April 2, 2024

Discover the Secrets How to Live from Your Heart and Soul Vision to Create an Amazing Life

The podcast featured Kathleen Flanagan as the host and Lucie as the guest, discussing personal growth, overcoming obstacles, and achieving success through spiritual awakening. Lucie shared her journey of self-discovery, learning from experiences, and the power of intention and belief. They emphasized the importance of taking control of one's life, serving others, and shifting mindset to attract positive outcomes. The conversation highlighted the significance of understanding one's power, raising vibrations, and transforming identity to manifest dreams and goals. The speakers emphasized the role of energy, mindset, and self-awareness in creating a fulfilling life. The discussion provided insights on rewiring the mind, taking action, and aligning with one's true desires to achieve personal growth and success. The podcast aimed to inspire listeners to embrace their spiritual journey, trust in themselves, and live intentionally to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.

- Hosted by Kathleen Flanagan, the podcast focuses on teaching tools for stepping into one's true self.
- The episode features guest Lucie Ptasznik sharing her unique journey of awakening and personal growth.

- Lucie shares her journey of self-discovery and personal growth, highlighting the importance of perseverance and belief in oneself.
- The power of intention and manifestation in creating one's reality is emphasized, with a focus on thoughts becoming things.
- The importance of having fun, embracing discomfort, and learning to ask for help and receive support in personal growth and transformation.
- The significance of taking care of oneself first, before meeting the needs of others, to avoid people-pleasing and maintain balance.
- The role of gratitude, vision, and desire in transforming one's identity, rewiring the subconscious mind, and taking intentional action towards goals.
- Understanding energy, raising vibration, and controlling one's energy to attract positive experiences and outcomes.

- Embrace discomfort and ask for help to facilitate personal growth and transformation.
- Prioritize self-care to avoid people-pleasing and maintain balance in relationships.
- Practice gratitude, set clear visions, and transform wants into desires to achieve goals.
- Understand and control energy to attract positive experiences and outcomes in life.

- The episode offers valuable insights into personal growth, manifestation, and intentional living.
- Viewers are encouraged to share the episode, subscribe, and like the show for more content.
- Wishing all listeners a happy and blessed week, with a reminder to operate from the heart.

- Lucie Ptasznik shares her personal journey and insights on self-discovery and transformation.

- Kathleen Flanagan guides the conversation, emphasizing the power of intention, manifestation, and self-care in personal growth.



Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened



De-Stress Meditation



KATHLEEN: Lucie Ptasznik is a peak performance coach and national speaker who helps people transform their identity and rewire their subconscious mind to take massive action towards their goals. She challenges entrepreneurs and business professionals to step outside of their comfort zone, to dream big and to become the best versions of themselves, mentally, physically, financially and spiritually with a background in quantum physics.

KATHLEEN: She boldly teaches that you are a powerful creator of your own reality through special mind, hacking tools and techniques. She teaches people the power of awareness, how to take control back, control of your life and how to achieve the success they have always dreamed of having. Welcome Lucie.

LUCIE: I'm so excited to be here with you today.

KATHLEEN: I am too. So why don't you tell our guests a little bit more about your journey of, I wouldn't say necessarily becoming an awakening spirit, but you have a very unique story of how you got to where you are today. So I'd love for you to share that with our viewers, please.

LUCIE: Yeah, absolutely. So, as we all know, desire is the starting point for all success. And I would have to say that ever since I can remember, I was obsessed with horses. Like, absolutely all I could think about dream about sleep about with horses. And so every day I would beg my dad, dad will buy me a horse. Now, it just so happened that I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit.

LUCIE: My family were blue collar workers. My mom had two jobs. She worked in the factory, horses were definitely out of the realm of possibilities.

LUCIE: So I had to take matters into my own hands. So the day that I turned 16 was the day that I got my driver's license and the day that I created a Craigslist ad said, I'll ride your horse for free.

LUCIE: And then essentially, I had a bunch of yahoos calling me with their unbroken green, broke horses that hadn't been ridden in 5 to 10 years. And here I am driving all over God's country, just the happiest thing to have the opportunity to ride a horse. Next thing you know, I'm getting bucked off and thrown off.

LUCIE: And it it was kind of like a failing forward. You live and you learn and you grow through your experience and learn from the lessons of life. And I never had any sort of proper instruction or education. The horses are pretty much what taught me everything. But no matter how many times that I hit the ground or I ate dirt, I just never gave up because I believed in myself and I had that burning desire inside of me.

LUCIE: And I was always, it didn't matter how many times I fell, I would always get back on the horse. And essentially, I took that passion and I ended up now I buy train and sell horses all over the country. And I went on to open one of Michigan's largest public trail riding companies. It's called High Vibe trail rides.

LUCIE: Because what I've learned is that just like, like Dr Wayne Dyer says that we're not human beings having a spiritual experience. We're spiritual, having a human experience. And I think that every single one of our unique paths or paths or life missions like we're constantly growing and we're constantly learning spiritual lessons along the way.

LUCIE: And if we stay open to those lessons, we are going to grow exponentially. And I feel like if you're blessed, be a blessing, and I can say with confidence today that I have been blessed. And so now it is my mission it is my intention to just pour back and impact, positively impact as many people as I can, teaching people about quantum physics and how to leverage the laws of the universe.

LUCIE: And really, really teaching people that you are the powerful, magnificent creator of your own reality. Every moment the manifested miracle and our thoughts become things.

LUCIE: And if you want a better life, then we really have to get very intentional that the thoughts that we're thinking and the words that we're speaking because each moment we're crafting the future that we're going to experience. So that's a little bit about me and where I came from.

KATHLEEN: So what got you into the quantum physics side of this? I mean, because horses is one thing quantum physics is like on the total opposite end. Now, I understand that. But for our listeners, they will probably go on this does not compute. So tell us a little bit about that journey of how you got into quantum physics to take your life to that next level.

LUCIE: Gosh, I feel like everything that's happened has just unfold so naturally and so organically.

LUCIE: So I graduated college, I got scooped up into the corporate world and I was working inside of the cube for three years doing Excel spreadsheets.

LUCIE: And while I was doing Excel spreadsheets, I had my earphones in and I was listening to Dr Wayne Dyer.

LUCIE: So most of my background and some of my core beliefs have very much so been rooted in the teacher of Dr Wayne Dyer.

LUCIE: And through him, I ended up stumbling upon the teachings of Abraham Hicks.

LUCIE: And Abraham Hicks talks in depth about the fact that we live in a vibrational universe, an attraction based universe and that all things move and all things vibrate and that your thoughts carry a frequency and that what you put out is absolutely what you're going to get back.

LUCIE: And so what is so fun about being an entrepreneur?

LUCIE: I mean, really just living life and living life intentionally and being aware of what you're creating on a day to day basis is that I was listening to all of this, this beautiful knowledge, all of this wisdom and I was seeing it unfold in real time through my business.

LUCIE: So I ended up leaving corporate which was one of the scariest things that I've ever and taking a leap of faith on myself to follow my passion and do horses full time.

LUCIE: But in the mix of all of that, I would incorporate the teachings of these great philosophers into my day to day life.

LUCIE: So something as simple as a intention setting where you write down what you want to create that day or that week or that month, I would write it down and then just like magic, these things would come to pass.

LUCIE: And at first I'm like, whoa this is wild.

LUCIE: Could this just be a coincidence?

LUCIE: But just like Dr Wayne Dyer says, the root word of coincidence is a mathematical term and it comes from coinciding angles to angles that fit perfectly together.

LUCIE: So there are no coincidences.

LUCIE: You are exactly where you're supposed to be right here.

LUCIE: Right now.

LUCIE: You are loved, you are guided, you are supported.

LUCIE: And if you just believe in yourself, belief is like the magic ingredient that's going to take you from where you're at to where you want to be.

LUCIE: And then I kind of talk about that a little bit in my program because you can have the perfect vision with absolute clarity of what you want.

LUCIE: But if you don't believe that you're good enough or you don't believe that you're worthy or you don't believe that you're capable, you don't carry that self love inside of you, then there's always going to be a vibrational discrepancy and that thing that you so long for is going to remain just out of reach.

LUCIE: So it's all about building up your belief in yourself and faith in God or faith in the universe or faith in source energy, whatever you want to call it and leaning into that unshakeable faith, knowing that God has your back and you have nothing to worry about nothing to fear because you can't get it wrong and then just having fun because life is meant to be enjoyed.

LUCIE: So that's kind of how it started with horses and then through the learning journey of wisdom from different teachers here and there and then sprinkling some of the teachings in my daily life, how I was able to vividly see what they taught, was extremely applicable in everyday life.

KATHLEEN: Well, from what I gather from you is you come from your heart and you've always known and it's the way I sense you've always come from your heart. I mean, you just knew that you wanted horses and you begged your dad to buy you a horse. And of course, we all know that in a blue-collar world, that is not a reality. So, but it didn't diminish what you felt.

KATHLEEN: It was you, there was a burning desire. And so when you talked about that intention that we need to be intentional, that's coming from your heart, you're loving it into existence. Because if you can't love it into existence, it's never gonna happen because we're surrounded by love. Love is the highest frequency. Oh my God, I'm getting goosebumps everywhere they're downloading.

KATHLEEN: And that's the thing is that we have to come from our hearts. And as long as we close our hearts down, we're never going to get what we want the way we want it because we're putting our hands up saying no, no, I don't know if I deserve this or no, I don't think so or what if, what if and you know, when you put all this head trash inside of you that is bogus.

KATHLEEN: And I just have to keep saying this over and over because when you said lean into it, when I saw my higher self, a couple, several weeks ago, I leaned into her, I didn't know if I could embrace her because, you feel this like whoa powerful state of this incredible love and you don't know if you can handle it.

KATHLEEN: And I said, I want this, I can do this. I can do this. And then I leaned in and she came in but it's all that intention of. No, I can do this and believing. It's everything that you said. And that was a game changer to me. I became a spiritual master because I trusted enough to believe.

KATHLEEN: And you are a spiritual master in my opinion because you believed in what you wanted and look what you've created because of it.

LUCIE: And I love what you said, Kathleen about loving it into existence that is so beautiful and there's nothing more true than that because I mean, where I come from, it's always speak it into existence, make sure that you're speaking what you want to create. But I love what you said, loving it into existence because one thing is the thought, one thing is the language.

LUCIE: And then the third thing is to actually emotionalize what you want to create an emotion is what is going to take your desires and move them into the physical, into physical reality, the emotions behind what we desire or what is going to fast track any manifestation. And so that's why as you know, visualization is so powerful. And so I love that you say love it into existence. That's a really, I love that.

KATHLEEN: Well, and also having fun because I think when I love something into existence and this was all, when I got into ballroom dancing and when I met my new partner at the time, he was 24 and we got into dance position and every chakra lit up all the way from the base to the top. And I jumped back and said, whoa, what are you doing?

KATHLEEN: Because I didn't understand what happened there with this connection between the two of us. And he just looked at me as somber as he could. I'm just getting into dance position.

KATHLEEN: Oh, I don't think that's what you did. But OK, and I had to accept that because I don't know what he felt, but I know what I felt and it was like everything lit up. And then I just started having so much fun dancing. I mean, ballroom dancing is the hardest thing in the world to do.

KATHLEEN: And if you can dance with a partner, you can live with that partner, the rest of your life. That's how I look at it because there was, it was a dance of life, you allow this male to lead you and as a non trusting female. No, I'm not gonna let you do that.

KATHLEEN: And I had to really learn how to surrender in that process. I mean, this was like such a metaphorical life changing experience for me was ballroom dancing with a partner.

KATHLEEN: And so, and I had so much fun. I mean, I was like this little kid, you know, like in love with my partner, I don't think I was necessarily in love with them. But, it was just, I was so childlike.

KATHLEEN: I was having fun and everything was magnetizing towards me because I knew what I wanted, I knew where I was going. And if I didn't know, I knew I knew kind of thing, you know, I had total surrender and trust. So when you talk about this, it's like I lived this through ballroom dancing.

LUCIE: And that's what's so beautiful and so precious about the human experience because whether you're galloping on a horse, bare back through a field or whether you're dancing your heart out with a partner, like there's so many different beautiful experiences that we're so privileged to live.

LUCIE: And sometimes we get, we're conditioned into stress or worry or fear or overwhelm or lack. And we really, it takes the awareness when you bring awareness to any sort of pattern, any sort of unconscious pattern that you're living in that's running your life. As soon as you bring awareness to that, then that pattern no longer has control over you.

LUCIE: And at that moment, you take your power back and you can decide, wait, how do I want to feel? How do I want to show up? What are the feelings I want to experience? So I love that just really being vibrantly aware of where you're at. What you're feeling and taking inventory. Is this the experience that I want right now?

KATHLEEN: So, and I have a mastermind woman. We've been working together for about three years now. I think it is. And when we either one of us, we help each other stay up. Ok? Because we get our dreams are so big and, you know, sometimes you can't see the forest through the trees. And thank God you have a mastermind partner that sees you bigger than you and sees it all done.

KATHLEEN: And when we get into something, what we've decided that we give each other like playlists so we can dance, you know, shake off whatever that energy is because if you're feeling down or you're feeling icky go out in nature dance, do something that's fun. Like if it, if you love to cook, then cook.

KATHLEEN: I told her one day I said, bake a cake, I don't need the sugar. Bake a cake and give it to your neighbor. Well, that's a really good idea. You know, because she loves to bake. But, you don't want to be like the one who eats it when you're working on losing weight.

KATHLEEN: But I help her to expand her thinking as much as she helps me to expand my thinking because sometimes it's like, well, I never thought of that and that's the joy of, and the beauty of having people that work that you work with or you hang with or whatever it is because we're so tunnel visioned in our own thinking a lot of times and another perspective just goes, yeah.

KATHLEEN: In a way you didn't even know you were in a box.

LUCIE: Yeah, it's so true. It's so true. That happened to me just the other day where we were talking to one of my girlfriends on the phone and we were telling, I don't even remember what it was about, but I remember I was explaining something to her that I was experiencing difficulty or I couldn't figure out the solution and then just out of thin air.

LUCIE: She's like, well, why don't you just do that? And I'm like, that was brilliant and that was effortless. Why didn't I think of that? So, absolutely.

LUCIE: I think it's so important to be very deliberate and very intentional with whoever you surround yourself with. Just you are the average of the five people you surround yourself with. And a lot of times the people, there's so many people that love talking about what doesn't serve them or what they didn't like or things that upset them or frustrated them or, that offended them.

LUCIE: And it's just like you can really choose to be offended by anything. But if you choose to live in a state of total acceptance, then you realize as soon as you pass judgment, the only thing that's going to do is lower your own vibration.

LUCIE: And when you're used to just bracing it at a high vibration, feeling good, there's no need to lower your vibration and judge somebody else because at the end of the day, we're all connected. And so when you're casting judgment on someone else, you're really not doing yourself any service.

KATHLEEN: And I agree 100% because you know if somebody triggers something in me because people are mirrors, that's the bottom line. They are a mirror. They're showing you something that's inside of you that you need to look at. So instead of saying when you do this to me, victim or you're just one of these kind of people or whatever people say or do, what's the gift?

KATHLEEN: That's what I do. What's are they trying to show me? What am I not seeing in myself? Because you wouldn't be presenting this to me if I, wasn't doing that or some, thoughts coming up that I don't know, that's ready to come up to look at because sometimes people can help avert that kind of, going down the rabbit hole.

KATHLEEN: And so when I do that, I look at it's so much better to just take power, take control. I don't want to lose my happiness. So let's look at it and if I can't look at it right now, then I will table it. And when I have the moment to be quiet and still I'll reflect on it to see what I need to do next. But we're gonna go ahead and take a quick commercial break and we'll continue this when we get back.

KATHLEEN: We are streaming on the Bold Brave TV Network and we have Luie Ptasznik in the room with us today and we've got a little bit clearer vision of her and she's a little bit more zoomed in. So we get to see her bright, beautiful face.

KATHLEEN: So what I was talking about when we talked about the lower of the vibration, I was thinking that we always ultimately have that control because nobody's doing anything to us. It's always in our favor, whatever that is.

KATHLEEN: And it's how we choose because we make stories up about whatever we put all the meanings on right wrong or in between. It doesn't matter. I call it an MS U degree. Make shit up. That's the degree

LUCIE: I love that.

KATHLEEN: I mean, my business partner and I came up with that 20 some years ago. And so I was like, oh your MSU degree is working.

KATHLEEN: That was a way for us to laugh to realize that we're going down a rabbit hole and to stop because sometimes that's what we need is we need somebody to just stop us because we spiral out of control sometimes and you have to be very conscious not to do that.

KATHLEEN: And so when you have somebody that's there pulling you out before you completely go down that rabbit hole because, we're still, I can do this myself. We still have paradigms that are always running in our minds.

KATHLEEN: Like you, you're having a situation, you can't figure it out. And your friend says, oh, why didn't you think of this? And you're going, oh my God. That's brilliant. Why didn't I think about that because you weren't supposed to.

KATHLEEN: And I discovered with spirit that because they want me to ask for help because, you know, I'm still like to be the lone ranger and I know everything and I still play that a little bit. Not as much, but I still do it.

KATHLEEN: And I thought, OK, I have to reach out and ask for help. And the minute I reach out for help, the answer comes and I'm like I get what you're doing.

LUCIE: I love teaching.

KATHLEEN: Me how to ask for help and then you give me the answer, but I have to learn to receive. And it's beautiful and I don't have to do it near as much as I used like that lesson came in and I still do it sometimes but not as much.

KATHLEEN: But I think it's a beautiful gift because we do need people. We are social beings, believe it or not. We are social beings. And I'm talking connection, physical connection, not social media, physical connection.

KATHLEEN: And with you doing horse riding horses and doing working, taking people out on trails and whatever else you do. I mean, you're bringing in joy, you're bringing in love, you're bringing in fun, you're connecting with people. I mean, Lucie, you're doing it all.

LUCIE: Bust, bust.

LUCIE: Yeah, I know. It's almost that's why it's like some days like I wake up and I mean, as soon as I wake up, I open my eyes and like the first thought that enters my head is dear God. Thank you so much for another day.

LUCIE: Thank you for this beautiful morning. Thank you for a fresh start. And then it's always like, use me how can I serve? Who can I serve? So that's really been on my heart to be like the number one mission for me moving forward.

LUCIE: Because it's almost like the the ultimate success formula if you will is going to be like, how can you serve others? Because and it's wild as soon as you take yourself out of the picture, as soon as you stop making it all about you and you start making it about everybody else. It's kind of like your problems diminish and they seem like nothing compared to everybody else.

LUCIE: And then it's like when you start pouring into everybody else and you start helping people, then it's like you get so much more joy and so much fulfillment than you ever would have had. You only stayed focused on your needs. So what is love? Love is putting the needs and wants of others before your own.

LUCIE: And so like Tony Robbins talks about how the, the all of the suffering and all of the problems of the world are stemmed from selfishness. And if love is simply putting someone else's needs in front of our own, putting something greater than ourselves in front of us, then therefore love is the solution to all of the problems and all of the suffering in the world. And I love that so much.

KATHLEEN: Well, and I just got an insight. Of course, here we come with the downloads again because there goes the skin. I just love this one. But what I got was when we take care of ourselves through self care because that's a critical element is we have to take care of ourselves as well.

KATHLEEN: And when we take care of ourselves, then the needs of others is not a burden or people pleasing or whatever, the limited paradigm that you do that everybody matters be besides me kind of thing. You're not playing that because you've already taken care of you. You've met your own needs because nobody can meet your needs the way you can meet your needs.

KATHLEEN: Yes. It's nice to have somebody who makes dinner for you every now and then because you're the one maybe making dinner all the time. Yes. I mean, that's one thing but as long as you're taking care of yourself, you're not expecting like, well, why aren't you making dinner or why don't you clean up the house? You know what I mean? You're not going after your partner because you feel like you're doing it all.

KATHLEEN: And then the other thing that I got when you do that because there were times when I learned this one where I was just so frustrated that nothing was working and things were just wanting to pull my hair out. And it was like, go give somebody a facial or go give somebody some energy work. And it was a night and day transformation.

KATHLEEN: It was instant that like whatever that burden I was carrying wasn't a burden anymore. Because what mattered was that I gave somebody something of me to help them feel better and you're right on the money with that. I mean, I've walked this, I've walked this journey, I've learned what you talk about. I did.

KATHLEEN: I learned it that way. You know what I mean? I didn't have the joyful life that you did so to speak. I came from a lot of trauma in my life. So I learned everything supposedly the hard way, but it was the way that I needed to learn it. I had to discover that for myself because, I'm a lot older than you are.

KATHLEEN: And my generation did not have the light and the awareness on the planet that is here now. So we allowed you to come in to bring in your bright shining light so you can, so we can pass the Torch to you to carry on to the next generations.

LUCIE: You can shine bright and be lighthouses and illuminate the world. Yeah, I love I love how Joda Penza talks about it. Like now that we're in the age of information, that ignorance at this point is a choice because there's so much information out there readily at your fingertips.

LUCIE: And if you want to, to be better in any capacity, like there's you, we have access to that information at any given time. So it really is there, there's the ying and the yang to everything. You got to take the good with the bad. But if you stay focused on the good, you'll attract more of the good.

KATHLEEN: That's exactly right because I've noticed when I had negative thinking, not knowing it was really negative, it was just, you're used to like whatever crap is in your head. And until you realize that there's something different and so not that I was looking negative because I always had a positive outlook.

KATHLEEN: But there was a part of me that operated differently like I was out of sync with myself. I didn't know I was out of sync. So I thought the world was mean and painful and hurtful, which it was, in my opinion, it was because that's what I experienced.

KATHLEEN: What did I always bring and attract into me? People that were mean and nasty and horrible and hurt me and all that kind of stuff. And the minute that I decided I wanted to be a better person, I wanted to change who I was, how I was thinking when I decided to do, what would my future self act like and be like three years from now, how would she handle this situation?

KATHLEEN: Game changer? Because it was like, wow, people are like talking to me what's wrong with them because it was so foreign to have people be nice to me. But it was because I was being nice to myself.

KATHLEEN: Yeah, I belittling and shaming myself that people were like, oh, I opened a door for people to come in and I'm like, whoa, I don't know how to handle this. I know how to handle people don't like me. But when they like me, it's like, it was like, I don't know what to do with this and I had to learn how to embrace that. So, you have to learn to embrace being uncomfortable.

LUCIE: Oh my God. Yes. And I wanted to just go back like two seconds from what you were saying about you get in life, what you tolerate, you get what you tolerate. And, so therefore, if you are used to that voice in your head constantly, just bring you and bringing you down and telling you that you're not good enough.

LUCIE: If there's other people around you that are, saying similar things, you hear it enough times in your head, you're gonna start to believe it. And a belief is nothing more than a thought that we keep thinking the stories like our lives at the end of the day.

LUCIE: Like if we take a step back and look at our lives, our lives are nothing more than a sequence of stories that we continue to tell ourselves. And the thing is, is that like, we're like, well, no, we have a memory of this actually happening but it was like, wait a second, is that actually true?

LUCIE: Is that how those events unfolded or could it possibly be that like the way I'm remembering those events isn't quite correct? Or maybe my perception was a little bit off the way that I interpreted what somebody said or what somebody texted me or I thought I saw something, but I'm really not 100% sure. Like I love taking, I love like radical responsibility.

LUCIE: And not only do we have to take absolute responsibility of the thoughts that we think of the words that we speak and of the actions that we take. But we also have to take radical responsibility for the way that we interpret different events. Because in our interpretation lies our meaning and how we assign meaning to whatever events happen in our life.

LUCIE: It can be pivotal, it can be the catalyst for us making the decision to become the next best version of ourselves. Or it can just be, oh, that person's just being a jerk and bottle whatever the story is that you associate with.

LUCIE: So I love that, I love knowing the fact that we're only one decision away from a completely different destiny and people can make that decision now, make the decision now and take action now because if you keep putting it off and you keep putting it off and you keep putting it off, the problem is that people normally not that they necessarily don't know what they want in life.

LUCIE: Some people have an idea of what they want, but they usually have a depth perception issue and what that means is they overestimate what they can do in a year and they underestimate what they can do in five years.

LUCIE: And therefore they have this idea or this dream, something that they want to accomplish. But the dream seems so far away like it's so far out in the distant future that they're not taking the action steps today as if the dream was just around the corner. They're only one phone call away. They're only one person away.

LUCIE: They're only one appointment away from their dreams readily presenting themselves to them. So I love talking about just like being intentional every single day and having your vision, we like teach people like we extract visions from people and get really nitty nitty gritty with all of the details in five areas of their life.

LUCIE: And then it's like you want to read it every single day or at least once a week because when you're looking at that and you're reading it and you're emotionalizing it, you're activating your ras, your reticular activating system.

LUCIE: So kind of like if you buy a Tesla and then all of a sudden you see Teslas on their own, you're like, I've never seen so many Teslas before and it's because your reticular activating system has been alerted. Oh, let me look, let me, I'm gonna be on the lookout for Teslas.

LUCIE: So same thing when you're reading your vision every single day, all of a sudden you're activating your ras and all of a sudden it's looking for different ways, different opportunities to bring your vision to your reality. But a lot of people again society, the news, it just conditions us to focus on the bad, focus on what's going wrong, focus on the problems of the world.

LUCIE: Like my mom the other day, she put on the news and I'm like, mom, I love you so much. Why are you watching the news. It's like low vibrational poison. Please stop. And she's like, you got to know what's on reality. And I'm like, mom, don't, you know what I teach. I'm like, you are the master creator of your reality.

LUCIE: What kind of reality do you want to create? Do you want to live in a world of scarcity and fear and lack and frustration and anger and overwhelm I'm like, or do you want to live in a world of abundance, of freedom, of love, of joy, of bliss, of all these things? So again, it's everything that you consume.

LUCIE: It's so important, not only from the food and from the drinks, but also to the media and the books and the news and the podcasts, like fill your mind, fill your soul with high vibrational inspirational content that's just going to lift you up and inspire you to take inspired action.

KATHLEEN: I love that I do because I read positive books, people's memoirs, whatever spiritual enlightening books, I still read them at night because it's I'm putting something positive.

KATHLEEN: And then when I turn off the lights, it's like, thank you for my day. Thank you for this. And I am this and this and this and I go through this little dissertation about putting really positive things into my thought processes as I'm going to sleep because that's going to start rewiring the brain.

KATHLEEN: And because it's coming from my voice. It's not coming from somebody else's voice.

KATHLEEN: This is my voice saying this and I noticed that by doing that and then being grateful when I wake up, like what you said, waking up in the morning and being grateful that I get another day because there are people who don't wake up and, they, that was the last day they had was that night and the partner wakes up and their partner is dead.

KATHLEEN: I know somebody who actually had that experience that they had all these big plans and they were gonna wait till they retired and he didn't wake up one morning.

KATHLEEN: How sad is that?

KATHLEEN: We put so much off to the future and it's no, we're supposed to be living our best, fullest life now. The one thing that you did say that came through when we talked about just different perceptions.

KATHLEEN: Like I remember my family sit there one day we were talking about something that went on in our childhood and I sat there and listened to everybody's perception of what that experience was. And I wondered what family I was from because I did not see one iota of what any of them saw. I was like, what planet are you people from?

KATHLEEN: Because that is not what happened here. Oh my God. I thought that was so funny because a family unit sees things so incredibly different. It's like when you go to an accident and they start taking statements and everybody has a different perception of what happened. And somewhere in that perception there's a truth.

KATHLEEN: But see, it's not about looking for everybody else's truth. It's about you finding your truth. What is your truth? Just because you say what you say? Well, I can get behind it but I don't know if I really fully believe that 100%. And that's not a degredation towards you.

KATHLEEN: It's, well, what do I feel? What do I think? Because I walked around my whole life not knowing what I thought or how I felt. And as soon as I started discovering what I liked what I thought, how I felt, what my truth was, that was a game changer because you start changing your life when you start taking that responsibility and it's a burning desire to want to be different.

KATHLEEN: It's a burning desire to be better because that's the only thing that's gonna change those paradigms. That's why I talk about the soul vision and coming from your heart because that's where your love sits.

KATHLEEN: And if you're not coming from any of that, it's just a dream. It's just a goal and it's just gonna be like a New Year's Resolution, it will be dead in two weeks.

KATHLEEN: That's why you have to have that burning desire. I mean, and you demonstrated that in your life, you had a burning desire to ride horses.

KATHLEEN: Yeah, you created.

LUCIE: It was there was nothing that was gonna stop me. It was on a mission. But I love so many. It's like you have to really differentiate what is it, is something, what's that thing in your life that you keep saying that you want?

LUCIE: And you're like, OK, I keep saying that I want it and I just, every single year it's on my New Year's Resolution or like I just can't seem to make progress towards this thing. And so it's like, is it a want or is it a desire because wants live in the conscious mind wants flow to us.

LUCIE: And yeah, I want this and I want that and I want this, but the key, the work is converting the want in the conscious mind to a desire in the subconscious mind. And you know that you've successfully moved a want into a desire when your behavior changes because once your behavior starts changing, then you know that you are going to make progress towards that goal or that vision.

LUCIE: And so I love, like, I love differentiating the difference between it because wants are easy. They take no effort, the desire, you're gonna have to put the work in, you're gonna have to start making different decisions, taking different actions. And that's where we get caught up in our identity.

LUCIE: We have these identities of like how long have you been new for how many years, for how many decades we're used to being who we are and we're comfortable with the results that we have. And the problem is is that our mind is not, it's not wired to make us happy or keep us fulfilled.

LUCIE: Our mind is designed to keep us safe and keep us alive. So that means keeping us away from anything that's unfamiliar, anything that feels dangerous or it makes us nervous. And so what does that mean? That means our mind does not work on us leaving our comfort zone and what our comfort zone is is anything that feels familiar to us.

LUCIE: And so while it's called a comfort zone, there may, there might be several different emotions that aren't necessarily comfortable that we're familiar with, it might be pain.

LUCIE: There might be like, I know people that they're so familiar with living in a state of, pain or suffering or overwhelmed or they're so used to being frustrated or upset that they've taken these identities on as their own as who they actually are.

LUCIE: So it's about understanding that recognizing that and then choosing to really shift or transform your entire identity because you are exactly where you are today based on every decision that you've made up until this point. So therefore, if you want a new reality, a new future, a new destiny, you want to achieve unprecedented success, that means that you're gonna have to start taking actions that you've never taken before.

LUCIE: You're gonna have to become a person that you've never been before. And so that's the death of the ego. That's super scary. That's why it's easy to make goals, but it's really hard to actually follow through and achieve them because you have to become an entirely different person.

LUCIE: And so that's why I'm so obsessed with teaching all of my clients how exciting it is to rewire your mind and transform your identity because that's how you're gonna take massive action, make progress towards your goals.

KATHLEEN: Baby steps. That's what I always say is baby steps because one baby step will change the trajectory of your life.

KATHLEEN: What is one piece of advice that you would offer our audience to help them move in a different direction, to achieve their dreams or become a better person?

LUCIE: I would say the understanding, understanding the power of your state and that energy is everything we live in a vibrational universe and you don't attract what you want, you attract what you are. So what I love teaching my clients is hi cat.


LUCIE: I feel like the fact that if decisions shape our destiny, what is it that influences our decisions and it's our emotional state. So if we're in a peak state and we're feeling absolutely amazing, just full of life and passion. We feel unstoppable. How many hours a day do you live in a peak state?

LUCIE: How many hours a week? How many hours a month are you operating in a peak state? Because when you're in a peak state, you're making radically different decisions than you are. When you're just living in mediocrity. Are you living in the day to day or you're living frustrated or upset or irritated or scared?

LUCIE: And so therefore, it's really important to be able to control your state. And so we have a whole toolbox of techniques, tips and tricks about how to recognize when you're operating out of alignment and then to be able to elevate your state, raise your vibration and start feeling good that you can feel unstoppable.

LUCIE: And not only so you can make amazing decisions and make progress towards your goals, but also so you can experience the best that there is in life again, like we live in a vibration universe where like attracts like and when you wake up and for example, you meditate every day, you close your eyes, you raise your vibration and you allow all the resistance to just wash away what you're doing each morning is you're raising the vibrational bar and you're letting the universe know this is where I want to operate.

LUCIE: I'm only gonna accept things that are going to delight and surprise and inspire me and therefore, or anything that's operating in a lower vibration, whether it's somebody cutting you off or traffic or forgetting something or just a whole myriad of things that could potentially go wrong.

LUCIE: They can't, they don't have access to you, they can't reach you because you're not operating on that vibration any longer. So, really, I think the most important thing is understanding your energy and how to control it.

KATHLEEN: How can people get a hold of you, Lucie?

LUCIE: We actually have a robust 16 week program that we have condensed into a training. It's gonna be a free training just for your audience. If they go to ultimate success, blueprint.com/awakening Spirit, they can go ahead and download.

LUCIE: It's an hour and a half three segment training on how filled with tips and tricks on how to intentionally rewire your subconscious mind, transform your identity and start taking massive action towards your dreams.

KATHLEEN: Oh, well, thank you so much for that. What a beautiful gift. Yeah. Well, I wanna thank you so much for being on the show today. I know it's the fastest hour of the week as far as I'm concerned. So I wanna thank you so much for coming in, especially on such short notice. Lucie. I really thoroughly enjoyed our conversation.

LUCIE: Yeah, me too. I had so much fun. I knew as soon as I met you that we were gonna have an amazing podcast together.

KATHLEEN: We sure did. So if you, if you guys enjoyed the video, please feel free to pass it on to your friends or family and please subscribe or like the show and I wish all of you a happy and joyful and blessed week and from my heart to yours have a great week.

Lucie PtasznikProfile Photo

Lucie Ptasznik

National Speaker, Coach & Entrepreneur

Lucie is a peak performance coach and national speaker who helps people transform their identity and rewire their subconscious mind to take massive action towards their goals. She challenges entrepreneurs and business professionals to step outside of their comfort zone, to dream BIG and to become the best versions of themselves mentally, physically, financially & spiritually.

With a background in quantum physics, she boldly teaches that you are the powerful creator of your own reality. Through special mind hacking tools & techniques, she teaches people the power of awareness, how to take back control of their life and how to achieve the success they have always dreamed of having!