All those bottles were in plastic. There was no harm, no damage, no mold, no anything.

KATHLEEN: When I moved those boxes, it was so gross and slimy because of the mold and it smelled so badly that there was a point that I went into sheer frustration. I felt frustration beyond what I could have imagined and what I felt and this is the emotion, this was the water burbling up.

KATHLEEN: This is me living through what I didn't see that I said to myself in pure frustration of what was I thinking when I started Awakening Spirit? I have been carrying these bottles around for 25 years and now they're molding, not the bottles, the boxes, they were molding and I didn't know what to do with them.

KATHLEEN: I was running out of space because they take up a lot of space and the frustration that the company is struggling right now. I'm doing everything to make it survive. It will survive. There's no doubt in my mind on that. But I felt utter frustration and thought I was crazy for listening to Spirit at that moment.

KATHLEEN: Obviously, this is very emotional for me.

KATHLEEN: I vented whatever I felt and then I continued moving forward. We got most of the big boxes of mold out so they can go out in the trash.

KATHLEEN: I've got about 20 boxes still in the crawl space to deal with next weekend, when I get back in town. I slept because this was very hard work. I'm bent over because I'm in a crawl space and we're moving everything out. Of course, I have no basement now because it's full of boxes. I slept a lot and my body was in pain and I dealt with it.

KATHLEEN: It was ok. Monday morning, I get this message to call Ken. Ken is a friend of mine who I met in Chicago in 2008 and he is, incredibly spiritual. He is going to be a guest on the show in October.

KATHLEEN: He is very enlightened, very aware and he's like one of those people that helps keep me on the straight and narrow, keeps me realizing I want to keep moving forward.

KATHLEEN: That I really believe in the spiritual side of my nature, kind of like Zak and Seth who's coming on the show next week. I have some really powerful dynamic, spiritual people in my life. It's nice to know that I'm not alone.

KATHLEEN: When I call Ken, we usually speak to each other once a year, maybe twice. We either, one of us will get a message call Kathleen, call Ken. We do and sometimes we connect right away. Sometimes we don't. I'm in Wyoming when I call him because I knew I needed to call him. I did and I let it go.

KATHLEEN: I never thought about it again. I was, call him and then I forgot about it. When I was on the last leg on state road, 20 Ken calls and he, hey, how you doing? It's been a long time. It was, he started vomiting all this information to me and I could barely hear him because of the connection of where he was at.

KATHLEEN: I kept getting is this is it, this is it, this is it, this is it, this is it. He was talking to me about Robert E Grant and what he knows about spirituality, the pyramids, numerology, science, all the science behind everything mathematics, all of it, all of it.

KATHLEEN: It was like he had put all of this studying of what he had been doing and everything he said. When I started listening to him last night - yep. That's true. That's true. That's true. This is real, they're not theories of what he talks about, this is actual proven truths.

KATHLEEN: As Ken was telling me all about this and really trying to understand what he was saying, he was saying all sorts of different things. I got to the job site, I had to hang up and I called him when I got back to the hotel that night. I talked to him for over three hours and he was talking and talking and talking about everything and it was like download upon download, upon download upon download.

KATHLEEN: I was telling him the things that were going on. The one thing that he did say was, you know, you need to find out what the issue is with the bottles. He said it's not time for those bottles to move. That's the reason you're carrying the bottles because it's not the right time for them.

KATHLEEN: He brought up serendipity and he said, well, what is going on in your thinking and processes that things are turning moldy and so on and so forth? I understand now, which was that this company has been a struggle for me and I didn't know what to do even though I'm doing things, I'm being guided left and right.

KATHLEEN: That's how I feel is everything is coming together. It's making sense. The other thing as he's talking, I got more hits about what I need to do with the show, how to open the show where the show is going, how I wanted to present. Everything started to shift and move.

KATHLEEN: I fell asleep last night after listening to Robert Grant. I woke up and it was, I know what to do. I started texting Ken and said, I need to understand what you were saying with the essential oils and the spirituality and all of this.

KATHLEEN: He ended up reading, writing everything that I was thinking because I know that where I'm going, I know what I'm doing. I found the niche so to speak as far as what awakening spirit really is. It's not an aromatherapy company as people want to think it is. Yes, it does body care products and it is aromatherapy based and it's organic and all of that, but it's way, way, way beyond that.

KATHLEEN: The logo indicates that, but I never had the words to say what I needed to say about it. And now I do so aside from going more sustainable with awakening spirit. There's going to be a whole new message that's going to be added to awakening spirit.

KATHLEEN: I also was told right after the show started, I was told by spirit that that spiritual connection that I have that I kind of took a little sabbatical from is coming back with a vengeance.

KATHLEEN: I am now embarking upon it. I also know that we had a new moon or a full moon or some sort of new full moon last night. There's another one coming. They're a lot of astrological changes that are going to be occurring.

KATHLEEN: Even though water could represent money and it is in some respects, it's mainly emotions. I didn't know what those emotions were. When I sat back and said, please guide me to whatever it is I need to see.

KATHLEEN: I think what I had to do was really own everything because I started awakening spirit. This is my journey of what an awakening spirit is. It's not what happened in Chicago and it's not just about the books of dancing souls.

KATHLEEN: This is my personal journey of how to build a business, how to bring spirituality, how to help raise the vibration of the people and my products will actually help you remember who you are and it will make that spiritual divine connection and how it ties in the body, mind, spirit and the DNA and all of this and all of this is going to start getting explored as I get more information.

KATHLEEN: That's what's really exciting to me.

KATHLEEN: We all have issues, we all have things that go on, it's how are we handling them? How are we dealing with things that come up in our life? This was a major turn for me.

KATHLEEN: Even though I thought that I was ok with everything in my basement, apparently I wasn't as ok as I thought and that's ok because you know what, I'm still happy, it still didn't affect me. Even though I raged for a moment of the frustration of why am I carrying these bottles around after 25 years? I shouldn't have been carrying these this long and yet here I am.

KATHLEEN: I know those bottles are moving out real fast now because the bottles are actually gonna tell me what needs to get done and how to do it. The main thing about this is that I am connecting to my company and I'm reconnecting with myself in a way that I'm in total alignment with where I'm going because I'm developing courses on the Kathleen M Flanagan site.

KATHLEEN: I've got a, a soap making course that I put together. All of this stuff is actually being put up online now.

KATHLEEN: I do have separate websites for them, but we're putting it all in one location. I do have help and support. The guy is showing me that he can do a lot of things. I'm sure I challenge him considerably because it's, what about this? What about this? Because my mind is going 100 miles an hour.

KATHLEEN: The whole point is that I want you guys to realize that because life is doing what life is doing doesn't mean you have to respond in a negative way. There's a message there for you. It's about finding that it's about increasing your consciousness. I think I have enough time to read this that Ken sent me. This is pretty much where I'm planning on going in the future.

KATHLEEN: Ok. This is what he wrote. This is where I'm going. This is where the show is gonna start moving into. Because this is what I've always seen for the show.

KATHLEEN: When we align our connection with creation, we begin the unfoldment of the divine through thought forms. It is imbued with an electrical charge. We feel that thought form drawn from creation and its electrical charge with the emotional magnetic power of a desire for that which is of the greatest good for all those involved.

KATHLEEN: Uniting that electromagnetic power of creation, thought passion, emotion. We united with the corporal world through our senses five and beyond. Through the use of essential oil, sound, light, aromatherapy kinetic touch contact. We bridge the blood brain barrier, uniting that divine consciousness with the hormonal and endrocan systems of our human existence.

KATHLEEN: When infused with the ultimate reconstructed DNA network of human existence, the 48, we bridge the blood brain barrier of our own physical perceptions and reunite ourselves with the divine 3d bridges four D and five D, bringing the God consciousness to the physical plane and returning it back again.

KATHLEEN: Because in the end, it was all a matter of expansion and contraction, breathing in, breathing out. God divine seeks to know itself and thusly expands out and beyond our connecting with our thoughts, electrical and desires, passions, magnetic, initiates creation, returning to know itself through us.

KATHLEEN: So breathe in, breathe out and repeat. That is what I have always seen with awakening spirit. I did not know the words 25-30 years ago. I could not speak those words, our consciousness and the density of the planet at that time was much heavier than where it is now.

KATHLEEN: I have always believed and I have always experienced that every time that I use essential oils, what it actually does. That connection is so strong. Yes, there are people and cultures that have used this in spiritual growth, spiritual enlightenment through meditations because it's works, it's real.

KATHLEEN: These are truths and the documentation on the planet as of now proving this. Now I know where that is and I will be reaching out to him. I'm going to ask him in the future to be on the show once I study what he is saying more because our DNA, most of the strands in our DNA have been shut down.

KATHLEEN: We have been the great American experiment as far as I'm concerned. When I look at dancing souls, what I wrote about and how I participated in this great experiment. That's how who I am as I participated in doing this and altering the DNA for people to remember who they are. They were too afraid because their ego got afraid.

KATHLEEN: If you let your fear run your life, you will never ever have what you want. There is nothing to fear except for fear itself. This is all your ego running scared because it wants to control every nick and cranny. When I say, turn off that TV, I mean, turn off the news and the TV and get back into the truth of you. It's all in there for you. I'm guilty of this myself.

KATHLEEN: I go down that rabbit hole too at times. I am no different but I am doing that less and less because the more I realize who I am and where I want to go it is not in the mundaneness of this world. Yes, I have to pay my bills. Yes, I have a mortgage to pay and I have to deal with that. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to have the money.

KATHLEEN: It's about trusting your ability. When I was talking to Ken yesterday as a marketing friend who thinks she might have to go back to work and sometimes you have to do that. But that doesn't mean you have to give up what you're doing, but you have to have that piece about you. What I have learned over the last several years is I am always provided for always.

KATHLEEN: I don't know where the money comes. Sometimes, all I know is it's my job to say that this is what I need and I need to pay my bills or I need this for this and it comes. I have to sit, I have to be patient and I have to wait and that's ok. That's all OK because in that process, you're allowing spirit to come in and help. We are working in a cooperation with spirit.

KATHLEEN: We aren't here to do this alone. We never were. That's why we have people around us. We are social beings and I'm not talking social media, I'm talking physical touch with people because it's in the touch, it's in that connection. It's being in somebody's energy field that does something to your mind. It does something to your psyche. It does something to your heart.

KATHLEEN: Those things are so important and I have always known that and when I've gone into my little isolation modes and I do that, but when I come out, it's like I'm in a different place and I'm ready to handle it. I still need the balance. I still need that quiet time for me. I still need to reflect so that I've learned how to balance. Instead of hibernating, I withdraw when I need to withdraw.

KATHLEEN: It's not like I've disappeared in a cave somewhere. I get very quiet and silent. I do what I need to do and then I come out in the world and this is how we're supposed to be where we're supposed to ebb and flow the breathing in the breathing out the expansion, the contraction. There's a reason all of this. That's how we operate. Everything osculates including us.

KATHLEEN: When we are moving in that kind of direction, when we are connecting with people because yes, COVID, COVID did what COVID did. Ok? It was a good thing and maybe it wasn't a good thing. I don't know, but I see the good of what it is, the aftermath of people going back to what they were trying to do before COVID.

KATHLEEN: That is not working for us. Working at home is a good thing and not working at home, it's a good thing. I mean, there's a balance for everything because people working at home a lot of other things are happening but they're not having that social connection.

KATHLEEN: It's really important to go out and be around people. I do that. I get on these jobs and I thrive on jobs because I'm around people because I had my quiet time and now I can be a better person, more expanded person, more compassionate, more understanding that type of thing.

KATHLEEN: The whole point of what happened over the weekend was for me to see this. this has been a little slow learner sometimes, I guess, I don't know. The whole point was that I needed to stop. I needed to look at where I'm at and what I'm doing. Because of that, everything's changing and I'm excited about this.

KATHLEEN: I have found a couple of things I want to share with you. Some things that I found today that help to drive in where we're going, where I'm going because this is all about the evolution of the planet and each and every one of us are important in this evolutionary process. We need to get what the powers to be, the money changers, the people that are trying to control us, they can do whatever they want.

KATHLEEN: But you know what? You're not gonna die, they can kill your body but you're not gonna die. The world can fall apart around me, but my world isn't falling apart because it's how I think, it is the mindset. I talked a lot about the mindset because it's important to get a handle on your mindset because in order to evolve, that's what you have to do.

KATHLEEN: There's a couple of things that I've read this morning that I want to share with you because I think this is really critical of a lot of things, especially where we are and what we're doing. I think how we as a species need to evolve and help ourselves.

KATHLEEN: One is. Never regret love, no matter how blind. It improved your vision, no matter how foolish it made you wiser and no matter how generous it made you more. I think there's a lot of truth in that because everything that I'm saying, I keep getting goosebumps every time I read something to you guys.

KATHLEEN: Here's another thing that I think was really profound this morning when I read it, the top 10 ways to make friends, find love, trim down, shape up, defeat boredom, discover your purpose. Make a fortune and shine your light. Get quiet.

KATHLEEN: Start anywhere.

KATHLEEN: Lean into it, open your heart, keep busy.

KATHLEEN: Schedule, play, ask for help.

KATHLEEN: Don't look back, give more hugs, feel gratitude.

KATHLEEN: You are visualizing, right?

KATHLEEN: I think that's profound because this is everything I've been talking about to you guys over the last several weeks. This is everything I have been doing very consciously for the last two years.

KATHLEEN: It's powerful. I don't think I ever realized how much control I had. I think when you are starting to look at all the childhood traumas or whatever you picked up as a child and you didn't know how to deal with that. As adults, that stuff comes to us, it's letting us see it because it needs to come to the surface so we can bring light to it and release it.

KATHLEEN: This weekend was all about that. I have gone over and over at times of wanting to shut down awakening spirit and then I come back and say No, I'm not going to do this. I love this company. There's a value here, but that was the value of me.

KATHLEEN: I had to find the value of me. I'm not looking back at whatever. I have no regrets about anything with awakening spirit. It's my frustration with myself. It's my having to come out and I decided that my coming out, there's something deeper about that than what I think I'm aware of.

KATHLEEN: I don't know what that is fully yet.

KATHLEEN: All I could think of is the experiences that I've had in my lifetime, which are vast. They're not normal experiences necessarily that people have had. People have always said, why don't you share some of these things? I don't want to for a lot of reasons, but I'm going to share them. I'm going to share them. It's not the time yet.

KATHLEEN: I'm also going to start opening the show with sound because I got three tuning forks I'm supposed to use. I'm going to change that up a little bit more and we're gonna open the show with a chakra balancing.

KATHLEEN: So we're all in alignment and in balance when this show comes on because I'm going to start taking the show down a more spiritual place and how people are using these tools and evolving spiritually. But yet they're still very much a part of being here on the planet and I've got some really great speakers lined up and they are very, very evolved.

KATHLEEN: These are my soul family is I'm how I'm beginning to see them more and more all the time. I'm a very evolved spiritual being myself and there's not a lot of us around that I always find, I know they're there. I just haven't found them.

KATHLEEN: The more that I uune into me and accept me, the more I see these people that come in because some of these people, I was on their podcast shows. Ken's gonna come out, I'm gonna get him on my show. I guarantee you that man will talk the whole hour and I'm going to have to interrupt him to take commercial breaks because he brings in so much information. That man is divinely connected in ways like Zak and like Seph.

KATHLEEN: I'm the same way. I chose to take a sabbatical. I'm done taking the sabbatical because I really want to bring that part back. I think I'm not going to feel that loneliness or the almost depression that I'm here and I was abandoned because I always thought that I was a stranger in a strange land from Robert Heimlich's book.

KATHLEEN: I could identify with that book that I don't belong here. I never belonged here. I'm not from this world, I'm not from this galaxy.

KATHLEEN: I'm from some other place and it's all in dancing souls. I didn't know how to deal with that. I have seven planets in water and five planets in fire. I have no air and no earth. For you astrologers out there, you know exactly what that means.

KATHLEEN: I am a very fiery spitfire, emotional crazy lady. That's how I see myself at times because I do. I'm very passionate about what I do. I feel everything. It took me a long time to learn how to keep people and their stuff away from me, how to establish those boundaries. That's why I did this.

KATHLEEN: I realized when I was in Chicago and I was writing dancing souls that only I can do what I do. Only I can bring whatever the cog in the wheel is. Only I can do that. That's what I'm here to do. I know that this show is one of the greatest gifts that was given to me to be able to bring this out into the world.

KATHLEEN: Even though I'm doing things on the websites and all that, there's more to it. What was interesting today is when I was looking at the KMF site, I saw that my site is set up for a speaker. Even though I haven't gone out and done any speeches and talks yet.

KATHLEEN: I have a lot of people coming in looking for me as a speaker. I went. Isn't that interesting? Well, I'm not quite fully there. I'm prepared but I don't know if I'm ready to get on the stage today, but I'm prepared to get on the stage. I've got my speech, I've got it all done. It's all in my head. I'm not worried about that. I'm not fully in total alignment and that's how I look at it.

KATHLEEN: I'm not in total alignment yet with it, even though this is where I'm going. I've always seen this my whole life. This is where I'm going and this show is a stepping stone into that as well because I'm going to reach more people this way. I'm doing a lot of work to make this show a success regardless of how I feel about various things.

KATHLEEN: It's gonna happen and how that's gonna look, I don't know, I really truly don't know. I'm doing the best I can with what I have right now.

KATHLEEN: Next week I've got Dee Doheny coming in and that's what we're going to talk about - doing what you can with what you have right now. She's in my mastermind and we have been together almost two years now. What that woman has done in this short period of time blows my mind away. It blows my mind.

KATHLEEN: I don't even know if I could do 1/10 of what that woman has done and what she has created. I can't wait for you guys to hear the story. She has a big, big, big dream and we support each other and keep moving forward. When you have big dreams, it gets hard, especially when you feel like you're all alone or you're not getting paid for what you're doing.

KATHLEEN: It's not about the money, it's about, look at everything else or you depend on somebody to help you and they're not helping you and you don't know why. I remember when I talked to her when she was very frustrated because she's working with a king over there and he stopped talking to her and she felt frustrated.

KATHLEEN: I said, remember one thing, it's your dream. It's not his, it's yours. If he doesn't want to do it, I'm sure there's other people over there that want to do this with you. Sometimes we have to have somebody tell us that. Like Ken yesterday when I was trying to tell him about how I felt about the awakening spirit thing with, how I felt with the frustration.

KATHLEEN: He said, you don't want to bring those emotions up. You don't want to remember. You don't want to feed that back out into the cosmos. Even though you're telling a story, it's not what you want.

KATHLEEN: It's not the story of where you want to go. When he said that it made a lot of sense because I told him that even though I was bringing that up, I said a couple of weeks ago, it was a Saturday morning and I had told Sal that there's no doubt in my mind that awakening spirit's ready to take off. I can feel it within the core of my being.

KATHLEEN: I said it was the same feeling I had in my other house when it was in such bad shape. I brought this house back to life and the kitchen was the last thing to get done. It was the one room that I really struggled because a kitchen remodel is not fun. Oh God. After living through one, I don't ever want to do that again.

KATHLEEN: I remember within a month after I moved into that house, I walked into the kitchen and I could see it, literally see it with my physical eyes, that this kitchen had been remodeled and it was it's going to happen and it did. It was at the time I sold the house, but it doesn't matter because what Ken was saying, what happened is you connected to your divine source.

KATHLEEN: At that moment in time, you connected to it, you brought it in, you felt it and this was something you hated and then you reconnected that with that, with awakening spirit. This is something that you loved. It doesn't matter if you hate something or love something, if you make that connection and bring it in, it will manifest.

KATHLEEN: I believe that because I see this happening, everybody sees all these things happening and because I'm in it and it's mine it's, well, I hope it happens. I open it up and it's, no, I can't do that. It's, no, it is happening. It's happening right now. It has to come down into the ether, it has to come from the ether into physical form.

KATHLEEN: Like I said, things are created twice, once in our mind and once on the planet, into physical manifestation. It's in my mind and now it's bringing it forward and moving it forward and it's, ok, I'm birthing something. It takes nine months to birth a child. Ok? Not that it's gonna take nine months, who knows how long it's gonna take.

KATHLEEN: This one's taken a little bit longer. Ok. Whatever. It's going to birth and I have to hold on to that. Right now I could be in labor for all I know because what Ken said when I was telling him that I was doing all this he said, the farmers in the summer because he's in Chicago. There's a lot of farms out there.

KATHLEEN: They plan their winner. I planted my winner. I started awakening spirit. I'm in the process. I'm in the summer, I'm pulling the weeds. I'm nurturing the growth of the idea and then the harvest comes and who knows in September, October, November, who knows what's gonna happen in the next three months with all the amount of energy I'm putting into awakening spirit and moving this company in a different direction.

KATHLEEN: I believe that because I know that it can happen. There's no doubt in my mind that this is gonna happen.

KATHLEEN: I've always believed in this company and now that I am more aligned with myself and I'm bringing it into the KMF site. I'm bringing it into the Awakening Spirit site where I am coming in where body mind Spirit is connecting to God and all of the cellular stuff, the endrocan system, everything that I read to you earlier, it's all lining up.

KATHLEEN: I've lived this, that when my energy matches the energy of my dream, it will manifest. The only way for my energy to manifest my dream is that I have to elevate and my elevation is how I think and how I perceive things and how I do things.

KATHLEEN: I'm not gonna be angry, pissy, grumpy, bitchy. That doesn't serve me. I'm going to stay busy. I'm going to do what I can with what I have.

KATHLEEN: If I don't know where to go next, I will sit and I will wait until the answer comes. It will come if you stop and allow the answers to come in. Everything that I have been doing has been that. I have found people to help me grow the business. It is working within the budgets that I need to be in right now.

KATHLEEN: I've met people along the way that I'm probably going to be using in the future. It may not be today, but it's in the future where I need to go. These are people that are aligned in the spiritual side of things.

KATHLEEN: That means if we're aligning, we're bringing a whole new energy into this. Yes, some people say, well, you should have a cause. I do have a cause. It's not up on the website because I'm not there yet.

KATHLEEN: All these things are still out there and I'm slowly bringing them in. You have to get your foundation done first. The foundation is always you pulling the weeds, getting rid of the head trash, having faith, knowing and believing it's going to happen.

KATHLEEN: When I look back at my life, I never thought I would survive this life, I have survived it and I'm thriving because of it and each and every one of us has that opportunity.

KATHLEEN: It's about you taking control of your thoughts. It's about when something comes up that doesn't feel so good and pleasant. There's a reason and if God is learning through you, then there's nothing wrong with that. That's probably the biggest thing.

KATHLEEN: I've read a lot of books. I have some of the most amazing books. I don't even know if they're in print anymore of things that were so highly evolved.

KATHLEEN: What I'm reading now is at the turn of last century, when we went into the 20th century, those are what I'm reading now. What I was reading before that was back in the thirties and forties when that was good information too.

KATHLEEN: I'm going back to what the truths were that we were theorizing and now there's truth out there that this is real. I'm just gonna take even more of this because now I have a language that I don't feel like I'm the stranger in a strange land anymore.

KATHLEEN: My business partner used to say you're like in a dysfunctional relationship with the world because, yes, I love and hate people at the same time. I love people because I think we have an opportunity to do amazing things.

KATHLEEN: Then I didn't like them because of how we treat each other is so bad and you got to get out of that us and me against them and us and me and I, all this weird contradictory stuff that we do. It's not me against you. It's not that it's we're all the same, we're all the same. We all want the same things.

KATHLEEN: It doesn't matter our skin color, our thoughts or anything and that's the main thing I think about the evolution of our world since I've been alive as far as all this sex stuff that goes on now we're into transgender, which I'm sorry, I do not understand.

KATHLEEN: Whatever you want to do, I don't care. I don't understand it, but I'm trying to learn about it because I'm actually know some people who are wanting to do that and I'm, trying to be, ok, let's try to open my mind a little bit more about that. I have a nice who's gay. Ok. Who cares?

KATHLEEN: Her attitude is at least I'm accepted now because it's, cool to be gay now. I'm, yeah, but when you look at how Hollywood was and how we have handled all of that over the last several decades, you know, 50, 60, 70 years. There was so much ignorance around it and now, it's what it is.

KATHLEEN: It's learning to accept each other. Love is love. It doesn't matter how you present it. I've never had any issues with the gay community. I may not have understood it, but I've talked to enough of them. I have been plenty of friends and I've talked to them very extensively to try to understand why and not all of it's been through sexual abuse.

KATHLEEN: Some of it's been through sexual abuse. Some people were, I was born this way. Oh OK. No big deal. I didn't know. Instead of sitting there and judging, I ask questions to learn about it and there's nothing to be shameful about on asking that.

KATHLEEN: That's what people don't always do either. They think it's inappropriate to ask questions. It's not if you don't know, you don't know. That's how I look at life is I used to ask because I didn't understand men when I was a teenager, 18-19 years old, I had no clue about men.

KATHLEEN: None. I used to ask him some of the most difficult questions and they'd be like, oh my God Kath. I'm well, I'm really trying to understand you because I don't understand you. I understood how I worked and how women work. But men, it eluded me.

KATHLEEN: They were just strange creatures and it took me a long time to understand that when they say that they're not thinking about something. That's true. They're not thinking about anything. I went down the theory of we have 10 brain cells.

KATHLEEN: They have three, not in a derogatory way, but it's the simplicity of a man is what women actually need. We need that simplicity. We need that grounding energy that men provide because we're crazy.

KATHLEEN: We have these little periods that go on and then we're carrying the universe inside our uterus. What men want is because they don't have that experience. That's why the penetration and sex is so important to them because that's the only way they make that connection because we are already connected in ways that we didn't understand.

KATHLEEN: But it's through that and sex is very sacred. It's not the ugly, disgusting, shameful thing that we're doing. It's not what we should be doing with kids on child trafficking, all of that stuff. That is the darkness of sex. That is not the purpose of sex. Study these things and ask questions. Be a child and learn where you are and who you are in this life.

KATHLEEN: Well, I know this show has taken a totally different turn from what I even expected to talk about and it's all good. I feel good about this. I think what I'm talking about today is very, very important.

KATHLEEN: It's definitely hitting me in another way because we all go through stuff and I know a lot of times people are, oh, everything's wonderful and I'm making all this money and they're lying. I'm not lying about any of this stuff. When I say that I'm really ok, I am because I didn't lose my happiness over the weekend.

KATHLEEN: I didn't. I'm not gonna let anything destroy that. I could feel frustrated. What I felt and I could be, ok, what is it because we need to know. I knew that there was a reason for it and I always held the space for that reason.

KATHLEEN: I'm showing you how I'm moving through situations, that's what it is. When I look at the guy who came in and gave me this unbelievable price to fix the basement, I decided I want to do that and we had to do the crisis situation to a point.

KATHLEEN: He was only going to deal with the west side. I needed the west and the south side done. I realized that's not going to happen. I put a call into him and said, this isn't going to work this way.

KATHLEEN: I wantd to concrete it. I have yet to hear from the guy if they can do it. I pretty well decided that if I can't find somebody to concrete my crawl space, I'll have a professional come in and do the sump pump and the pit and get the water away from the house and the whole bit.

KATHLEEN: Sal and I, and I will hate it, will grump about it. I will bitch and complain. I will do everything under the sun, but I will get my basement done and if I have to do it myself, I will do it because it needs to get done.

KATHLEEN: It needs to be fixed and I'm not gonna let it sit here for a year or six months or when somebody feels like getting around to it. I'm not that kind of person, it needs to be addressed now and whatever that's gonna look like it's gonna look like. I'm gonna figure it out.

KATHLEEN: That's how I operate in life. If I can't get somebody to do what I want the way that I want it, I'll do it myself. I don't think I should have to do it that way. I would rather have a professional do it and I may just do that.

KATHLEEN: I have a backup plan and sometimes that's what we need. We have to have a backup plan of, well, if it doesn't go the way I want and answers aren't coming the way I want them to come, then what can you do at this point to make it happen? I think that is part of taking responsibility for yourself.

KATHLEEN: It's taking responsibility for a situation that's in your life, you deal with whatever it is and you move on. You don't put judgment on it because that's the biggest thing we do as humans. That is probably the worst thing we can do is we put a judgment on an event. It's an event.

KATHLEEN: That's all it is. It's for your growth, your learning, it has nothing to do with God hating you, or your boyfriend's mad at you or your kids hate you. It has nothing to do with any of that.

KATHLEEN: It's you put a judgment on it and because you put a judgment on it, then that means you don't have to take responsibility and now you're a victim. Well, we're not victims. You can act like a victim but you're not a victim. Everything that is in your life you created. If you don't like it, change it.

KATHLEEN: That was a big lesson that I learned. I fought and resisted that off and on my whole life and now it's over it, I'm over it, I'm over it. It's a waste of time.

KATHLEEN: When you realize as you age, as we all do, you are going to realize at some point in your life that your life happened in a blink of an eye.

KATHLEEN: I know that I walk through most of my life going God how am I gonna survive my life? It was how I handled it, how I thought about it.

KATHLEEN: Now I am at the age of where I'm at I'm, oh my God, this is a blink of an eye. It really, truly is a blink of an eye and to have longevity is a gift and people don't realize that. They say the good die young. Well, I don't necessarily believe that either.

KATHLEEN: I know that longevity is a gift and even if we struggle with age and we think we should keep our 20 year old bodies, it's never gonna happen. Your looks are gonna fade and it's just find peace with yourself.

KATHLEEN: Truly find peace with you, love you for who you are, accept you for who you are because you have so much value to bring to the world and it's up to you to find it and bring it out.