Sept. 12, 2023

Discover the Secrets of Hawaii's New Earth Portal with Seph Deitlin

In this podcast, Kathleen and Seth Deitlin discuss Seth's journey as a human potential activator and his experiences as an angel communicator. Seth shares how he reached out to the angels during a difficult time in his life and developed a tangible relationship with them. The angels guided him to do certain things, resulting in miraculous outcomes. They also revealed to him that the world would soon undergo a transformation, with humanity discovering its full potential and no longer needing systems like governments, money, and religion. Seth explains that Hawaii, where he currently resides, is a portal for the New Earth and plays a special role in bringing in new blueprints for a better world. He mentions recent events in Hawaii, such as volcanic eruptions and fires, and how the people there demonstrate resilience and the "Aloha Spirit" in the face of adversity. Kathleen shares her own experiences with grid work and the excitement of seeing these portals open and activate, bringing hope for a brighter future. The podcast provides insights into spiritual awakening, the power of intuition, and the potential for positive change in the world.

They discuss various topics including the Kona Cloud Forest Sanctuary, the importance of calibration, and the shift towards a non-linear relationship with money. The conversation takes place in Hawaii and focuses on the concept of expansion and transformation. Seph shares a personal story about experiencing upheaval before a period of expansion and how it revealed new insights and actions. They emphasize the power of shifting perspectives and approaching challenges with love and openness. The podcast highlights the importance of connecting with nature and the quantum field, as well as the potential for miracles and abundance in non-linear relationships with various aspects of life. The conversation offers guidance and encouragement for listeners to embrace change, face their fears, and trust in the process of transformation.

In a captivating narrative, a wise and serene Seph Deitlin shared a deeply personal yet universally relatable story with the audience. He recounted a life-altering experience from over two decades ago when he reached out to the angels during a time of personal crisis. Miraculously, the angels revealed themselves, touching Seph's life in profound ways, introducing him to an extraordinary journey.

The essence of the story revolved around the angels' revelation of the imminent "Heaven on Earth." According to Seph's angelic guidance, humanity was on the brink of a transformative shift where established systems, such as governments, money, and religions, would eventually collapse. This dissolution marked the emergence of a more awakened, empowered, and healed human race, no longer dependent on these structures.

Hawaii played a pivotal role in this narrative, representing a portal to New Earth blueprints and a higher vibrational frequency. Seph's journey to Hawaii, guided by the angels, symbolized a return to a more harmonious, natural state. He described the Aloha spirit, emphasizing its significance as a catalyst for change, even in the face of adversities like the fires in Maui and Lahaina.

Seph highlighted the importance of non-linearizing linear structures, specifically the evolving relationship with money. He discussed humanity's transition away from a linear system, offering glimpses of a future where financial abundance flowed effortlessly, mirroring the Creator's boundless creativity. The narrative unfolded with an underlying message of awakening, unity, and the collective journey toward a more harmonious and transformed world.

Dancing Souls Book One - The Call

Dancing Souls Book Two - The Dark Night of the Soul

Dancing Souls Book Three - Awakened

De-Stress Meditation


KATHLEEN: Today I have Seth Deitlin with me and he is a human potential activator and a new thought leader. He is a conscious filmmaker, content creator, certified hypnotherapist and a psychic medium and energy healer. He is the author of the ascension of the angels.

KATHLEEN: He facilitates courses and events designed to empower others to access higher levels of consciousness, awareness, conscious awareness, through communication with their angels and the quantum field of intelligence.

KATHLEEN: As an angel communicator himself, s message message focuses on their revelations and the guidance for humanity in heralding the New Earth, a collective conscious revolution and the transformational process that humanity is currently experienced. Welcome. Seth.

SEPH: Thank you for having me, Kathleen. It's good to see you Aloha from Hawaii.

KATHLEEN: Yeah, I know. I want everybody to know a little bit about you. If you can talk a little bit about yourself and how you got on this journey and this path and then the amazing story that you have being in Hawaii at this time. I've been to Hawaii.

KATHLEEN: I absolutely love it and I'm jealous on some level. I have a little bit of jealousy of being in paradise even though you're in the middle of an active volcano. I think that would be some fun stuff to talk about.

SEPH: Absolutely. Well, first of all, regarding this story, I wanna frame this in a way that the audience can relate to themselves because as we know, we hit this certain point in our lives where everything seems to be falling apart or as it said, falling together.

SEPH: At 20 some years ago, 20 plus years ago, I had one of those moments and I found myself reaching for the angels and asking to have a tangible relationship with them. It occurred, I ended up hearing from them in that moment. I was having a bit of a, quite a bit of a meltdown in my life and they came to me in a certain form. I felt them touch me.

SEPH: On top of that, I heard them speak to me from within and I felt their presence in the room. So did my pets to make sure the story is kind of short and sweet. After that, I heard them speak to me. Apparently that channel had been opened. That increased more and more and over a period of a few months, they started guiding me to do things.

SEPH: Whenever I would go do whatever they guided me to do, miraculous things would occur. I had this fun relationship with them, which at that time, you wouldn't really talk about that kind of thing. I didn't. Eventually they revealed to me through the expansion of being able to speak to them that the world would be changing very soon.

SEPH: They called it the coming of heaven on earth. They had indicated that the earth in its current form did not live up to the full potential that the creator created it to be. That all of the systems that we have learned to trust and give our power to would collapse because we would discover our full potential and we would no longer need them.

SEPH: That included the governments of the world, the money system, religions, the medical system, because we'll be able to heal our bodies with our consciousness. A lot of other systems that are ancillary to all of that.

SEPH: After they revealed that, that I ended up discovering that all of those systems are sort of colluded into what we could call the Matrix. The main show or the main event that's occurring is that humanity is waking up and remembering how powerful it is. That other part about the Matrix dissolving is not really the main story, although sometimes we can make it to be that.

SEPH: Ultimately, what I've learned through this process is that we all have access to these very special ways that we can bring in the memory of our highest version of ourselves. That's what you do. That's what most of the people who would be listening to this.

SEPH: To the audience, that's what you do in the audience. Sometimes it's fun, sometimes it feels like we're dancing on clouds and sometimes it feels like we've been beaten to the ground, right? But we get to have these wonderful conversations about that. Now, Hawaii is a very interesting experience as well and it has a relationship with the New Earth.

SEPH: Several months ago, I was guided by the angels. I live my life completely on this guidance and with specificity, they are always very specific with me. They said go to Hawaii, the big island and I'm like, ok. Then they gave me a specific date and they sent me here with eight nights of accommodation and 21 days of rental car.

SEPH: It didn't take me long to figure out that they were sending me home and the energy here, it's a whole another dimensional frequency and this is a portal for New Earth blueprints and it was an activation and a vibration. It was a big huge change for me.

SEPH: But I found myself feeling more open in my heart than ever. This is a beautiful place. It's not just the, the natural beauty, the place, it's also something energetic. The Aloha Spirit is what it's called and there's a portal for the New Earth.

SEPH: Recently there were events in the islands, the fires on Maui and Lahaina. It's very interesting because that plays a role in bringing in the New Earth. Hawaii plays a very special role in being a portal for these blueprints. Ultimately, anything that would not be interested in humanity becoming the powerful version of itself and unpacking those blueprints.

SEPH: In other words, the energy of the Matrix would like to hold back the earth and ultimately what is happening. I did an event recently in Maui, an intent and prayer event for. I went to Maui and put my feet on the ground with another beautiful healer.

SEPH: We did these ceremonial events of energy healing. While I was there, I met these wonderful people and their resilience, they're is going to show us how we move through these events because this switch or this up leveling is going to come with it.

SEPH: A fair amount of upheaval. We've already experienced a good amount of that through the past several years of watching what's happening on the world stage. But they're doing a beautiful job of demonstrating how we move through this with the Aloha Spirit.

SEPH: It was absolutely, I wanna cry just thinking about it like. I people who lost their homes and everything and they are so in line with how this plays a role in the New Earth, literally with those words and how this plays a role in the betterment of not just Hawaii but the entire world.

KATHLEEN: Wow, I got goose bumps as you're talking. Hawaii is the sunken Lamurian Continent. It would make sense that this energy is coming back. I know the energy of Hawaii is, it's feminine energy, it's pure feminine energy.

KATHLEEN: It doesn't have that aggressiveness and it's all about your heart opening. Everybody that I have ever met who lived in Hawaii for any length of time came back and it was a harsh readjustment coming from this love vibration to the intensity and the garbage that we have in western civilization with the money and people not being nice and our government is going crazy and crime rates and all of that.

KATHLEEN: I remember because I went to Hawaii to the island of Kaui, that was a bucket list of mine, I had the opportunity to go to Kaui.

KATHLEEN: It was with Patricia Cota-Robles as one of her events. It was amazing. It was an amazing experience. I finally got in the water and it was, oh, they're not kidding that these are the healing waters of Hawaii.

KATHLEEN: I don't know what if it was on your website or what I saw. I went to that island and I went to that beach that you filmed at one point where the double Rainbow was.

KATHLEEN: I know that beach, I know that it's permanently embedded in my brain because it's beautiful and it's, wow, what a gift. When you said that this is heaven on heaven coming down to earth, I remember it was in the late nineties when I got the message of I started creating oil of heaven and earth.

KATHLEEN: I have to shift everybody because most people want to go from their heart, shut down from their heart down pretty much because they don't want to feel all that lower chakra. But we have to take all of us with us.

KATHLEEN: What spirit had told me back then was create the blends where that it's the lower vibration, the high energy essential oils are lower and the grounding energies are going above. I'm flipping to get people to bring all of them back.

KATHLEEN: It creates this amazing blend because I've always wanted to live in the stars and well, I lived in the stars. Let's just say I did that and now I'm grounded on the earth and some days I want to go back home.

KATHLEEN: But the whole point is that we're taking it and we're living by example. The light workers are out here, we're doing what we need to do. It's about living by example, because there's so much noise out there.

KATHLEEN: It's the feeling that we generate and to do a ceremony like that with what you said and the people are responding in a loving open awareness that this is a New Earth that they're bringing in. What a gift for them to see that even though they lost everything.

SEPH: Yes. In speaking to what you mentioned about being able to feel grounded and being able to feel again. That is one of the nice things about being invited to be back here is because the land is alive with the Aloha Spirit.

SEPH: All I can explain is that I feel happy to be alive again and I'm gonna be getting on a plane tonight to go back to the mainland to do work there. It is sad because I do know what you're talking about because when you get back onto that ground and you're not surrounded by that activation, it is a very interesting experience.

SEPH: I'm gonna go to Sedona, which will be a nice sort of more cushioned landing in that sense. But ultimately, it's nice to get back into where you feel good in your body and say, oh my gosh, it feels good to open back up and be in the body again.

SEPH: I know that right now, I'm constantly meeting other conscious luminaries, light workers, conscious people who are here and they literally got the same invitation from spirit that told them to come here right now. A lot of people are coming here to be activated.

SEPH: If you, the listener has this very strange desire to go to Hawaii that you cannot explain, let this be a sign a validation that even though you may even be guided to come here with zero plans or reason, it reveals itself in a short amount of time. I'm already in the community here. Like I mentioned, a bunch of us went and did a ceremony because the volcano is erupting again.

SEPH: Now, that's nothing unusual, by the way, because there's Hawaii volcanoes National Park and it's the crater, the caldera in the park and it becomes active and then it's not active and then it becomes active and it's become active twice while I've been here and it became active this week.

SEPH: We all went down there and did a Hawaiian ceremony of giving gifts to Pele through the crater. Being together and it was amazing because I had to reflect on the fact that I took this intuitive hit of guidance from the angels to come here. The next thing I'm part of this beautiful high vibrating tribe of people.

SEPH: Again, to the listeners, if you're hearing an interesting vibration to go anywhere for that matter, Sedona is a very active portal right now, Portugal is a very active portal. There's very active portals in Florida as well. ount Shasta is one of the few places in California that still has an active portal.

SEPH: There used to be a very active portal that's where I'm from in Southern California and it got kind of let's say shut down a little bit. The portal in California and there's all kinds of different areas where these portals are. There's portals in South America too. Peru Brazil, those areas as well.

KATHLEEN: I have Seth Delin here today and we are talking about all the various portals that are opened.

KATHLEEN: If you're getting a strange calling out of nowhere to go someplace to get woken up, I would say, as he would say, follow your heart because you will never be disappointed by any means when you follow your heart on something like that.

KATHLEEN: know that you're talking about South America. Do you have any plans to go to South America and do any work? Have they talked to you about that or is it right now you're just guided towards Sedona?

SEPH: Sedona is a temporary spot and then I'm gonna be back in Southern California for a little while. I've been doing a lot of events, channeled angel events with activations their calibrations actually. Then I'm going to be in Florida and then I will be in Brazil for a little bit and Portugal for a little bit, those are the places I'm being called.

SEPH: I'm also married to a Brazilian, so that helps as well. I'm going back there to actually, visit my spouse. But the idea here is that there will be work there and then we're going to Portugal as well.

SEPH: Speaking of portals, there's also some in Croatia as well that are opening up. But one of the things I heard from the angels is that it's a massive activation right now. There's a lot of different hot spots and places that you wouldn't usually expect there to be.

SEPH: There's some places that you would expect them to be like Hawaii, Mount Shasta, Sedona and in England, in places like that, but also Lake Titicaca and all different kinds of places in South America and Australia. Actually even in Asia, we usually think of that place as fairly locked down by communism, but I don't know this from actually seeing proof of it.

SEPH: I heard from the angels that there are portals that are opening up in China too that are waking up people there. That's nothing that we will actually hear about right away. But the divine design is to reach all, all are one. There are portals that are opening up in places like that as well.

KATHLEEN: Two weeks ago, I had Zak Lioutas on the show and she was being called to go to Halifax in Nova Scotia to open a portal. She's been, and I've done a lot of grid work. I mean, a lot. I set up the actual structural foundation of the grid work.

KATHLEEN: Then in 2017, we connected from Colorado all the way to Tennessee to get that straight line moving across the Bible belt because that's a pretty so called, not dark but dim. I would say it's more of the dogmatic type religions instead of spirituality. It was about helping to bring some more light into that area where people are more accepting and all of that.

KATHLEEN: But the whole point is hearing what you're saying and the dream that I had way back when I was in my twenties of spirit taking me above the earth and showing me the globe and then they turned on the lights and it was an amazing place.

KATHLEEN: As you're saying, I got goose bumps, I mean, I can't stop the goose bumps today. You're saying that and I'm seeing this vision of 40 years in the making to get these portals to finally open and activate. It's exciting. This is exciting news because I think we need things like this, that there's hope.

SEPH: Yes. This journey has actually been a lot longer than that in the making. With my conversations with the angels, they indicate that we journeyed into this so-called darkness for discovery. Now we're journeying out of it and back into home, which is a place that we already know. Now, it's interesting because I did a virtual activation over the weekend.

SEPH: In other words, I did that on Zoom for people all over the world. It was from the Kona Cloud Forest Sanctuary. The interesting story about the Kona Cloud Forest and how it is that I would have done that from there is that the cloud forest was deforested by the cattle industry. In the eighties, someone purchased this property and allowed the cloud forest to return.

SEPH: Cloud forest is 1% of forests in the world and they play a very interesting part in the environment. For example, in Hawaii, they create these, there's rain that happens on that part of the island, which is how you have Kona coffee because of the rains that come in at a certain time of the day. But these clouds form because the cloud forest is there at that elevation.

SEPH: Then the cooler waters that come from the rain come from these clouds are seeded by this forest, then end up going down to the water and creating the cool water that go down and cool down the water and it's very interesting. The impact that this one forest has on everything and it's been restored. They have trees now that are 100 ft tall that have grown back in the forest is absolutely beautiful.

SEPH: The Kona Cloud Forest represents the New Earth because the New Earth isn't a New Earth at all. It's the original one that we are familiar with. Only that the journey into the darkness is complete. The discovery is made and we're journeying back into the fullness of being and the cloud force represents the return to divine design.

SEPH: Between the activation energy, calibration energy of Hawaii and the New Earth blueprints and being centered in a space that had actually returned to its divine design when we go plant ourselves there and then broadcast that frequency it's felt through or received through the quantum field. Diane who is now a really good friend of mine.

SEPH: It's her father who created this sanctuary and rescued this forest. She mentioned that a lot of people come there for eco tourism expecting a botanical experience and end up having a profound healing. They do sound bowels and things like that there too. But what's interesting about that? It's a very interesting conversation because this isn't where we expected to go with this today, is it?

SEPH: But but it is beautiful conversation because interestingly enough, there's so many places in nature where we are find ourselves in direct communication with the quantum field, which is the mind of the creator. When we do that, shifts occur that when we are in wherever Houston or Phoenix or wherever, in the full on concrete jungle of L A or whatever, we can't necessarily calibrate that.

SEPH: Calibration is a huge key right now. Most of my work that I'm doing now that I got guided by the angels is all about calibration. Whether I'm doing, teaching a class or doing a seminar or events or whether I'm doing a one on one session with someone, it's all about the focus on the calibration because all of that moves through us.

SEPH: Right now we're being calibrated to activate what you could call our, our dormant parts of our fullest self. We're activating that and we're actually seeing amazing miracles, we're seeing amazing miracles, Just fun and interesting things. I've got stories and stories, not only things that I've seen that have just like blown my mind, but also I hear them too.

SEPH: One of those is that we're moving into a non linear relationship with money.

SEPH: What does that mean? We have a money system that's based in linearity, one plus one equals two or two minus one equals one. If I have $50,000 in the bank and something costs me 25,000 now, I have 25,000 less. Right? It works like that.

SEPH: But we're actually in a space where we're actually transcending that linearity in a way of bringing money to us in a certain way where we'll get to have these experiences where we look at our bank account and go. Where did that money come from? I don't know. But we're not supposed to ask and we're not supposed to count it.

SEPH: This is how we're moving away from the old system into the new because the angels say for example, that money and our creativity through this process is meant to mimic the creator. They had this interesting comparison because the world that we've lived in, which is the Matrix or the linear world that left brain dominated world that we've lived in.

SEPH: Here's the creator who creates with unconditional love, the joy of creativity, infinite imagination and possibilities and potentials, nothing blocks or gets in the way or limits that creation. Well, here's this other world where we create floating quotes with strain hardship, greed, fear and everything is limited.

SEPH: You can get to the end of a resource and suddenly you can't create anymore. That is not the nature of the creator. If you look in the untouched areas of nature where man hasn't pilfered it yet, with its mentality, it thrives based on this quantum principle, which is this expansion is more expansion is more expansion.

SEPH: We're stepping into this period where we're leaving our old linear relationships behind and going into non-linear relationships with linear structures such as money, which is provision. We're moving into that. This is what the angels have been sharing with me.

SEPH: We're moving into that in a very powerful way where we're actually nonlinear linear structures. That's how this transformation takes place. I'm not saying it's gonna be a magic carpet ride because it's not. But for those of us that are awake and aware and constantly connected, we'll find ourselves experiencing the strangest of miracles.

SEPH: I love the way they put that when they speak about this non linear relationship with things like money and our health and the other ones too, relationships and all the other is that there is an opportunity to actually create miracles in there, but also see things that defy what we thought was limiting.

KATHLEEN: Wow. So many things are just running through my mind and I want to share a little bit of what I picked up and gathered for people that if this is the first time they're hearing this, I'm living this experience on different levels. I think this might help them to tie it together on what may be happening in their life.

KATHLEEN: Things that he said started to make more sense of what I'm being driven to do. Everybody knows that I've had this water loss issue going on in my home.

KATHLEEN: I've been asking, guide me, show me. It was a stepping stone of foundational work, ok? It's my basement crawl space kind of thing and holes in the foundation around the house. I kept moving and asking to be guided.

KATHLEEN: Then all of a sudden, it started to make sense and then it was, I'm dealing with the core of whatever this is that's holding me back. This core element of a paradigm, limited belief, whatever it is.

KATHLEEN: As you're talking, I had a friend pass away a couple of weeks ago that has wormed its way into my thinking and realizing and looking at all these paradigms that I had. A friend of mine, my mastermind woman, we decided we were going to write letters to the people that matter to us in our lives because we have very similar paths where we were invalidated.

KATHLEEN: Basically, we're told that we were worthless and so on and so forth and working through all of that dark negative side and coming through that because it's hard work to face those demons and to really trust spirit that you're going to be taken care of. Because the way the world looks, we don't think we will be, but that's not the truth of it.

KATHLEEN: It's everything that you said about the expansion and the creativity and the abundance because I noticed with me there are days when it's I have no idea how I manage to pay my bills every single month and yet I do.

KATHLEEN: I trust the fact that I'm taken care of and I'm provided for. I have been that way my whole life and really looking and changing my thinking about that. Look at the evidence that proves this instead of, well, you're a worthless piece of crap and you drill and drone and keep going down that road and it's no stop the thought you are a valuable person.

KATHLEEN: You're here for a reason on this planet because we need you and then start looking at the evidence of why people love you, people do love you. You can't be worthless if people love you. I think what I'm doing when you're talking, I'm sitting here going well, this explains all this contraction I'm feeling.

KATHLEEN: I also know this expansion is coming and I can feel it and I'm excited. If I'm crying, that's ok because crying is an emotional healing and get those emotions out so I can bring that much more love in because I'm opening my heart more.

KATHLEEN: I think with this activation and all the things that are going, it's all about bringing this love and light to the planet. That means if we've got darkness in us, that light's gonna come pouring in. You better face it because if you don't face it, you're gonna get crushed by it. Just do it find people.

KATHLEEN: There's so many people out there that can help us to move into that other direction. As aware as I am, I still need help. I still count on people to help me to get more clarity. You're just a prime example of every time I have a conversation with you, my mind goes poof that much more, so much with you. Yes.

SEPH: Well, boy, do I have a story for your audience and for you that actually really brings this into perspective because there is a really cool template of what we're talking about that I experienced recently and I was able to dissect it in such a way that it becomes helpful to anyone who gets to see this.

SEPH: When I came to Hawaii in April, it was love at first sight and I felt so expanded and so nonlinear, I felt so alive again. I was, oh man, I haven't felt this alive in a very long time and it just felt so good to feel alive again.

SEPH: I realized that I was here for a calibration and suddenly I realized, oh my gosh, you know what that means that there's going to be some upheaval because that always happens before there's some massive expansion. I was, no, maybe that can't be because I'm here and maybe I'm protected here and all this kind of stuff.

SEPH: Well, sure enough, these events started happening while I was here and I was getting frustrated because I'm in Hawaii. I wanna feel alive again. Like I felt before that want to feel fully alive again. It's, why did that get taken away from me?

SEPH: I went through it and I went through, it took like about a week of some, a chain of frustrating events including trying to outrun a wave and tweaking my back. I had to go the chiropractor, which there were no appointments available for a week and it was my back right near my root chakra and I could barely move. That sort of thing and it was very interesting.

SEPH: Then when I got back into the expanse I got to realize something through dissecting it was, oh, because I knew that people were coming and I knew that it was here while I was experiencing it. That didn't mean that I liked it and it didn't mean anything else, but I was watching for it to reveal something.

SEPH: What I got from the angels in that experience is that the purpose of upheaval before the expansion is two fold first, it has a revelation attached to it. Something that we didn't know and just to define not knowing, we already do know. We remember when we do know.

SEPH: It's a piece of knowing that we have in our higher library that it's time for us to have in our human being library of knowing. It reveals that so that we can have that it has a revelation that's connected to it. It always creates some action where we're short circuited in the ability to overthink the action that we're going to take.

SEPH: Sometimes we're under some sort of pressure under the upheaval and it may be sort of like the college student that's under the gun financially and doesn't want to call mom and dad for money and then all of a sudden I have no other choice. Bam, the phone call happens and everything is ok.

SEPH: It can be some of those things, maybe we were thinking about doing something but hesitant or fearful or whatever and suddenly it's, oh, no, I have to do this because this, I don't want to be under, this condition for very much longer, right?

SEPH: That's one of the ways but the upheaval has so much value and we usually don't want to talk about it. We want to avoid it. We want to get through it as soon as possible. One of the ways that we can do that is first when we start experiencing upheaval, we say, OK, there you are. What did you come here to reveal? Where are you taking me?

SEPH: Where would you, what would you like me to do? It isn't always the doing in the masculine sense as in doing because part of the work that I do, I've discovered that a paradigm shift, just a paradigm shift will shift our external reality, which is why these discussions are so potent and valuable.

SEPH: The angels taught me a long time ago when I was communicating with them that the minute I shifted the way that I saw something and this is where we get the minute that you change the way that you see something that something that you see will change and it happens because when you have that paradigm shift, it's actually connected to the actual creator of your reality.

SEPH: Even though it appears external or externalized, the creator of our reality is, let's say, like a projector that's on the inside. The minute that it shifts and sees something different, then what will happen is the external reality will do something massively different. It'll show up differently.

SEPH: A prime example of that is, let's say, we're upset with somebody and as we're upset with somebody, we move into our heart space, we decide we don't want to be upset with them anyway, we move into our heart space and we remember how much we love them and then all of a sudden out of the blue, they'll call us and apologize.

SEPH: They'll call us and say, hey, can we chat or whatever? I, I want to be at peace with you that will happen of its own accord. But it'll happen simultaneously as we've moved into our heart space. The clue is we can do that with everything, including our finances, including our bodies and our health, including any other relationship that we have.

SEPH: We step into our heart space about it and we change the way that we see it instead of seeing something that we're angry with or whatever, we see it as something that we love even if we don't know how or why we love that, loving something that we don't have a reason to not like, oh, there's a people I love you up people. What are you here to do?

SEPH: When I did the activation for Maui, one of the things that the angels asked me to do is have us send love to those that would want to capitalize on that crisis. That's the last thing we usually think about doing, right?

SEPH: But when we send love to people like that, who have their minds set on capitalizing on the losses of others, then when we send that love to those people, we actually disable them from being able to do that. If we send our love to our finances, even if we have 50 cents in the bank, right? If we send love to our money, instead of fear, it will expand, right?

SEPH: Just like our relationship with people, it will expand. Again, that comes back to where they're teaching us now that the real thing to understand is that we calibrate and we're expanding into a nonlinear relationship with a linear reality and that's where all of this is shifting and changing.

SEPH: When I came back from Hawaii once, I felt guided to go to Mount Shasta to create a bridge. I'm from Southern California, but I have family that lives in Seattle. I've driven up, I-5, up and down, so many times, 30-40 or whatever, every time I've always passed Mount Shasta, I've sort of looked in the distance and then, is that it, I think that's it or whatever.

SEPH: This time when I went there, I was driving pass in the freeway. It was right there. It was big, it was profound. I'm telling you, it had moved, it had moved to be closer to the freeway. Now, one of the things I understand though is that we're meant to sort of think of this like a simulation like a video game, right?

SEPH: All of it is sort of stored in the memory and we only access the part that we're at so we can shift and change the programs. I remember when I was driving back and forth at one point between San Diego and Sedona, I had gone to Sedona and had a huge transformational experience.

SEPH: I flew back to San Diego and two months later, I had to drive back to Sedona and the road was different. There were different plants, there were curves where there weren't curves before the road was different.

SEPH: That's why like when we come to Hawaii or if we're being called to somewhere or even just a calibration like a sound bath or like events when we do our calibration events or whatever when you're being called to that your reality, you're going to step into a higher dimensional version of your reality. There will be some freaky things that will change to show you that you're no longer in the same reality anymore.

KATHLEEN: I love it. I love it. Every bit of what you say is true. It's where your mind is and how you look at things changes. Again, this shows that we are very strong, powerful beings and we have the full capability to do everything our creator does.

KATHLEEN: We just have been dumbed down to think that we can't do anything and I'm here to prove you wrong because I'm doing so many things that I never knew I could do and, and the more I do it, the easier it gets. My world keeps changing around me because I'm thinking so much differently. It's very powerful what you're talking about. It's very powerful and it's very empowering to all of us.

KATHLEEN: We are talking to Seth Delin about all this really cool expansive stuff about how to change our perspective, even though that's not what we're talking about.

KATHLEEN: It is what ultimately we are talking about is the changes and looking internally and taking on your own empowerment and realize that you are the creator and you are co-creating with the creator. It's not a one sided journey here.

KATHLEEN: We have a lot of help from the angels. I feel very blessed that I met you a couple of years ago on your podcast show that you had talked to the angels. I have felt that you are my soul brother on many levels because we immediately connected. Even though we don't stay in touch all the time, we do still stay in touch. I keep growing and learning when you speak.

KATHLEEN: What I'd like to do is we're going to be winding up the show. How can people get a hold of you if they want to buy some of your courses or have a reading or an activation? You're going to be traveling quite a bit. How can people get a hold of you, including me?

SEPH: First of all, thank you for having me here and to the audience. I really hope that you got something that is made you different, made you new because there is no limitation to what will change in the physical realm from doing what we normally have written off as being superfluous and not powerful whatsoever.

SEPH: We're at the forefront here of discovering how powerful what we've written off is powerless truly is. We're having a blast with it and we want you to have a blast with it too. My website is talk to my angels dot com. It's talk to my angels dot com. From there, I created a community and the community is growing to connect like minds.

SEPH: There's no pay wall to join. It's not a monetized community. It is so that the soul tribe across the globe can meet each other. There are two events there every month and it's a beautiful way to connect with new people and the community is expanding. From there, you can order a deck of the ascension with the angels tarot.

SEPH: I teach a course ascension with the angels tarot course, which is about learning how to communicate with your angels through tarot. You can get in contact with me because I have another course that I'm getting ready to launch two more that I'm getting ready to launch.

SEPH: But there's a waitlist on there as well, but get in contact with me because one of them is literally about learning how to create reality with communication with the angels. I do readings and hypnotherapy and the hypnotherapy is angel infused. The New Earth Calibration Series is the activations that are also going to be virtual and live.

SEPH: There will be a calendar of events that show up on the website eventually. But if you're in a certain area where you want to see that or you have a tribe of people, you'd like for me to bring that to contact me on the website and I'd be happy to, set something up. It'd be great.

KATHLEEN: Well, cool. I'm gonna have to get on that. Your community I think you mentioned it before. I connected with you on linkedin. I think it was, but I didn't realize you had that community. I'm definitely gonna sign up there because now we're stronger when we're together. We become the laser beam.

SEPH: Yes. Well, here's a huge paradigm shift to this and one of the things that we don't realize until we realize and then we do, we realize. What I mean by that is when we stay engaged in these expansive conversations, we become in alignment with our highest power. Our mind is taken out of the way.

SEPH: Simply the act of staying in the constant stream of expansive conversation with other expansive people. If you wondered why any spiritual avatar has ever said, don't gossip, don't do all this. It's low vibrating stuff because it takes you out of your power. One of the things that takes us in the power because the community that I create is called the 444 charging station, which is a homage to the angels.

SEPH: It's how we charge energetically. The circle that we communicate within is called the quantum field of miracles. Literally just by connecting with each other and staying in expansive conversation like this, when we do that, we are in the state of being that creates the miracles.

SEPH: If we get out of that conversation and go fill up with gas and complain about how much it is, we've taken ourselves out of the field. Being in these conversations, that's why it's so powerful. That's why I love creating this community because the quantum field of miracles means that people go in there and charge up because when we get out there, it's not that easy to charge up.

KATHLEEN: We can get on a highway and we're going crazy because of the road rage and people driving like crazy people like it's a video game and that's enough to discharge you and be dropped down into the human side of us.

KATHLEEN: That's not where we want to be. I do a lot to try to stay in that and connecting with people and having people around me that I can speak with to stay energized and charged up because I want to get through this. I want to bring this New Earth in. I'm definitely gonna be joining you and seeing what you're up to because maybe I might join you on a few of your events.

SEPH: Absolutely. Absolutely. Yes. That is exactly it. I'm going to be launching a podcast as well called the Quantum Conversation. It literally is going to be a panel discussion so that we stay in that wonderful conversation and it's going to be a community.

SEPH: That's where the film that I'm being asked to create is coming from as well, create films about consciousness and the conscious movement as I'm a filmmaker and worked in the Hollywood system for a while back.

SEPH: I don't do that anymore, but I knew that I went in there to actually gain the craft so that I could serve the source at this particular time. But thank you so much for having me on the show and bless you.

KATHLEEN: Thank you for coming Seth. I really appreciate you giving up your time for us and all the great information and great ways and great work that you're doing on this planet.

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Seph Deitlin

Seph is a human potential activator and a new thought leader. He is a conscious filmmaker, content creator, certified hypnotherapist, angel psychic medium, and energy healer.

He is the author of the “Ascension with the Angels Tarot,” he facilitates courses and events designed to empower others to access higher levels of conscious awareness through communication with their angels and the quantum field of intelligence.

As an angel communicator himself, Seph’s message focuses on their revelations and guidance for humanity in heralding the new earth (a collective conscious revolution) and the transformational process that humanity is currently experiencing.