The Journey of an Awakening Spirit

Nick Barrett

Nick Barrett Profile Photo


Creator of CordBrick & Founder of CordBrick LLC, Nick Barrett is an entrepreneur and product developer. A recovering alcoholic of 6+ years, his mission to "BUILD Something" extends beyond his patented creation to 1. benefit non-profits that build & maintain housing for substance abuse recovery, and 2. to inspire others BUILD Something and to share their creation with the world!

Jan. 2, 2024

Overcoming Addiction: Inspiring Stories of Sobriety and Success

In this podcast, Kathleen Flanagan hosts a conversation with Nick Barrett. They discuss Nick's journey of becoming an awakening spirit and his recovery from alcoholism. Nick shares his background, including his struggles with alcohol, run-ins with the law, and time spent in jail. He reflects on theā€¦
Guest: Nick Barrett